March 2015
In This Issue
Continuing Professional Growth Opportunities
Full Calendar of Events
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Welcome New Members

Diris Maria Faria

Studioino - Arquiteture e Design SS LTDA 

Emmanuel Melo

Studioino - Arquiteture e Design SS LTDA 

Erich Tolksdorf

J.W. Buckley & Associates 

Matthew Hummel

Xcelerated Concepts LLC

Sheldon Heard

WSP Group Canada


Education Provider

FCSI-TA Executive 
Director Interviewed by Food-related Podcast
Food Marketing Podcast recently interviewed FCSI The Americas Executive Director Wade Koehler, CAE on how his company has helped this organization thrive in recent times. Listen Now

Food Marketing Podcast explores strategies and tactics that successful entrepreneurs and marketers have used to reach their marketing goals. Their stories help inspire others to promote their brands and sell their products better.
Call for Presentations
2016 FCSI Nashville Conference
2014 Phoenix Conference

The 2016 Conference Planning Committee is looking for your best, most creative session ideas for FCSI's 2016 Conference. We are looking for cutting edge topics, the latest trends in Kitchen Design, Business Practices, Collaboration, Contracts, POS, Digital Signage, Furniture, Technology Methods, etc. Sessions can be open discussion-based, or any untraditional format you can think idea is too crazy! Submissions are due Friday, April 10. 

Submit your session idea

Job Postings on the FCSI Website

Visit the FCSI website for current job postings, and submit new job opportunities.

Register for the NRA Show by April 3 for the best rate
Register by this Friday, April 3 for the best rate to the NRA Show. Register Now
NEW LOCATION - Upper Midwest Reception at the NRA Show
The Upper Midwest Reception at the NRA Show has a new location! Join us at The Godfrey Hotel at 127 W. Huron at LaSalle in Chicago on Sunday, May 17 from 5-7 p.m. Ensure your spot for this popular event - Register Now
FCSI Senior Associates - Register for the Industry Knowledge Exam at the NRA Show
The Industry Knowledge Exam (IKE), the multiple choice written exam, will be offered in Chicago in conjunction with the NRA Show. Sign up with Kimberly
FCSI-TA Needs Your Help with the Student Chapter and Student Competition Initiatives

James Camacho, FCSI

Dear FCSI-TA Members, 


I am pleased to share details on the recent work of the ICON Committee whose mission is to expose new people to the foodservice industry. The FCSI-TA Division, in conjunction with the leadership of the ICON Committee, is committed to raising awareness about FCSI and Foodservice Consulting as a profession by supporting student chapters at colleges, universities and culinary schools that offer continuing education within the foodservice industry. With the groundwork in place, we turn to you, the membership, for assistance. 


FCSI-TA is proud to support student chapters throughout the Americas at most any college, university and culinary school. To be successful, we need your help. If you have a contact at your alma mater or other school, please help us by reaching out to your contact to raise awareness about the opportunities FCSI has to offer, or feel free to contact FCSI-TA Headquarters to get started. You can also visit the FCSI-TA Student Chapter webpage to learn more about starting student chapters as well as the rules for entering the student competition.   


Rules and other details related to the FCSI 2016 Student Competition have been finalized. The winning entry will win $5000! The competition is set around developing an innovative project related to the hospitality industry, hotel business or catering industry. Submissions are in the form of a business plan. Finalists of the student competition will be presenting their plan at the 2016 FCSI Nashville Conference. 


Learn more about Student Chapters and the Student Competition


Download this 2-sided flyer to share


The ICON Committee (Inspiring Consultants through Opportunity and Networking) promotes the participation of new and emerging members of FCSI-TA. Thank you to the 2015 ICON Committee for their commitment to this important project: 2015 ICON Committee Chair Mike Wrase, outgoing Chair Brett Daniel, AJ Barker, Jennifer Murphy, Garrett Lennon, Anja Kuechenmeister, David Oshota, Tara Bliss and Board of Trustees liaison Ian Jameson, FCSI. Also, a special thanks to outgoing ICON Committee Member Amy Hegarty, CID, ASID, CFSP, FCSI for her leadership to this important committee. 


I hope you will join me, the FCSI-TA Board of Trustees, the ICON Committee, and the membership at large to help in these efforts. This is a valuable and imperative project in helping ensure we have knowledgeable, outstanding peers to pass the torch to, and I hope you are as committed about this long term project as I am.



James Camacho, FCSI

FCSI-TA - Chair-elect

Cini-Little International, Inc. Announces Senior Management Changes 
Ted Farrand, FCSI
Dick Eisenbarth, FCSI

Richard Eisenbarth, FCSI, has been named President & COO of Cini-Little International, Inc. and Theodore Farrand, FCSI has been appointed new Director of Management Advisory Services (MAS)  

Full Press Release for Dick Eisenbarth, FCSI.
Full Press Release for Ted Farrand, FCSI.

On behalf of FCSI, CONGRATULATIONS Dick and Ted!
2015 FCSI Symposium 
Click on the picture to view and download pictures from the Symposium
Many of you have requested copies of the slides from the outstanding education sessions that were presented at the FCSI Symposium last month. Most presenters have made their programs available on our website.
Thank you to our Symposium Sponsors
Ali Group
American Panel


Continental Refrigerator
Duke Manufacturing
Eagle Group

FWE / Food Warming Equipment 

SPG InternationalVulcan
Imperial Brown
Kason IndustriesKitchens To Go
Micro Matic



Unified Brands

Clabo USA 

Follett Corporation
Gaylord Industries
New Age Industrial
True Food Service Equipment
Wood Stone Corporation

NAFEM Presents Honorary Doctorate of 
NAFEM President Michael Whiteley, CFSP (Hatco Corporation), William Taunton, FCSI (Gastrotec S.A.) and The NAFEM Show Chair Rob Connelly, CFSP (Henny Penny Corporation)
Foodservice Awards 
Last month, NAFEM bestowed its Doctorate of Foodservice (DFS) award, presented at each NAFEM show to allied hospitality association leaders in recognition of their contributions to the industry. FCSI Worldwide President, Jonathan Doughty, FCSI, and FCSI-TA Chair, William Taunton, FCSI, were among the recipients of this prestigious award.

Michael Whiteley, CFSP, Jonathan Doughty, FCSI (Coverpoint, A JLL Company) and Rob Connelly, CFSP
Honorees were recognized at the All-Industry Awards Breakfast during 
The NAFEM Show, Thursday, February 19, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California. 

            Full Press Release
Solutions 3 Conference Gains Industry Notoriety in Follow-up Articles  
The foodservice industry can't stop talking about the Solutions 3 Conference, held January 30! An article from Food Management talks about how the conference attracted directors from multiple industries, providing them the opportunity to learn from one other in the article Seattle Conference Crosses Segment Lines. Food Service Director reviewed Five things we learned at the industry's Solutions 3 Conference.
FCSI is proud to be part of this well attended, consistently successful, educational event.
Have you renewed your FCSI membership for 2015?  
We value your membership!
If you have not yet renewed your FCSI membership and paid your 2015 dues, your membership may be in jeopardy! To confirm whether or not your payment has been received, to make a payment, or to set up a payment plan if needed, please contact Penny, Director of Member Services, ASAP as we will begin suspending membership benefits in the coming weeks for those who have not yet renewed.  We look forward to continuing to serve you in 2015!
Doug Huber, CFA, CFSP, FCSI
Change is Good...
As spring graces us with thawing temperatures throughout the North American continent and fall brings cooler temperatures to our friends in the southern hemisphere, I am reminded of how good change can be. In fact, the Council of Professional Standards - The Americas has undergone change lately. And, the change has been good. 

In 2015, we welcome two new members to our committee: Ms. Connie Dickson, FCSI (Robert Rippe and Associates) and Mr. Kip Serfozo, FCSI (Camacho Associates). Connie and Kip bring a wealth of industry knowledge and energy to CPSTA. Their enthusiasm and support for professional standards will prove to be an incredible asset for the work done for FCSI-The Americas. Please congratulate Connie and Kip on the decision to support our Division.

Another notable change for CPSTA is in its leadership. John Turenne, FCSI (Sustainable Food Systems) has been selected to co-chair the committee in 2015 and serve as chair in 2016. His leadership skills were on display during CPSTA's latest meeting held in Chicago in March. It is with great pleasure that I share the leadership duties with John and eventually hand them off completely at the end of this year. The CPSTA is fortunate to have John as its leader through 2016.

Finally, on behalf of FCSI-The Americas and CPSTA in particular, I want to extend another warm "thank you" from the bottom of my heart to Michael Johnson, FFCSI; Karen Malody, FCSI and Joyce Fasano, FCSI. Each of these members served many years on the CPSTA (41 years combined service) and our Division progressed incredibly as a result of their efforts. Please join me in thanking them for their tireless service to FCSI-The Americas. 

In the meantime, enjoy the change of seasons and maybe we will bump into each other at the National Restaurant Show in Chicago in May.

Doug Huber, CFA, CFSP, FCSI
CPSTA Co-Team Leader, 2015

The Council for Professional Standards - The Americas (CPSTA) sets standards of performance for professional FCSI-TA consultants, administers core competencies set by FCSI WW, and measures performance for core competencies.
FCSI Pacific Northwest Chapter Networking Reception
The Pacific Northwest Chapter of FCSI invites you to attend a networking reception in conjunction with the Northwest Foodservice Show.

Sunday, April 26, 2015 ~ 5:30-7:30 PM

The Garden Room at Elephant's Delicatessen
(parking in the back)
115 NW 22nd Avenue ~ Portland, OR

General ticket: $50 ~ FCSI Consultant Members: $25

Hearty Hors d'Oeuvres ~ Selection of Northwest wines and beer

In support of the ICON initiative to develop Secondary Education Student Chapters, we have invited guests from some of the culinary and the design schools in the PNW. Please join us and welcome students and professors from the various schools. REGISTER NOW

Questions? Contact Joyce Fasano.

A Special Thanks to our 2015 Direct Connection Sponsors