June 2015
In This Issue
Continuing Professional Growth Opportunities
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Welcome New Members
Sonia Franco
Interarq Arquitetos Associados

Tim Haggerty

Renata Shimizu
Gal Union

Kent Bain
Wood Bain Associates

Laura Henriquez Balcazar
HB Designers

Congratulations to our Consultant Members Pursuing Professional Membership! 

Senior Associates 
Bill Maidment 
Crabtree McGrath

Matthew Reis
Tallinger Associates

Diris Faria
Studioino - Arquitetura E Design SS LTDA



Education Provider

Imperial Brown

Job Postings on the FCSI Website

Visit the FCSI website for current job postings, and submit new job opportunities.

Spec Sheet Guidelines Updated

The Recommended Guidelines for Foodservice Equipment Catalog Specification Sheets have been updated. Originally developed in 1992, these guidelines were recently revised by FCSI and NAFEM.

Get the Guidelines Now

FCSI-TA and FSTC Webinar on Kitchen Design Now Available On-Demand!
FCSI-TA and FSTC presented a webinar on June 10 on Top Shelf Kitchen Design: 4 Steps to Efficient Equipment. 

The webinar was well attended and received many positive comments. One webinar attendee said, 'Excellent job, especially with the live website examples!'

FCSI would like to thank FSTC and Dick Eisenbarth for all their efforts on this webinar!

Want to see what all the buzz is about? Register now to view the webinar on line.
Are you Following FCSI on Facebook?

Are you following us on Facebook? Like us now to stay informed on the industry and the society.
Rock My Restaurant Back for Its 3rd Season
New Episode!
Product Review: Alto-Shaam's Xcelerate Oven
FCSI-TA Headquarters has a New Address
FCSI The Americas
3309 Robbins Road #171
Springfield, IL 62704
309-808-2165 (same phone)
A Message to FCSI-TA Members from the Chair


Dear Fellow Members,

Bill Taunton, FCSI


Commitment is probably one of the main characteristics a person should have when deciding to start a family, become a professional, or embark on any worthwhile journey in their life. We should be committed to everything we do in life if it is our desire to succeed.


When I read stories about successful people, whether they are entrepreneurs, professionals, consultants in any field, or employees in most any industry, commitment is their number one rule.


Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is committed to their jobs. I believe this is why there are so many people who are not happy and are not successful. They just flow with the wind. In the foodservice consulting business, we see many success stories and, unfortunately, we also see many unsuccessful stories. I believe the difference between these two is commitment. 


People who have this special thing called commitment seem to stand apart from the others. They are always available and teach their kids about hard work while demonstrating what that means every day.


If a professional association like ours wants to be successful, it is not only about the money or the number of members, it is also about the commitment of our teams, our committees, our boards, our allied members, and all our people.  So I ask each and every one of you to commit to it, to be part of it, to work for it, to help develop it, to be available for it and keep on going no matter how hard it is. Believe me, you will always find the time if you are committed.


Commitment shows for itself... Let me share a little story about this. During the NRA Show I was having dinner with our TA staff in Chicago (pizza of course), and Kimberly Kissel, FCSI-TA Director of Education, showed us a picture of her mother's day present made by one of her youngsters... a flower pot with the FCSI acronym painted on it. Can you imagine how committed she must be to our society and her work that her children are so familiar with FCSI? That is the commitment to FCSI that we want from every one of you. I guess Kimberly's kids will grow up knowing about FCSI, and who knows, maybe become consultants like us some day.


The amount of work and effort that many in our society do for the success of everyone sometimes overwhelms me. An enormous amount of work has been done on your behalf, thousands of miles have been traveled to put the FCSI name out there, and hundreds of people have been spoken to about the work we do. FCSI is out there because of the commitment of our volunteers.


I´m already ¾ done in leading our division, but the last ¼ of my term will continue to be full of activities as we work to grow our presence in Latin America by participating in events in Mexico City, Mexico, Santiago, Chile and Sao Paulo, Brazil. There is always much work to do to promote FCSI and I am committed to do my part. 


Thank you all very much and best regards.




William Taunton, FCSI-TA - Chair

Share Your Memories of Jim Little, FFCSI (PP)
Jim Little, FFCSI (PP)
FCSI is incredibly saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Little, FFCSI (PP), on Saturday, June 13. Jim was diagnosed with leukemia several months ago and fought a brief but valiant battle with the disease. He is survived by his wife, four daughters and their families.

FCSI would like to hear your Jim Little stories. We encourage you to share your stories on a forum we created on our website. We will create a booklet from your stories to send to Jim's family in a few weeks.

Share your memories of Jim

In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make a donation in Jim's memory may donate to: the FCSI Educational FoundationImagine A Cure for Leukemia or a charity of your choice.

Full Announcement from Cini-Little International
Chapter Update - FCSI-TA New England Chapter Hosts 42nd Annual Golf Outing Benefiting Wounded Warrior Project

The New England Chapters of FCSI and MAFSI successfully held their 42nd annual golf outing and reception on June 1. 

The charitable event, held at Andover Country Club in Andover, Ma., welcome 128 participants and 84 tee sign sponsors, raising a total of $20,900 for the Wounded Warrior Project and will support the programs and services offered for this generation of injured veterans and their families. 

Join FCSI at the Abastur Show

Strong Membership Fuels the Society!
Refer a member between June 1 and September 1 and receive a $20 gas card when their membership is approved!
Send this link to qualified candidates and remind them to include your name on their application.
Chapter Update - FCSI-TA Canadian Chapter Holds Educational Program
70 people were in attendance at the St. George Golf and Country Club in Toronto on June 11 for a very entertaining and informative evening with a topic that touched all aspects of our Foodservice Industry. 

The panel consisted of Dale Burnstad, FCSI, Edmonton, Alberta, Larry Bishop, Hobart Manufacturing (and Regional Allied FCSI member), Toronto , Danny Collis, Manufacturer Sales Representative (also a MAFSI member), Toronto, Matt Julien, Contract Manager, Hendrix Co, a Canadian Dealer situated in most Provinces of Canada, and moderator Patrick Watt, from A Day in The Life, St. John, New Brunswick.

The panel members were well prepared and presented their views on the evening's topic, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in a very professional manner. The evening was so well received that our moderator is going to prepare a White Paper for distribution to our industry.

The Canadian Chapter continues to be varied and informative in their events and invite all interested parties to attend their activities.
Congratulations to Senior Associates Moving Through the Professional Membership Process!
Congratulations to the following Senior Associates for achieving milestones in the Professional Membership Process: 
New Professional Member
Scott ReitanoReitano Design Group, 
for achieving Professional Membership with FCSI

Senior Associate Accomplishments
James Davella, James N. Davella Consulting, for passing the IKE, and the PSE Track #2, Request for Approval of Oral Presentation

Jim Kessenich, Reitano Design Group, for passing the IKE
FCSI-TA Student Initiatives Update
Help FCSI start student chapters and promote the student competition throughout the division by getting in touch with your alma mater, or printing this two-sided flyer when you visit any higher institution schools.

Contact Kimberly to pass along any school contacts you may have.  

Join FCSI at the Espacio Show

By John Turenne, FCSI, CPSTA Leader
John Turenne, FCSI

"If you've got experience in the industry, you can be a consultant." "It's easy, anyone can do it." "The check is in the mail."  What do these comments all have in common? They may not always be true. 


Let's face it, most of us, if not all, come out of the foodservice industry - an industry not lacking for pride and enlarged egos. Well justified most often, but self-proclaimed nonetheless. But sometimes one's beliefs and one's actual abilities may not align. Compelled to attest a food service consultant's competencies is where CPSTA comes in.  You need to pass our standardized testing process in order to ensure you have the skills and knowledge to be recognized as a Professional member of FSCI.


Recent FCSI Professional Members recognized at the 2015 FCSI Symposium.


The Council for Professional Standards' tasks, as set forth by the World Wide Board, include setting the standards of performance, administering and measuring the core competencies for Professional Members of FCSI.  So rest assured, to make it into this organization, you need to "walk the walk". When you have gone though and passed the exam process, you have earned the right to feel proud. Go ahead and inflate that ego and tell the world: "I am a Professional member of the Foodservice Consultants Society International."


A Special Thanks to our 2015 Direct Connection Sponsors