Updates from Unitarian Universalists forJewish Awareness

Many members of Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness will be gathering in Morristown, NJ, March 14-16, 2014. This issue brings you updated information, reflections from attendees of our last gathering and a link for registration.  Hope to see you there!
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In This Issue
Jewish Voices in Unitarian Universalism 

Hotel Information
Morristown Hyatt House will be the official hotel for our gathering. Special Rates, $99 for one bedroom suites and $149 for two bedroom suites have been arranged. 
Use Special rates when reserving online and enter G-UUJA. Or call 973 971 0008 to make a reservation.
Shuttles will be available to take you to and from the gathering at the Morristown Fellowship.
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Registration Now Open for Jewish Voices in Unitarian Universalism Gathering 2014

 A national gathering of Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness (UUJA) will be held March 14-16, 2014 at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship in Morristown, New Jersey. 
     The theme is "Jewish Voices in Unitarian Universalism". It will feature the editors and contributors to the upcoming book by the same name (Skinner House Jan.2014) in conversation about Jewish identity, Judaism as a source tradition, Tikkun Olam and social justice, and the pluses and challenges of this hyphenated status in UU communities.

      Beginning Friday evening March 14 through midday Sunday March 16, the weekend will also include small havarot or spirituality groups, worship, a Purim celebration, special foods and fellowship.

      "As UUJA president and co-editor of the new collection of essays lifting up Jewish voices within our faith, I am eagerly awaiting this major event," says Rev. Leah Hart- Landsberg."When UU Jews, their friends and allies gather, it is for fun and friendship, intellectual engagement, spiritual connection, self-understanding and movement building."

      See left sidebar for information on Morristown Hyatt House.

      For more information go to www.uuja.org

Reflections from the Atlanta Gathering, 2011
     "The last Gathering was a place of connection, learning and unexpected fun! As a multi-relgious person, it's rare to get to bask in the warmth of others with similar identities. I learned some history, ate some great food, danced to upbeat music and made friends with other UU Jews from across the country. I can't wait for the next one!" - Rev. Leah Hart-Landsburg 
     "I was extremely impressed with the depth and meaningfulness of the programming at the last Gathering.  It helped me delve into what it means to be Unitarian Universalist and Jewish and to experience our Jewish Sources in practice throughout the weekend. The Gathering allowed me to connect with old friends and to develop new relationships that are part of my life today." - Rev. Jay Wolin  
     "I'm on the shy side and went to the Gathering alone, after having gotten involved in UUism only months before.  Almost immediately I felt at home.  I learned a tremendous amount--for example I  got to explore and better understand my deeply conflicted feelings about Israel/Palestine.  With others I shared my grief over the recent death of Debbie Friedman, and we spontaneously sang a few of her songs together. " - Deb Cohen
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