April 21, 2014    
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New President-elect Voted at the New York Conference Constituency Session  
At the Fifth Regular Quadrennial Constituency Session of the New York Conference on April 13, 2014, delegates voted to elect Robert Wagley, ministerial and evangelism director of the Iowa-Missouri Conference, to serve as president of the conference for the next quadrennium. The delegates also voted to reelect Elias Zabala, Sr., as secretary-treasurer of the conference.

Angel Rodriguez, former acting president, will continue to serve as a pastor in the New York Conference. He received a standing ovation from the delegates to the session for his service to the conference over the years.

The following departmental and associate directors were reelected to serve: Priscilla English, associate treasurer; Bradley Booth, superintendent of schools; and Dan Whitlow, youth ministries. All other departmental director positions were referred to the new executive committee. Also elected were members of the executive committee, board of education, and constitution and bylaws committee.

Robert Wagley and his wife, Peggy, continue to give this invitation very serious consideration and prayer while endeavoring to balance his current itinerary schedule which was in place before the call to the presidency of the New York Conference. Wagley will give his decision next month upon his return from an overseas evangelism trip.

--Donald G. King, Atlantic Union Conference president
Adventist Singles Adult Ministries Convention - September 19-21, 2014
For more information, contact the Atlantic Union Conference Family Ministries Department at (978) 368-8333 ext. 3016 or your local conference Family Ministries department director.

Updates and additional information regarding the Adventist Singles Adult Ministries Convention will also be posted on the Atlantic Union Conference ASAM Web page as they are received.  
Job Opportunity: Network Administrator
Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 

Department:    Information Technology Services


POSITION SUMMARY: Job requires a high degree of interaction with Atlantic Union users of personal computers as well as networking and training users in LUCIS software. Responsibilities include knowledge of PC/Mac hardware, software and networks. Must be able to communicate technical information in clear language understandable to non-technical users. Must be able to use knowledge derived from on the job experience to recommend solutions to problem situations.


READ the entire job description . . .

If interested in the above position, please send resume to Leon D Thomassian at following the address:

Atlantic Union Conference

P O Box 1189

South Lancaster, MA 01561


This Notice will expire:
April 21, 2014  
Adventist Community Service Curriculum Planning Committee Conference - September 19-21, 2014   
For more information, contact the Atlantic Union Conference Adventist Community Services Department at (978) 368-8333 ext. 3013 or e-mail: commserv@atlanticunion.org.

Updates and additional information regarding the Adventist community Services Curriculum Planning Conference will be posted on the Atlantic Union Conference ACS Web page as they are received.
RHPA Board Votes Smaller, Leaner Profile for Publishing House (AR)
The Board of Directors of the Review and Herald Publishing Association moved swiftly Sunday, April 6, to stabilize the financial health of the 165-year old publishing house at a specially-called Executive session after year-end reports showed a nearly $943,000 dollar loss for 2013 and continued weakness in the first quarter of the current year. RHPA Board chair Delbert Baker said that the directors were responding to recommendations from management, executive and finance committees, calling for quick and efficient action to turn around the finances of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's oldest institution.

READ the entire news story.

--Source: Adventist Review

13th Sabbath Offering Exceeds US$1Million, Makes History (ANN)  
Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings for the fourth quarter of 2013 exceeded US$1 million for the first time in the history of the offering. Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is collected on the last Saturday of every quarter in Adventist churches worldwide. The offering provides an opportunity for members to give to specific projects that grow the Adventist Church in tangible ways.

READ the entire news story.

--Source: Adventist News Network 
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Morris Park Church Presents "The Happy Family Bible Seminar," April 18-May 11 at 800 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY. The meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. nightly except Mondays and Thursdays. For more information, contact Pastor BillyWayne Jamel (914) 439-4662 or Maxwell Ukegbu (917) 287-0655. 

South Lancaster Village Church Sesquicentennial - April 25-26--April 30, 2014, marks the 150th anniversary of the organization of the Village Church in South Lancaster, Massachusetts. They will celebrate the sesquicentennial on April 25-26 at the church on 75 Sawyer St., South Lancaster, MA 01561. For more information, visit  www.villagesdachurch.org or call (978) 365-2754. 


Atlantic Union College Homecoming Weekend, April 25-26--This year's AUC Homecoming will be held in conjunction with the 150th anniversary celebrations on April 25-26 at the Village Church, 75 Sawyer Street, South Lancaster, Massachusetts. For more information, visit the alumni Web site: alumniofauc.com and the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/AlumniofAUC.

Atlantic Union Conference ASI Chapter Spring Conference, May 2-4, at the Hyatt Regency in Newport, Rhode Island. For more information and to register for the event, visit www.asiatlanticunion.org.  


Union Springs Academy Annual Alumni Weekend, May 2-4--Join Union Springs Academy on May 2-4 for it's annual alumni weekend. For more information, call (315) 889-7314. www.unionspringsacademy.org.  


Barry Black, chaplain of the United States Senate, at Utica International church, 1123 Herkimer Rd., Utica, NY on May 3. For more information, call (315) 429-9399.   


GNYC Men's Prayer Convention, May 16-18. Greater New York Conference is sponsoring a Men's Prayer Convention on May 16-18 at the Honor's Haven Resort & Spa, 1159 Arrowhead Rd., Ellenville, NY 12428. For more information, contact Lisa Gonzalez at (516) 627-9350 or visit gnyc.org

Northboro Church 50th Anniversary Celebration, May16-18 at 30 Brigham St., Northborough, MA 01532. For more information, contact Cardie Welch (508) 845-6837; Esther Small (508) 792-5890; Dawn DiProfio (508) 485-8839; or e-mail: northboro50th@gmail.com. Visit the Web site at northboro22.adventistchurchconnect.org.

Bronx-Manhattan school invites all alumni, teachers, and staff to Homecoming Sabbath, May 17 at 1440 Plimpton Ave., Bronx, NY 10452. RSVP: (718) 588-7598. Stay connected on Facebook: search for Bronx-Manhattan S.D.A. School Alumni Association.

NNEC Spring Prayer Retreat, May 22-25 at Camp Lawroweld in Weld, Maine. For more information and a registration form, visit nnecprayerministries.com.

Massachusetts District Disabilities Awareness Sabbath, May 31 at Brockton church, at 752 Oak St., Brockton, MA 02301. Charlotte L.V. Thoms, Atlantic Union Conference Disabilities Ministries director, is the guest speaker.
For more information, contact Jennifer DeLeon (508) 583-7588 or e-mail: jdeleon15@msn.com.  
Save the date for the CVL Fair, July 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Camp Victory Lake, 277 Crum Elbow Road, Hyde Park, NY 12538. Hosted by the Northeastern Conference administration and Camp Development Committee. For more information, call (718) 296-8006.

Washington New Hampshire Church Annual Meeting, August 16 at 153 King St., Washington, NH. The guest speaker is Gary Councell, Adventist Chaplain Ministries director. Sabbath School begins at 10:00 a.m. with worship and afternoon services to follow.

Greater Boston Academy 100th Anniversary, October 3-5. Bring your yearbooks, bring your stories, and share your memories. For more information visit, greaterbostonacademy.org/alumniweekend.html.

The Bordoville 150th Homecoming Anniversary, October 18 at 6491 Chester A. Arthur Rd., West Enosburg, VT. The guest speaker is Seventh-day Adventist Church president Ted N.C. Wilson. Sabbath School begins at 9:50 a.m. For more information, call Ginny and Erwin eckson (802) 433-5881 or e-mail: ege334@gmail.com. 
April/May Poll Question
The April/May poll question on the Atlantic Union Web site is: "Does your congregation ever get involved in any ecumenical or interfaith activities?" Be sure to register your response. If you have a question that you would like us to consider using in our monthly poll, e-mail it to communication@atlanticunion.org. 
Atlantic Union Conference Wednesday Morning Prayer 

Join the Atlantic Union Conference Prayer Ministries Department every Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30 a.m. for early morning prayer. Call (443) 453-0034. Code: 579007#.     

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In This Issue
NYC Constituency Session
ASAM Convention
Network Administrator
ACS Curriculum Planning
RHPA Board Votes Smaller
13th Sabbath Offering
Upcoming Events
April/May Poll
Wednesday Morning Prayer


 Submit your prayer request. All prayer requests will be prayed for individually.

What's Ahead
18-May 11:  Morris Park Church
                   "Happy Family Bible
25-26:      South Lancaster Village
                Church Sesquicentennial
25-26:     AUC Alumni Weekend

2-4:         USA Alumni Weekend
2-4:         ASI Spring Conference
3:             Barry Black at Utica
                International Church
16-18:      GNYC Men's Prayer
16-18:      Northboro Church 50th
                Anniversary Celebration
17:           GNYC Bronx-Manhattan
                Homecoming Sabbath
22-25:     NNEC Spring Prayer
31:           Massachusetts Disabilities
                Awareness Sabbath 

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About Atlantic Union Conference
Founded in 1901, the Atlantic Union Conference is the headquarters for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the northeast United States and the islands of Bermuda. It serves six conferences, more than 113,369 members who worship in 573 churches and 67 groups, 63 schools, one health care facility, and numerous community-based ministries.

The Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI is a news and information bulletin produced by the Communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Atlantic Union Conference. You are free to reprint any portion of the bulletin without the need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI whenever you publish these materials.

Ednor A. P. Davison, communication director/editor
Joanne Cort�s, Communication Office Assistant 
Web site: www.atlantic-union.org           E-mail: communication@atlanticunion.org