June 2014
Houston Skyline

"The consistent, enduring presence of a caring adult in a young person's life can be the difference between staying in school or dropping out, making healthy decisions or engaging in risky behaviors, and realizing one's potential or failing to achieve one's dreams." --The Mentoring Effect


It's no secret that too many of our Houston-area kids lack the presence of a caring adult.


...It's Claudia, who lost her parents to a car accident when she was 10 years old...


...It's Bryan, who never had a father figure in his life...


There is an undeniable need for adults to step up.



Fortunately for Claudia and Brian, caring adults did step up... 


Claudia and Lisa started their relationship by playing games and making jewelry together, but it turned into so much more!


Highlights from the 2012 Good Neighbor Event - Lollipop Moments 3 


Bryan never had a father figure, but Joe stepped up as a mentor and ultimately, as a friend. 


Highlights from the 2012 Good Neighbor Event - Lollipop Moments 2 


... thanks to Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church!


"Community Relations Officer Linda Buchman said that Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church is the district's largest partner in the [Spring Branch ISD] mentoring program.


'When I tell you that there are 150 mentors walking the halls at Spring Woods Middle School, I mean there are 150 (adults there),' Buchman said. 


Buchman singled out [retired MDPC Pastor and current Loving Houston Chair] Dave Peterson and [MDPC member] Mary Card with special recognition - Card has single-handedly recruited more than 600 volunteers for mentoring and other district projects.


Card gave credit to Peterson and MDPC. 'Our fabulous minister has always made mentoring a priority,' she said. 'It gives these kids hope. It's all about bringing hope to these precious kids.'"


-- Excerpted from Rusty Graham's Your Houston News article (November 8, 2012)



Thanks to Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and Spring Branch ISD for bringing kids like Claudia and Bryan hope through mentorship. For information about how you or your church can mentor, email us. For real-time updates on good work we're discovering throughout Houston, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.


Book Excerpt!


"Encourage the congregation to identify with everything in the community that is delightful... Such involvement contributes to the process of becoming friends with the community. The more a congregation knows and likes the community, the better it will be able to express love for the community in ministry. Moreover, these small steps also encourage the community to think of the church as its friend."


-- Churches That Make a Difference by Ronald J. Sider, Philip N. Olson, Heidi R. Unruh



Check out more of our recommended books on Pinterest here!

...& Accelerate! 



Church, will you imagine with us?


What if every school in Houston had a local church partner? What if church members stepped up and walked alongside neighborhood families and teachers for the sake of our kids?


What if there was a movement of churches serving schools across Houston... in humility, with respect, and for the long-term? 


By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. 

-- John 13:35


Check out this beautiful video by Be Undivided:






Let us know If you want to join the movement! 


We'll be rolling out more resources via email and on our website soon. Stay tuned...


Loving Houston

...transforming greater Houston with Christ's love...