March 29, 2013   
Atlantic Union    |    Gleaner Online    |    Youth Ministries    |    NY13    |    AUAM
Revelation of Hope Evangelistic Meetings in Progress
This is it! Following months of preparation, the Revelation of Hope evangelistic meetings are in progress in metro New York City. The joint efforts of five conferences (Allegheny East, Greater New York, New Jersey, Northeastern, and Southern New England), two unions (Atlantic and Columbia), the North American Division, and the General Conference will be realized over the next seven months and beyond.
     "This is part of a worldwide initiative by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to reach the urban centers of the world where the fastest population growth is happening. This initiative, known to church members as NY13, is the boldest endeavor of the church to date to reach cities with the gospel of Jesus Christ in 2013 and beyond," says Donald King, Atlantic Union Conference president.
     Every Seventh-day Adventist member who is aware of this initiative has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the outcome of these meetings through prayer, visits to and participation at evangelistic sites, community outreach endeavors to heighten awareness about the meetings, financial contributions, and more. Pray for God's direction on what your role should be in this endeavor. 
AUAM Presents Live Streaming of Revelation of Hope with Donald G. King
Atlantic Union Adventist Media (AUAM) will stream the Revelation of Hope evangelistic meeting with Donald G. King, Atlantic Union Conference president, at Victory church in Bronx, New York, tonight, Friday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath morning, March 30 at 11:00; and Sabbath evening at 7:30.
Easter Program at Your Church
If your church is having an Easter program this weekend, share the information with us on the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Facebook page.
Around the Clock Prayer for the Evangelistic Meetings - April 1 to October 31
Praying Hands You are invited to join the more than 3,000 prayer intercessors who will pray for the evangelistic meetings around the clock, beginning April 1 through October 31. It doesn't matter where you live or attend church, choose an hour (or more) and commit to praying every day, consistently for the next seven months for all the meetings, the speakers, other participants, the field work, the Bible workers, the members, the visitors who will attend, and more. There is power in prayer. You can also contact your local conference Prayer Ministries director for more information on other ways you can participate through prayer.
Compassion Weekend in New York City
Thousands of youth and young adults from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America and the world volunteered their time to provide 20,000 to 30,000 hours of service in New York City as part of the Compassion Weekend. Volunteer efforts included preparing and serving food at various locations, helping with the clean up in hurricane damaged areas, praying for people in several locations around the city, donating blood, and much more.
     Highlights of the Compassion Rally included a press conference and a march against violence across the Brooklyn Bridge. Joining the youth were representatives from the North American Division, Atlantic Union, the five conferences, NETS, the One Year in Mission team, and others.
    At 6:00 p.m. the rally concluded as the group sang Make Me a Servant and four young people, representing different conferences, prayed.

       Four more compassion weekends are scheduled to be held once per year for the next four years in Portland, Maine (2014); Hamilton, Bermuda (2015); Worcester, Massachusetts (2016); and Syracuse/Rochester, New York (2017). For more information on upcoming compassion events and/or how you can serve, visit  

Compassion Weekend 2013 // One Year In Mission 
Compassion Weekend 2013 // One Year In Mission

    To view photos of the Compassion Weekend, click the related links below:


Compassion Rally Photos - 1 

Compassion Rally Photos - 2 

Compassion Rally Photos - 3 

Compassion Rally Photos - 4 

Compassion Rally Photos - 5    


YAHA Convention - New Vision, Same Mission
Young Adventist Haitians from around the North American Division met on the weekend of March 21-24 in Stamford, Connecticut, for the YAHA Convention. The convention theme was "New Vision, Same Mission."
     On Facebook, Sandra from Canada said, "This was my first YAHA and I have been so blessed! Thank you Jesus! Looking forward to 2016. God bless you all!"
     The convention program included five general session speakers, 19 seminars from which to choose, the prayer room, a banquet, and much more. On Sabbath afternoon two buses with about 100 people went to New York City to join the Compassion march over the Brooklyn Bridge.
     The YAHA convention is held every four years and is sponsored by the North American Division, with Ernie Castillo, an NAD vice president, serving as chairman of the Haitian Advisory Committee, and the Atlantic Union Conference, with Pierre Omeler serving as vice president for Haitian Ministries. The conventions are usually held every four years. This was the sixth convention.
     For more information about YAHA, visit and "Like" the YAHA Facebook page.  
NAD Health Summit Photos
The North American Division Health Summit was held March 13-17 in Flushing, New York, in connection with the NY13 evangelistic initiative. More than 20 training seminars, featuring special tracks for pastors and healthcare leaders and workers, were presented. Outreach and hands-on experience in health evangelism with health expos for the community were conducted, including mental health outreach for the community every evening by Dr. Neil Nedley. Click here to view photos of the event.
Get the Praizevision App

Take your favorite PraizeVision features anywhere with the Praizevision App. The PraizeVision App was launched on March 1. Since it's establishment in 2006, PraizeVision has continued to create value for its visitors and users.

     Praizevision is an online Christian media streaming portal that provides 24-hour video streaming of live and archived church services, concerts, and events, as well as 24-hour radio stations. 

THE ADVENTISTS 2 to be Released in April
THE ADVENTISTS 2, a new documentary by award-winning filmmaker and director Martin Doblmeier, will be released in April. The DVD will be distributed by the Pacific Press� Publishing Association. It is the sequel to THE ADVENTISTS, an award-winning film seen on public television stations, that became a national success. THE ADVENTISTS 2 explores how Seventh-day Adventists are changing healthcare in communities around the world. It was filmed on location in Haiti, China, the Amazon, Africa, and Peru, and is a collection of six stories that demonstrates the importance of the health message and mission to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its commitment to take both to the ends of the world. Click here to view a clip of THE ADVENTISTS 2.
March's Poll Question
This is your last chance to respond to March's poll question: "How often do young people lead out in your church?"
      So far, 50% say "Sometimes," 30% say "Never," and 20% say "Always."  Register your response to March's poll question and let us know if young people are leaders in your church.
If you are using Internet Explorer and the link does not work, please switch to Mozilla Firefox or another browser.
Atlantic Union Conference Wednesday Morning Prayer 

Join the Atlantic Union Conference Prayer Ministries Department every Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30 a.m. for early morning prayer. Call (712) 451-6100. Code: 3687072#.     

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In This Issue
Revelation of Hope
AUAM Live Streaming
Easter Programs
Around the Clock Prayer
Compassion Weekend
YAHA Convention Highlights
NAD Health Summit Photos
Get the Praizevision App
March's Poll Question
Wednesday Morning Prayer


 Submit your prayer request. All prayer requests will be prayed for individually.

What's Ahead
23-Apr. 6: Revelation of Hope Series with Donald King
30: Union Pathfinder Bowl Experience


23-26: NNEC Spring Prayer Retreat
31-Jun. 1: Jesus 101 Seminar

7-9: North Country Women's Retreat
8: Newburgh Tabernacle Church Grand Opening
8: Compassion Sabbath
8: NY13 Parade and Rally (GNYC/NEC)

Related Links 

About Atlantic Union Conference
Founded in 1901, the Atlantic Union Conference is the headquarters for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the northeast United States and the islands of Bermuda. It serves six conferences, more than 109,500 members who worship in 571 churches and 57 groups, 63 schools, one health care facility, and numerous community-based ministries.

The Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI is a news and information bulletin produced by the Communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Atlantic Union Conference. You are free to reprint any portion of the bulletin without the need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify Atlantic Union Gleaner FYI whenever you publish these materials.

Ednor A. P. Davison, communication director/editor
Joanne Cort�s, Communication Office Assistant 
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