The Institute for Public Health Innovation Launches the Virginia
Public Health Training Center
As of September 1, 2015, the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) has become the Virginia performance site of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center.
The Public Health Training Center Program is funded by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in order "to improve the nation's public health system by strengthening the technical, scientific, managerial, and leadership competence of the current and future public health workforce. Emphasis is placed on developing the existing public health workforce as a foundation for improving the infrastructure of the public health system." [1]
As the Virginia Public Health Training Center (VPHTC), IPHI is responsible for facilitating the identification of training needs of the governmental health workforce and other public health professionals, linking those needs with existing training resources, coordinating the development of new training resources to address gaps, and supporting the establishment of student field placements and student-faculty projects. We will expand training offerings to take advantage IPHI's health equity and social determinants of health workshop curriculum and community health worker curriculum and continuing education modules. VPHTC will have the infrastructure to provide continuing education credits and to create web-based course content for distance learning. IPHI plans to utilize a collaborative approach to achieve the HRSA-required goals and to ensure the training center is responsive to the needs of the public health workforce in Virginia. Learn more about the VPHTC, public health training centers and potential workshops/courses here >>
[1] Regional Public Health Training Centers Program, HRSA, http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/grants/publichealth/phtc.html
IPHI Continues to Support the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority Assisters and Navigators through the Third Open Enrollment Period
IPHI is pleased to continue its role as grant administrator during the third open enrollment period for the DC Health Link - the online marketplace for health insurance in the District of Columbia implemented by the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority. IPHI will support the eight Assister and Navigator grantee organizations, which employ over 40 trained health insurance enrollment experts in the implementation of their grant awards.
IPHI Pioneers Maryland's First Food Charter to Address Systems Change at the State Level
Few systems touch every facet of life in Maryland the way the food system does; the way food is produced, distributed, accessed, eaten, and discarded affects both community health and the local economy. To date, systems-level change in the food system has been addressed at a local or regional level by food policy councils. While there are currently eight such councils in Maryland, there is no unified strategy to organize local food policy councils to inform and influence how systems change is made at the state level. IPHI is addressing this need by uniting strategic partners from Maryland's local and regional food policy councils and other multi-sector food coalitions from across the state to build a coalition to advocate for policy priorities outlined in the first-ever Maryland Food Charter.
Learn more about the process of developing a statewide food charter in Maryland >>
IPHI Partners with Cameron Foundation to Conduct Workshop on Creating Healthy, Equitable Communities
IPHI is conducting workshops on creating healthy and equitable communities in four jurisdictions in Cameron Foundation's service area. The workshops are intended for public and private organizations and individuals, including medical and public health professionals, governmental and elected officials, non-profits, faith and grassroots leaders, and the business community. The first workshop took place in Prince George County, VA on September 29, 2015. Representatives from over 20 organizations attended the one-day event. The workshop assisted attendees in understanding that our health starts in our homes, worksites, schools, and neighborhoods, long before we need to see a doctor.
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