Who Do You Say That I Am - Epiphany 2016
Join us this Sunday as we come to the end of our worship series Who Do You Say That I Am? with The Christ, a reading from Mark 8:27- 9:8, and a sermon by Pastor Joel Pancoast.  Also this Sunday at both services, we will be commissioning our newest Stephen Ministers. These very gifted people will strengthen in our congregation the gift of caring ministry to those who are grieving or otherwise in need. They have answered a special call to use their gifts to follow in Jesus' caring footsteps.

Next Week, we begin Lent on Wednesday with Ash Wednesday, and start our Lenten series Thy Kingdom Come with Money, and a reading from Mark 10:17-31
Lutheran Forum
Lutheran Forum
9:40 am in the First, Upper Level Classroom, by the center, north doors. All are welcome!
This Sunday, Feb 7, The Police and the Mentally Ill. How should we help? 
Next Sunday, Christian Adages.  Does everything happen for a reason?
Contact Scott Sprain
to be added to the mailing list.
High School Winter Retreat
High School Winter Retreat
March 4 - 6, 2016
Cost $125 for Skiers
$50 for Non-Skiers
Register by February 7
The High School Winter Ski Retreat is back so that the High School Youth can have more time together!  We will stay at Snow Mountain Ranch and ski at Winter Park. Pastor Joel, Marty Schultz and Carolyn Schultz will be our sponsors. this event. The cost for skiers includes lift ticket and rental for $125.The cost for non-skiers is $50 which will include tubing on the Coca Cola as well as swimming, roller skating, or snowshoeing at Snow Mountain Ranch.  We have 9 youth slots available so let Pastor Sonja know ASAP if you are interested in going, or simply mark your blue Connections sheet in worship by February 7.   As always let us know if you need scholarship money or a payment plan.  We want this to be a great time growing in faith and fellowship!
Volunteers build communities! 
There are a lot of exciting things happening at Loveland Habitat's Sierra Valley neighborhood site, and we would love to have you volunteer with us!  
Buddy Build days are every Friday through February.  Volunteers of all ages and all skill levels are welcome, but they are especially looking for people who would like to find a rewarding ministry to volunteer with on a regular basis.  Regular volunteers participate weekly, monthly, or on whatever schedule works for you.  
Bill McCann has been a regular volunteer with Habitat for 13 years, and has enjoyed gathering with other volunteers, growing friendships, and building houses for a good cause.  He would love to share this opportunity with others, so contact Bill McCann at 669-0562 or mark the Connections sheet in your bulletin to let us know if you would like to work side-by-side with Bill on a Friday.  
Sleeping Mats for the Homeless 
The Sunday Stitchers group will be crocheting Sleeping Mats for the Homeless between Easter and Pentecost. We need your help! The mats will be made from plastic grocery bags. If you have any clean, plastic grocery bags please place them in the marked bin outside the sanctuary. We're also looking for help in cutting the bags on March 12th. Anyone is welcome to help cut bags on that date. Thank you in advance for helping the Sunday Stitchers with this project.
Bag Collection Dates: January 24 - March 12
Bag Cutting for Mats Date: Saturday, March 12 from 10:30am-12pm in Fellowship Hall

Soup Suppers During Lent
Sign Up to Help with Lenten Dinners
Lenten Soup Supper Throughout the season of Lent, we will be having Mid-Week Lenten gatherings with a soup supper, caring conversations, and worship. You can sign up for what you would like to bring on a date that best suits you. You are invited to bring a soup, bread, or dessert for 12 to 15 people. Also we are inviting people to help set up and clean up each Wednesday. Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Narthex, or you can sign up to help on the blue Connections sheet and Lindsey will contact you with more information.
#ELCABigGame Hunger Challenge 
TEAM DENVER (the Rocky Mountain Synod) takes on TEAM CAROLINA (the North Carolina and South Carolina Synods) to see which fans can raise the most money to support ELCA World Hunger!

Celebrate your team making it to the "BIG GAME" and help tackle hunger. While the Panthers and Broncos are playing for football's ultimate prize, you can help in this epic battle. It's SUPER easy to give a gift online and also check the progress!

Give an online gift for TEAM DENVER!

Give an online gift for TEAM CAROLINA!

The combined goal is $50,000 in celebration of the 50th Super Bowl! #ELCABigGame
Miss the Take Home Sheet?
Click Here 
Financial Statements for 2015 are Available
The 2015 financial statements have been mailed home. If you did not receive one, but expected one, then please contact the office. 
Ash Wednesday
The 40 days of Lent start on Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 10th
12:00 pm Joint ELCA Worship at King of Glory
7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship at Zion
Journey for Lent
Mid Week Lenten Worship
Wednesdays - February 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16
1:00 pm Midday Lenten Prayer Small Group and Worship
5 - 6 pm Soup Supper Served
6:00 pm Small Group Caring Conversations on Prayer, Children's Programming, Nursery
7:00 pm Prayer Small Groups Conclude with Holden Evening Prayer
Lenten Kick Off
Sunday, February 7
9:40 am in the
Fellowship Hall
Super Bowl Sunday is February 7. Here at Zion we will Kick Off the Lenten Season.   Our Midweek Lenten small groups worship services will focus on PRAYER.  Join K-5 Families as we create a home devotional aid to assist in faith development daily in the home.  People of all ages are invited to join in this fun and faith filled event.
Praying Like Jesus Taught
The Lord's Prayer
Join us for our midweek Lenten Small Group and Worship focused on Prayer. When Jesus' disciples asked him how to pray he gave them the Lord's Prayer as a model for prayer. Throughout Lent we will take time in small groups to dive into how this simple prayer shapes our prayer life. Each week there will also be various prayer practices to try out at home throughout the week.
Weekly Themes
February 17th - Our Father...
February 24th - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
March 2th - Forgive Us Our Sins
March 9th - Lead Us Not Into Temptation
March 16th - Kingdom, Power, Glory are Yours

Men's Breakfast
Saturday, January 9th at 7:30 am at Zion
All men are welcome for fun and fellowship. Questions? Contact Jacob Kuhns at 970-744-9849 or Joel Brauner at 719-640-8190. You can also put your name on the blue Connections sheet in worship and be included in email communications!
Calendar of Events
Friday, February 5
Pastor's Sabbath
1:00pm - Loveland Senior Singles - Cards

Sunday, February 7
8:15am - Traditional Worship
9:30am - High School Worship Party
9:40am - Blood Pressure Clinic
9:40am - Faith Formation
10:45am - Contemporary Worship
12:00pm - Confirmation

Monday, February 8
7:00pm - Children's Music Ministry

Tuesday, February 9
10:30am - Community Kitchen
11:30am - Staff Huddle
1:30pm - Sarah Bible Study
5:15pm - Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm - Boy Scout Troop Meeting

Ash Wednesday, February 10
7:30am - Bible Study
9:00am - Priscilla Bible Study
12:00pm - Ash Wednesdays Service at King of Glory
12:00pm - Bible Study
7:00pm - Ash Wednesday Worship
8:00pm - Mentor Mashup

Thursday, February 11
9:30am - Ruth Bible Study
5:45pm - Executive Committee
6:45pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Friday, February 12
Pastor's Sabbath
1:00pm - Loveland Senior Singles - Cards

Saturday, February 13
7:30am - Men's Breakfast

Sunday, February 14
8:15am - Traditional Worship with Prayers for Healing
9:40am - Faith Formation
10:45am - Contemporary Worship with Prayers for Healing