Larimer County Democats
Larimer County Democrats News:  July 5, 2016

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Message from the Chair


Hope you had a great Independence Day weekend. If you're still in the mood to celebrate 
America, and maybe mingle with some veterans and say thank you, consider joining Senator John Kefalas at a Vets for Kefalas house party. Details below.
Thanks for supporting the Larimer Dems!

James Thompson, Chair
Campaign News

Wednesday, July 6th 
Vets for Senator John Kefalas
Wesley Carter (USAF Retired) and his wife Joan are hosting a house party for Senator John  Kefalas and local veterans.  Everybody that is interested in reflecting on veteran's issues (two days after Independence Day) or helping re-elect Senator Kefalas in 2016 is welcome.

Date & Time: Wednesday, July 6th, 5:30-7:30pm
Location: 1233 Town Center Drive, Fort Collins
Info. & RSVP:  Please RSVP to Cari Brown,, 980-6856 or William Russell,, 227-6303, so we can provide enough refreshments for everyone.  Click here to learn more.
Suggested donation: $50 (maximum donation for Colorado legislative candidates is $400 per person)

Wednesday, July 6th 

BlueFlower is Blooming in Fort Collins!
The BlueFlower Fund helps elect Democratic, prochoice, progressive women candidates running for state and local office in Colorado. Through the power of a Small Donor Committee, the BlueFlower Fund mobilizes donors across the state to support select candidates. Please join us to hear more about BlueFlower's mission to transform Colorado's political landscape. 

Date & Time: Wednesday, July 6th, 6:00-7:30pm
Location: 700 E Elizabeth St, Fort Collins, CO
Info. & RSVP: To RSVP or join the Host Committee, please contact Mara Brosy-Wiwchar at or by calling 775-338-6086
Suggested Donation: $50

Thursday, July 7th

Rep. Jeni Arndt invites you ...

Please join Jeni in supporting Jody Shadduck-McNally who is running to be the next Representative of House District 51, Loveland. This is an open seat (no incumbent) and Jody is a strong candidate with deep roots in her community. Please chip in a little to help her win this seat, and gain more support in the state capitol for issues we all care about. Join in for great food, beverages and conversation!!

Date & Time: Thursday, July 7th, 5:30pm-7pm
Location: 1603 West Mulberry Street, Fort Collins
RSVP: Martha Coleman or 970-391- 1630
Info: Jody Shadduck-McNally 970-391- 1172

Saturday, July 9th
House Party to Support Karen Stockley
Please join us at a House Party to support Karen Stockley, candidate for Larimer County Commissioner - District 3, a county-wide position.  Meet and speak with Karen; express your concerns and listen to her solutions.  Very familiar with Larimer County issues; Karen's vision for our County is intelligent, managed growth. Check out her positions on her website -

Food and drink served; happy to see you there. 

Date & Time: Saturday, July 9th, Noon-2pm
Location: The home of Kathy and Mack Mahan, 8041 Firethorn Drive, Loveland 80538
Info. & RSVP: Kathy Mahan  (970) 667 - 7354
Suggested Donation: $50

Saturday, July 9th
Stockley for Commissioner Presents: "A County to Believe In"
Join us for a campaign event to learn how county government can become a government "Of the people, by the people and for the people." Learn how 
you can help turn Larimer County Blue after over a decade of single party, good ol' boys Republican rule.

Special guest Honorable Joann Ginal, Representative for House District 52

Bring your friends and neighbors who want to be a part of positive change against the Establishment!

Date & Time: Saturday, July 9th, 4-5:30pm

Location: Edora Park, 1420 E. Stuart Street, Fort Collins 
Info & RSVP: Kat Allen 303-827-8651, Andrew Bondi 720-530-7324 or Karen Stockley 720-933-4679

Saturday, July 9th

Canvass with Jody
Everyone is invited to help Jody Shadduck-McNally, candidate for HD51, talk to the voters in Loveland.  Knocking doors at the grassroots level is rewards this time of year.  Voters are interested in who the new candidates are and love to talk about what's going on in Loveland that affects them and their families. 

Date & Time: Saturday, July 9 at 9:30 - Sunday, July 10 at 12:30 - or weekday evenings
Contact: Please contact Carolyn Taylor for more details 970-461-1328 or

Friday, July 22nd
Old Town Meet & Greet with Senator Kefalas
Old Town Meet and Greet with Senator John Kefalas at the home of Kristina Cash and Nathan Turner are hosing at Meet and Greet for Senator Kefalas in Old Town Fort Collins!  We hope you can join us!

Date & Time: Friday July 22nd, 5:30-7:30pm

Location: 526 Sycamore Street, Fort Collins 
Info & RSVP: William Russell,
Community News

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Join NARAL SDC, Rep. Jeni Arndt and Rep. Joann Ginal at Coopersmith's!

Join us as we talk about choice, the upcoming election, and how you can help

Date & Time: Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 5:30pm
Location: Coopersmith's Pub & Brewing, 5 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, CO
RSVP & Info: Click here to RSVP
Suggested Donation: Attend - $50Young Professional - $25Student - $10

Saturday, July 16, 2016 

Community Conversation with Senator John Kefalas

Join Senator Kefalas for a community conversation. 

Date & Time: Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 9am
Location: Dazbog Coffee, 401 Mason Ct, Fort Collins

The Colorado Democratic Party is hiring!
The Colorado Democratic Party is looking for passionate, hardworking individuals who are committed to helping elect Colorado Democrats in 2016. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please send a resume to

Regular Meetings 

Larimer County Democrats Monthly Meeting

Monthly business meeting. All are welcome!

Date & Time: Third Thursday of the month

                        6:30 pm social, 7:00 pm meeting

Location:  Larimer County Democrats Office

                   606 S. Mason St., Fort Collins

Email: for more information.

Contact Us 
Visit for a full list of Larimer County Democrats elected leaders and committee chairs.

Newsletter Information

The deadline for newsletter items is Sunday at 5:00 pm for publishing by email on Tuesday. Most items are limited to 75 words (not including title,date & time, location, contact info). We suggest including a link for additional information and run each newsletter item up to two times. Please send newsletter items to 

The Larimer County Democratic Party distributes information on candidates and candidate events and invites candidates to speak at our party functions because this information is helpful to those who care about political progress. The Larimer County Democratic Party Newsletter includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not affiliated with the Democratic Party. Inclusion here is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.


Paid for by the Larimer County Democratic Party.

Larimer County Democratic Party | PO Box 1252 | Fort Collins | CO | 80522