Larimer County Democats

Larimer County Democrats News:  September 22, 2015

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Message from the Chair
Canvass for the Kids Weekend!
With only three weeks left until ballots are mailed out, campaigns for Poudre and Thompson Valley school boards are ramping up their voter outreach, and they need your help.
Every kid deserves the opportunity for a great education. To provide that opportunity, we need to elect strong school boards that support public education. 
You can do your part to help children achieve by offering your favorite school board candidate two or three hours of your time this weekend to knock on doors and ask voters to be a vote for the kids.
More info on the "Canvass for the Kids" weekend is below. We hope you can join us!
Thank you for supporting the Larimer Dems!
                                               -- James Thompson, Chair
Community News

Saturday September 26
Public Forum on the Colorado Water Plan
Representatives Arndt and Ginal, and Senator Kefalas are hosting a public forum on the Colorado Water Plan Saturday, September 26th.  They have lined up several water experts to present on the Water Plan for with time following for questions and answers.
Forum experts will represent: Northern Water Conservancy District, City of Fort Collins, CSU, Colorado Legislature, and Colorado Water Conservation Board.  Water is key to Colorado's future, and this is a great way to ask questions and learn about what's going on.  Y'all come!!

Date & Time:  Saturday September 26, 10:30-12:00
Location:        Old Town Library 
                        201 Peterson Street, Fort Collins

Saturday and Sunday September 26-27
Canvass for the Kids Weekend
Ballots arrive in 3 weeks for the fall elections, so come on out and help the school board candidates reach their voters this week-end. Let's help our kids' education system by supporting a strong school board!!

Date & Time:  Sat. & Sun September 26-27
For more Info:  contact the individual campaigns 

In Loveland area:
Canvass times: Sat. 9:30 & 1:00. Sun. 1:00
Location: 206 E. 4th St., Suite 3 
                in downtown Loveland
Contact: Leslie Snow at

In Berthoud area:
Contact: Maia Mattise Lorenzen at 970-744-0037

Saturday October 3
Community Coffee with Representative Ginal
In October, Rep. Joann Ginal will be starting up her community coffees for HD-52. For this first coffee, The Colorado Health Institute will be speaking on the Colorado Health Access Survey that was released on Sept 1, 2015.  Come and hear how Fort Collins is doing compared to the rest of the state.

Date & Time:  Saturday October 3, 9:00-10:30am
Location:        Mugs Coffee 
                       261 S. College Ave., Fort Collins
                       (corner of College and Olive St.
                        in Old Town. Downstairs)
This is also the time to bring your questions and comments, not just on healthcare but any other topics.

Regular Meetings 

Larimer County Democrats Monthly Meeting

Monthly business meeting. All are welcome!

Date & Time: Third Thursday of the month

                        6:30 pm social, 7:00 pm meeting

Location:  Larimer County Democrats Office

                   606 S. Mason St., Fort Collins

Email: for more information.

Contact Us 
Visit for a full list of Larimer County Democrats elected leaders and committee chairs.
Newsletter Information

The deadline for newsletter items is Sunday at 5:00 pm for publishing by email on Tuesday. Most items are limited to 75 words (not including title,date & time, location, contact info). We suggest including a link for additional information and run each newsletter item up to two times. Please send newsletter items to 

The Larimer County Democratic Party distributes information on candidates and candidate events and invites candidates to speak at our party functions because this information is helpful to those who care about political progress. The Larimer County Democratic Party Newsletter includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not affiliated with the Democratic Party. Inclusion here is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.


Paid for by the Larimer County Democratic Party.