February 2015
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Welcome New Members

Mark Sutherland

Vision Builders and Design


Jorge Umbacia

Um Arquitectos

Redha Widarsyah
Purdue University

Education Provider

Recent Professional Members Recognized at the FCSI Symposium

FCSI Consultant Members who became Professional Members from 2010 to present were recognized at the FCSI Symposium earlier this month. Congratulations to you! 


Marco Amatti
Min An
Par Bain
Mike Berard
Ann Delap
Connie Dickson
Pam Eaton
Ted Farrand
Brett Farrell
Nahum Goldberg
Christine Guyott
Amy Hegarty
Doug Huber
Juan Martinez
Juan Matamoros
Eric Norman
Dimas Oliveira
John Pace
Kristin Sedej
Kip Serfozo
Gabriel Stein
Chris Tripoli
John Turenne
Rolando Vinay
Steve Waltz

FCSI EAME Conference
Madrid, Spain ~ March 26-29
For questions, contact Sabine Wagner, Executive Director of FCSI EAME.
Call for Presentations
2016 FCSI Nashville Conference
2014 Phoenix Conference

The 2016 Conference Planning Committee is looking for your best, most creative session ideas for FCSI's 2016 Conference. We are looking for cutting edge topics, the latest trends in Kitchen Design, Business Practices, Collaboration, Contracts, POS, Digital Signage, Furniture, Technology Methods, etc. Sessions can be open discussion-based, or any untraditional format you can think of...no idea is too crazy! Submissions are due March 20. Submit your session idea

A Message to FCSI-TA Members from the Chair

Bill Taunton, FCSI and his daughter Maria

Dear Fellow Members,

As I stated in my December 2014 Direct Connection welcome letter, the Symposium event was looking very good for FCSI. I am happy to report that not only was it looking good - it turned out to be amazing.

For the first time, our attendance ratio was higher on the side of consultants rather than Allied members. This fulfills  long time dream of our Allied members, your Board of Trustees and the FCSI Staff. Yes indeed, the final count was 163 Consultant Members vs. 145 Allied Members.

The success of this event was largely due to the support from our Allied sponsors and the great job performed by the Symposium Planning Committee and the FCSI TA staff. Thank you all very much for a wonderful job. well done.

We had a great opening party at the Heat Ultra Lounge Nightclub where we reconnected with many old time friends and colleagues and danced the night away like teenagers! We were also entertained by Patrick Watt, the Wood Stoners, Christine Guyott and Kristin Sedej, and Kathy Petersen during FCSI's first ever Lip Sync Battle! What a party. The next day's Symposium provided attendees with a wonderful set of education sessions for which we have received rave reviews!  

The NAFEM show itself was also a big success! FCSI can report a great return on investment with several potential new member leads for the Division from the US and Latin America.

I would like to close this letter by saying that for years it seemed that while FCSI members were friendly with one another, they saw each other more as competitors than colleagues. Since we have begun working together, collaborating on projects, and supporting one another, the Society has been strengthened as has the foodservice consulting industry. It truly is amazing to see our members Sharing, Supporting, and Inspiring each other. This has resulted in positive communication and healthy relationships. I would like to invite all of you that have not yet decided to enter the positive circle to participate and be part of this great professional association.


..The individual success of anyone by itself is nothing compared to the whole industry success...

Thank you all and best regards.

William Taunton, FCSI-TA - Chair

Are you pursuing Professional Membership with FCSI?
Borrow the 3 textbooks as part of the Body of Knowledge for the Industry Knowledge Exam from FCSI
for only $20.
Contact Kimberly
The lending library was started by the ICON Committee (Inspiring Consultants through Opportunity and Networking), which promotes the participation of new and emerging members of FCSI-TA.  
Symposium session presentations are being added to the Symposium webpage as they are received.
Thank you to our Symposium Sponsors
Ali Group
American Panel


Continental Refrigerator
Duke Manufacturing
Eagle Group

FWE / Food Warming Equipment 

SPG InternationalVulcan
Imperial Brown
Kason IndustriesKitchens To Go
Micro Matic



Unified Brands

Clabo USA 

Follett Corporation
Gaylord Industries
New Age Industrial
True Food Service Equipment
Wood Stone Corporation

Congratulations to our Award Winning Members
FCSI celebrates three members honored by Foodservice Equipment Reports last week during the NAFEM Show.  

Respectfully, Mr. President, You're Wrong
John Cornyn, FCSI

John Cornyn, FCSI, writes an open letter response to Obama's remarks about college dining programs serving "fancy food" and causing financial trouble for students -


"Dear President Obama:


I am a foodservice management and operations consultant who has been involved with higher education foodservice since I was admitted to Oklahoma State University's hotel and restaurant administration program in 1963. Over that time period, I have watched college and university foodservice evolve from what you at Occidental College and the vast majority of students on other campuses during that time frame experienced..."  Full Letter  

Student Chapter Initiative and Student Competition Underway

The Board of Trustees approved two initiatives led by the ICON Committee aimed at raising awareness among young people about FCSI and Foodservice Consulting as a profession. FCSI will support student chapters throughout the Americas at most any college, university and culinary school. To help in this effort, we are also kicking off a student competition where the winner will win $5000! The competition is set around developing an innovative project related to the hospitality industry, hotel business or catering industry. Submissions are in the form of a business plan. Learn more 



The ICON Committee (Inspiring Consultants through Opportunity and Networking) promotes the participation of new and emerging members of FCSI-TA.  

Robert W. Baird & Co. Semiannual Foodservice Industry Survey 

Robert W. Baird & Co. recently released its semiannual Foodservice Industry Survey. The survey is intended to provide multiple perspectives on Foodservice Industry equipment and capital investment trends, with two main components: the operators' viewpoint (primarily restaurant operators), and suppliers' viewpoint (equipment manufacturers, distributors and service providers).This survey is meant to give investors and participants a general indication of current market trends. Individual responses have been edited to protect participants' anonymity.


The survey encompasses the viewpoints of restaurant operators generating aggregate annualized revenues of nearly $6 billion and suppliers with combined annual revenues of ~$900 million.


If you have any questions or comments, please email Senior Analyst Mircea (Mig) Dobre, Senior Analyst Timothy Wojs, Research Analysts Joe Grabowski, Joshua Chan or Brian Brophy.

John Turenne, FCSI
A New Industry Knowledge Exam

By John Turenne, FCSI, CPSTA Leader


In order to continue FCSI's reputation for setting a high bar for standards of membership, our organization's Council for Professional Standards - The Americas (CPSTA) has recently enhanced our Professional Membership qualification process.


The Industry Knowledge Exam (IKE) has stood as a reputable measurement for the level of industry knowledge and competencies our organization expects from its members.  In order to maintain its quality and relevance, improvements have been made in the written exam. The following is a summary of the upgrades in the 2015 IKE.  CPSTA has:


Added more questions on current industry context. These include:

  • Environment (energy conservation, sustainability, recycling, etc.)
  • Information Systems
  • Labor functions and processes
  • Regulatory Agencies (USDA, EPA, etc.)

Added glossary terms such as "gluten-free cooking" and "fast casual restaurants" in order to maintain relevance of material.


Reviewed all terms in the Glossary and definitions for Governmental Agencies, etc. in order to ensure accuracy.


Updated all Body of Knowledge (BOK) sources to the most current edition.


Added two BOK sources to add relevant information on Information Systems in the foodservice industry.


Lengthened the test in order to include these additional items. The revised test will have 100 questions in place of the previous 73.


Increased the time allotted to take the test from two hours to three hours.


Ensured statistical validation that the exam differentiates between those candidates who know the body of knowledge which the exam tests and those who do not.


A note on timing: The old IKE (2010) will still be offered as an option through the rest of this current 2015 calendar year to current Senior Associates.  The new version (2015) will also be offered as an option until January 2016.  Beginning January 2016, the 2015 IKE will be the only exam offered.


As I transition into the CPSTA team leader role for outgoing leader Doug Huber, I offer my and our council's resources to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


The Council for Professional Standards - The Americas (CPSTA) sets standards of performance for professional FCSI-TA consultants, administers core competencies set by FCSI WW, and measures performance for core competencies.

2015 Members - Council for Professional Standards The Americas


John Turenne, FCSI - Sustainable Food Systems, LLC - Incoming Team Leader

Douglas Huber, CFA, CFSP, FCSI - Foodservice Consultants Studio - Outgoing Team Leader
Barbara Piper, MS, RD, SNS, FCSI, FAND - An Apple a Day, LLC - Board Liaison to CPSTA
Albert da Costa, FFCSI (PP), MA, OSD - Socius Consulting
Edmeston U. Bernard, CET, CFE, FCSI - Cini Little International, Inc.
Char Norton, MS, RDN, LD, FADA, FAND, FFCSI - The Norton Group, Inc.
Michael H. Redlin, FCSI and Professor Emeritus - Cornell University
Connie Dickson, FCSI - Robert Rippe & Associates, Inc.
Kip Serfozo, FCSI, LEED, AP ID+C - Camacho USA

A Special Thanks to our 2015 Direct Connection Sponsors