Larimer County Democats
Larimer County Democrats News: March 1, 2013

Party News

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Message from the Chair

The Larimer County Democrats' first fundraiser of the 2013-14 term was a huge success. I want to thank our former Congresswoman Betsy Markey and our current Congressman Jared Polis for hosting this event. Our new First Vice Chair Kristin Stephens took the organizing lead on our house party fundraising and her skill really showed up right away. We're lucky to have such leadership, passion and talent. This is going to work out well.

Rep. Joann Ginal is holding a community conversation to seek your ideas and field questions about mental health and other legislative issues this Saturday. Please see the details below. 

At the 2013 Annual Dinner and Silent Auction we will present our annual awards for Volunteers of the Year, Robin Murphy Davis Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award. We had some great nominations this year and the LCD Executive Committee decided to accept all of the names that qualified. Our Lifetime Award Winner is Dian Sparling. Rob Osborne is receiving our Robin Murphy Davis Award for 2013. And our Volunteers of the Year, 2013, are Bridget McDonell, David Hallet, AJ Feldmann, Jeanne Berger, Warren Snyder, and Bill Moorcroft. Congratulations to these deserving Larimer County Democrats; We don't win without friends like these.

--tWilliam Russell


"In American society today, we need to have volunteerism.
I truly believe that it is the glue that will hold us together,
and it will be the energy that will take us into the 21st Century."

--Senator Barbara Mikulski

partyParty News 
Donations Needed for the Annual Dinner & Silent Auction
To help our efforts, you can donate items of interest to your fellow democrats for the auction. Suggested items include:

Vacation rentals and/or activities (condos, hot-air balloon rides, ski passes etc.)

Event tickets (baseball, football, hockey etc.)

Gift Certificates

Wine/dinners/gourmet food


Lessons (music, dance, sports, crafts etc.)

Professional services (legal, landscaping, electric, plumbing, secretarial, accounting)

To discuss your donation, contact or call Jeanne at 970 797-2736. 
Save the date: Saturday, March 30
Larimer County Democrats Annual Dinner & Silent Auction
Date & Time: Saturday, March 30, 5:30 pm
Location: Fort Collins Marriott, 350 E. Horsetooth, Fort Collins

cnCommunity News
Saturday, March 2, 2013; 10:30 a.m.  
Community Conversation with Rep. Ginal 
Please join Rep. Joann Ginal for a conversation about current legislative issues. This is an opportunity for constituents to openly share their ideas, questions and comments with their local citizen legislators in a dynamic discussion about mental health and the upcoming legislative session. 
Date & Time: Fire Station 10,  2067 Vermont Drive , Fort Collins
Location: Saturday, March 2, 2013 from 10:30 am - Noon 
Regular Meetings

Larimer County Democrats Monthly Meeting
Monthly business meeting. All are welcome! 

Date & Time:Third Thursday of the month, 6:30 pm social, Meeting at 7:00 pm

Location: Larimer County Democrats Office, 606 S. Mason Street, Fort Collins

Email for questions or more information.

contactContact Us

Visit for a full list of Larimer County Democrats elected leaders and committee chairs.

newsNewsletter Submission Information

Our deadline for newsletter items is Sunday at 5:00 pm for publishing by email on Tuesday mornings. Most items are limited to 75 words (not including title and "date & time, location, contact" type information). If your submission is longer, it will be cut. We suggest including a link for additional information. We will run each newsletter item up to two times. Please send newsletter items to 

The Larimer County Democratic Party distributes information on candidates and candidate events and invites candidates to speak at our party functions because this information is helpful to those who care about political progress. The Larimer County Democratic Party Newsletter includes announcements of events for independent groups and initiatives not affiliated with the Democratic Party. Inclusion here is for information only and does not imply an endorsement.


Paid for by the Larimer County Democratic Party.