March 10, 2016      
Let's Connect LIVE - March 12
Join Atlantic Union Conference president, Donald King; Ryan Simpson, Atlantic Union Conference youth ministries director; the presidents of the Greater New York and Northeastern conferences, and the youth ministries directors from the conferences in the Atlantic Union on March 12 at 5:00 p.m. for an evening of music and conversation with youth and young adults.

You can participate by being in the audience for the live broadcast from the Community Worship Center in Jamaica, New York; or watch you can watch the live stream at and interact using social media.

An online form is available for youth and young adults to submit questions to the Let's Connect LIVE panel.

Finish Faithful Pathfinder Camporee Regular Registration Rate Ends March 14
The Finish Faithful Camporee "regular" registration rate of $75 will end on Monday, March 14. Be sure and register your club now.

Beginning March 15, the registration rate goes up to $95 per person.

The Finish Faithful Camporee is May 18-22 at the Burlingame State Park in Charlestown, Rhode Island.

The Cornerstone Who Makes Living Stone      
In ancient biblical times the cornerstone was the stone at the corner of two walls that united them. It was the visible corner and most important stone of the foundation of the building. It set the level, angle, and outer dimensions of the building. It had to be level and squared true (vertical) so that all the other future stones could be set from it

Once in place, the rest of the building would conform to the angles and size of the cornerstone. If removed, the entire structure could collapse. It was the most costly stone because of its beauty and strength. It was also the largest, most solid, and carefully constructed stone.

Jesus describes Himself as the Chief Cornerstone that His church would be built upon, a unified body of believers, both Jews and Gentiles.

Read the entire article. 
Global Youth Day - March 19, 2016
AUC Education Open House - April 17
Founders Hall Church education secretaries/ directors are invited to an open house at Atlantic Union College on April 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at historic Founder's Hall.

This event will provide an opportunity to learn about AUCs growing degree and certificate programs, ask questions about the courses of study, learn about the admissions process and college financial planning, as well as take a tour of the campus.

Brunch is available. Please RSVP by March 15 to Heidi Larsen at or call (978) 368-2252.
Daylight Saving Time Begins March 13
                    Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour.
Job Opportunities in the Bermuda Conference
The Bermuda Institute, a K-12 co-educational school operated by the Bermuda Conference seeks three elementary teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. Interested individuals must be members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in regular standing. Deadline for applications is April 15, 2016.

Adventists in the News 
Job Opportunities
For information on job opportunities in the Atlantic Union, please visit the Atlantic Union Conference Web site.

Atlantic Union Conference Wednesday Morning Prayer 

Join the Atlantic Union Conference Prayer Ministries Department every Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30 a.m. for early morning prayer. Call (712) 432-0232. Code: 310654#.     

In This Issue
What's Ahead

12:           Edward D. Herndon Concert 
12:           Let's Connect Live 
18-20:      Compassion Boston/Global
                  Youth Day 
26:           Safety Sabbath
27:           Breath of Life Easter Telecast 
31-Apr. 2  NNEC Music Clinic

2:            Pathfinder Bible Experience
2-4:         SonScreen Film Festival
13-17:     BAYDA United Youth Congress
15-16:     AUC Alumni Weekend
16:          Atlantic Union Conference
                   115th Anniversary
22-24:     ASI Atlantic Union Spring Conf.  
26-29:    GNYC Luso Brazilian CM 

CM = Camp Meeting 
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"Finish Faithful" Pathfinder Camporee Regular Registration ends
March 14, 2016.

About Atlantic Union Conference
Founded in 1901, the Atlantic Union Conference is the headquarters for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the northeast United States and the islands of Bermuda. It serves six conferences, more than 118,201 members who worship in 581 churches and 70 groups, one college, 61 schools, one health care facility, and numerous community-based ministries.
The Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI is a news and information bulletin produced by the Communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Atlantic Union Conference. You are free to reprint any portion of the bulletin without the need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI whenever you publish these materials.
Ednor A. P. Davison, communication director/editor
Debra McKinney Banks, communication assistant
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