Larimer County Democats
Larimer County Democrats News: March 7, 2014

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Message from the Chair

Thanks to all the volunteers and attendees that joined us at the Larimer County Democratic caucuses of 2014. Last Tuesday we selected our delegates to the Larimer County Democratic Assembly to be held on the morning of Saturday, March 29th. We also selected a new body of committee people, two per precinct in many cases, so that we may conduct our party's business over the next two years. Thanks to everybody that showed up and stood up. We have campaigns to staff, a general election in front of us and I'm looking forward to the opportunities of 2014.

A few notes on our March schedule: We will be getting our Irish on a week from tomorrow, Saturday, March 15th, at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Fort Collins. Come out to wave a rally sign for your favorite candidate.  

All throughout March, our Silent Auction committee will be working on helping you find the perfect donation for the auction at the Dinner on April 5th. Tickets are on sale, please go to for more information on our 2014 Larimer County Democrats Annual Dinner and Silent Auction.

--William Russell


"Congressman Cory Gardner has refused to condemn the radical efforts of activists in eleven Colorado counties to secede from the state.  In his announcement speech, Gardner said he wanted to be a senator for all four corners of Colorado, but it sounds like he is fine with one of those corners leaving Colorado."

--Rick Palacio,
Colorado Democratic Party Chairman 


campaignParty News
Saturday, March 15
March with your Larimer County Democrats in the St. Patrick's Day Parade
March with your Larimer County Democrats and our candidates in the Lucky Joe's St. Patrick's Day parade.  
Date & Time: Saturday, March 15; Line up at 9:00 am, Parade starts at 10:00 am
Location: Line up on East Mountain Avenue at Remmington, Fort Collins

Saturday, March 29
Larimer County Democrats' County Assembly 
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Rubin, author of How Our Government Really Works Despite What They Say
Date & Time:
Saturday, March 29, 9:00 am registration; 10:00 gavel
Location: Fossil Ridge High School, 5400 Ziegler Road, Fort Collins 

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, April 5  
Larimer County Democrats' Annual Dinner & Silent Auction
Join your Larimer County Democrats at the 2014 Annual Dinner & Silent Auction. Our Keynote Speaker is Daniel Rubin, author of How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say. This will be a fun evening celebrating our successes, volunteers and candidates.
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Rubin, author of How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say
Date & Time:
Saturday, April 5;  5:30 pm Cocktails (cash bar), 7:00pm Dinner
Location: Fort Collins Marriott, 350 E. Horsetooth, Fort Collins
Click here for more info and to purchase tickets.  

campaignnCampaign News
Friday, March 14 

Jeni Arndt House Party in Fort Collins

Come meet and greet Jeni Arndt for a House Party at the home of Charlotte Miller and Rob Werge.

Date & Time: Friday, March 14, 2014, 5:00 - 6:30pm

Location: 2875 Blue Leaf Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80526

RSVP at  or 970.207-1933 or 970-218-6141


campaignnews1Community News 
Saturday, March 8
Town Hall Meeting with Rep. Randy Fischer, Rep. Joann Ginal and Sen. John Kefalas
Please join Rep. Randy Fischer (D-Fort Collins), Rep. Joann Ginal (D-Fort Collins) and Sen. John Kefalas (D-Fort Collins) for a town hall meeting to discuss the 2014 legislative session. This is an opportunity for constituents to openly share their questions, comments and ideas with their local citizen representative.
Date & Time: Saturday, March 8, 10:15 am - noon
Location: Council Tree Library, 2733 Council Tree Ave., Fort Collins


Thursday, March 13 
"Mercy Killers": play highlighting dysfunction of U.S. healthcare system

The one-man play "Mercy Killers" will be presented in Fort Collins on March 13, 7:00 pm, at Bas Bleu Theatre. The play examines how the U.S. healthcare crisis affects ordinary families in America. Broadway actor Michael Milligan portrays the character Joe, a working-class man whose patriotism is called into question when his wife is diagnosed with cancer and loses her insurance.

Sponsor of the show is the Health Care for All Colorado Foundation.

Date & Time: Thursday, March 13, 7:00 pm

Location: Bas Bleu Theatre, 401 Pine St., Fort Collins, CO

Ticket price: $10 suggested donation
Contact for tickets: Bonnie Inscho, 970-420-0049 or; or


Friday, March 14 

Jeni Arndt House Party in Fort Collins

Come meet and greet Jeni Arndt for a House Party at the home of Charlotte Miller and Rob Werge.

Date & Time: Friday, March 14, 2014, 5:00 - 6:30pm

Location: 2875 Blue Leaf Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80526

RSVP at  or 970-207-1933 or 970-218-6141


Monday, March 24 

Transparency in Local Government: Why It is Essential to Democracy A Panel Discussion

Regular Meetings

Larimer County Democrats Monthly Meeting
Monthly business meeting. All are welcome! 

Date & Time:Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm social, Meeting at 7:00 pm

Location: Larimer County Democrats Office, 606 S. Mason Street, Fort Collins

Email for questions or more information.

contactContact Us

Visit for a full list of Larimer County Democrats elected leaders and committee chairs.

newsNewsletter Submission Information

Our deadline for newsletter items is Sunday at 5:00 pm for publishing by email on Tuesday mornings. Most items are limited to 75 words (not including title and "date & time, location, contact" type information). If your submission is longer, it will be cut. We suggest including a link for additional information. We will run each newsletter item up to two times. Please send newsletter items to 

The Larimer County Democratic Party distributes information on candidates and candidate events and invites candidates to speak at our party functions because this information is helpful to those who care about political progress. The Larimer County Democratic Party Newsletter includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not affiliated with the Democratic Party. Inclusion here is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.


Paid for by the Larimer County Democratic Party.