The Council of State Governments West


March 18, 2014

In This Issue
Economic Development
ACA Implementation
AAPCA Webinar
2014 CSG & CSG West Annual Conference 

August 9-13. 2014
Anchorage Alaska
Upcoming Webinars 
AAPCA: Understanding Next Generation Compliance and Enforcement
March 27, 1-5 p.m. EDT
More Info... 

Training for Today: Retraining the Workforce for 21st Century Jobs
April 21, 11 a.m. EDT
More Info...
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CSG West
1107 Ninth St. 
Suite 730
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.553.4423
Fax: 916.446-5760
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A Tool to Assist Existing Businesses in 

State Economic Development Efforts

By Rich Lindsey, CSG West Policy Consultant


moneybag_graphic.jpg A report by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices last year on state economic development agencies noted that state efforts would best be served if they focused on existing businesses within their states. If focusing on existing businesses is considered a best practice, what can a state do and is there help?


One resource states can use to help focus on existing businesses is the National Center of Economic Gardening (NCEG). The primary focus of the NCEG is to encourage the development of existing growth companies in a state. This is accomplished by offering strategic information designed specifically for a company as determined through a needs assessment. The purpose of the NCEG programs is to directly propel a company into the next phase of growth.


The strategy behind economic gardening was developed in Littleton, Colorado. Littleton practiced economic gardening for 20 years and in that period jobs grew from 15,000 to 30,000, and sales tax revenue tripled. These results happened without recruiting businesses, using tax incentives, and implementing tax rebates. Keep reading... 

 Rockefeller Institute Releases State Level Reports on the Status of ACA Implementation

Nearly six months into the open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government released a series of reports giving an overview of ACA implementation in Western states. Each of the reports provides an overview of what policy decisions have been made, what tasks have been completed, who is managing the implementation, and an overview of outreach efforts. The reports are available for eight Western states and are linked below, a report for Utah is coming soon. More Information...


OregonNew MexicoNevadaWashington


Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies: Understanding Next Generation
Compliance and Enforcement Webinar


Thursday, March 27, 1-5 p.m. EDT 


The comment period closed Jan. 3 on the Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Five-Year Strategic Plan. That draft plan included an emphasis on Next Generation Compliance, a model that focuses on achieving a higher rate of regulation compliance using advances in both emissions monitoring and information technology. A key component of that strategy shifts reporting responsibilities to industry, requiring companies, states and other entities to submit compliance data electronically. Supporters argue the new compliance model will save time, money and staff resources, as well as increase transparency, yet many questions remain.
In this webinar, the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies will convene a group of experts to discuss how the new focus will affect the EPA's current enforcement approach; practical implications for state enforcement staff; changes in reporting requirements for states; and state implementation of new compliance technologies as well as the cost. Experts also will provide a real-world example of how new technology is being used in the compliance and enforcement realm of air quality. 


Michelle McKeever
Branch chief
EPA/Office of Compliance, National Planning and Measures Branch 

David Hindin
Policy advisor
EPA/Office of Compliance 

Ramiro Garcia
Deputy director
Office of Compliance and Enforcement Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 


The mission of CSG West is to facilitate regional, nonpartisan cooperation and exchange of information, and to strengthen legislative institutions among our 13 member states. These services are achieved through a variety of programs and services offered to legislators and their staff, including the convening of policy forums, professional development training, international relations opportunities, publications and institutional links with other political entities in the West.   


CSG West serves the Western legislatures of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Associate members include the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia and the Pacific islands of American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam.