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March 17, 2015


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M&A Scorecard


Alcoa aqcquires RTI International Metals 3/13/2015


Sorema Plastics Recycling acquires Perpetual Recycling Solutions 3/9/2015

Ingram Micro acquires Anovo 3/2/2015


3S International partners with IMS Electronics, Kuusakoski Recycling, Valley City Electroncs Recycling  2/17/2015


Lifco acquires Rapid Granulator 2/17/2015


Arrow Electronics acquires RDC 2/5/2015


Avanard Innovative partners with Asset Value Management  1/21/2015


Kuusakoski acquires VintageTech 12/19/2014


Asahi Holdings acquires Johnson Matthey gold & silver refining  12/12/2014


E-Waste Systems ventures with Aruls Environmental12/11/12014


CDI/HIG Growth acquires Lifespan 11/6/2014


OmniSource Acquires Ace Recycling 10/24/2014


Call2Recycle partners with 1800Recycling



Dell partners with Unido 9/25/2014


MeTech partners with R-Logic Internat'l 9/11/2014 


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New Industry Developments


Recycling in the US: An Off-Again, On-Again Love Affair summarizes tensions between: regulations and the unanticipated dynamics they cause; "big trash" and the shuttering of thousands of small landfills; false crises and the power of publicity; domestic processing vs. exports; single-stream vs. separation; hand-sorting and automation; energy efficiency of rural vs. urban systems; quality demanded by manufacturers and purity of recycled materials; profitability vs. public interest...(ars technica by John Timmer)



Read our new blog: Regulations Discriminate


How EPA supported "Big Trash" and killed small landfills. Federal regulations leave industry giants in a stronger position to compete against smaller operators.The smart money got it right fifteen years ago...(Chicago Tribune)



BAN Introduces Unannounced Inspections to verify compliance with its e-Stewards certification program...(Recycling Today)



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E-Cycling Blog
Regulations Discriminate
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Patents & Technical News

Recovering Electrode Material from Lithium Batteries, first dissolving the resin then oxidizing the carbon reducing in a molten salt of lithiu  m chloride...(U.S. Patent; Kakuta et al) 

Pyrolysis to Recycle Printed Circuit Boards by purifying and concentrating.  Process gasses are recovered for fuels or chemical materials...(US Patent; Hsieh-Sen Wu)


Recovering Metals from Metal/Plastic Waste using etching and washing solutions from electronics manufacturers with an ion exchange process...(U.S. Patent; Antonio Celi)


Recovering Unoxidized Metals from Organic Insulated Metallic Scrap by decomposing organic insulation in a heated pressure vessel...(U.S. Patent; Albert B. Baker) 


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