A Letter from Bishop Doug
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This edition of the Link will inform you of a number of leadership changes happening in our parishes and in our wider community. In addition to those listed below we will be calling new leadership in Reading Camp and St. Agnes House. In the next few weeks the wider church will be electing a new Presiding Bishop.

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People, Places, and Transitions
In addition to the upcoming Retirement of Kay Collier McLaughlin, (see related invitation) the Diocese is experiencing several other transitions.
The Rev. Marshall Jolly (Grace, Florence) has been called to Grace Church, Morganton, NC.  (Diocese of Western North Carolina) 
We also offer congratulations to Marshall in his recent marriage to Ms. Elizabeth Anderson on May 23, 2015.

The Rev. Phillip Linder, St. John's Versailles, has announced his retirement, effective 
November 1, 2015.


The Rev. Joe Mitchell (Curate, Christ Church Cathedral and Campus Chaplain, St. Augustine's, University of Kentucky)  has been called to Good Shepherd in Ashboro, NC. (Diocese of North Carolina)

The Rev. Rebecca Myers (St. John's Corbin and St. Agnes House) has been called to The Church of the Nativity and St. Stephen
 (Diocese of Central PA)

Rev. Margaret Shanks (Interim, Our Savior Madison County) has been called as Priest in Charge of Resurrection, Jessamine County.

We give thanks for these faithful clergy for their ministry among us and we wish them God's speed as they move into new chapters of ministry.  Canon Elise Johnstone and Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin will be working with the above parishes in their times of transition.

Who are these people?
Meet Your General Convention Deputies from the Diocese of Lexington!

The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church that meets every three years. The Convention is a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. The work at Convention is carried out by deputies and bishops representing each diocese. During its triennial meeting deputies and bishops consider a wide range of important matters facing the Church. This year, the General Convention meets in Salt Lake City and the Diocese of Lexington's deputation and Bishop Hahn will join deputations and bishops from over 100 other dioceses from across The Episcopal Church, in addition to those who come to educate, inform, and support the Convention.

Each diocese has four clergy and four lay deputies, as well as alternates. Our lay deputies for 2015 are Dave Sevigny, St. Raphael's, Lexington, Mary T. Yeiser, Emmanuel, Winchester, Ann Davis McClain, St. Peter's, Paris, and Jim Ware, Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington, joined by lay alternates Holli Powell, Mary Ann Weiss, and Barbara Crain. Clergy deputies are The Rev. Cn. Elise Johnstone, Canon to the Ordinary, The Rev. Matthew Young, St. Paul's Newport, The Rev. Margaret Shanks, Our Saviour, Madison County, and The Rev. Jeff Queen, St. Andrew's, Ft. Thomas. The clergy alternates are The Rev. Peter D'Angio and The Rev. Duane Smith.

Some topics that will be considered by General Convention are the election of a new Presiding Bishop, discussing the issue and theology of marriage, and church governance restructuring. If you would like to know more about some of the issues that will come before General Convention this year, please feel free to attend one of the following General Convention conversations.

Conversations on General Convention
Sunday, June 7 @1pm at Our Saviour, Madison County
Sunday, June 21 @12 noon at St. Paul's, Newport
Monday, June 22, 6pm at Mission House, Lexington* this meeting may be attended virtually. To attend virtually, please contact for login information.
We Give Our Thanks to Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin!
Summer Camps at the Cathedral Domain
Senior Conference grades 9-12 - June 14-20
Mini Camp 1 grades 1& 2 - June 21-24
Mini Camp 2 grades 1 & 2 - June 24-27
Junior Conference grades 7-8 - June 28-July 4
Girls Camp 1 Girls in grades 3 & 4 - July 5-11
Girls Camp 2 - girls in grades 5-6 - July 12-18
Adventure Mission Camp grades 7-12 - July 12-18
Boys Camp 1 - boys in grades 3 & 4 - July 5-11
Boys Camp 2 - boys in grades 5 & 6 - July 19-25
Co-ed camp - grades 3-6 - July 26- August 1
Click here for more info
What's Happening

Mission Trip to Guatemala

Summer Camps at the Cathedral Domain

800 Highway 1746, Cathedral Domain, Irvine, June 14-August 1

Mental Health First Aid

Church of the Good Shepherd, Undercroft, June 9-June 11


Hot Springs,  NC, July 9-12

Employment Opportunities
Reading Camp has begun its search for a new Executive Director. Send cover letter, r�sum� or curriculum vitae, and professional references to The Rev. Marshall Jolly at Reading Camp will accept applications through 5:00 PM Friday, May 15, 2015. Affiliation with The Episcopal Church (or any religious community) is not required.
St. Matthew's, Louisville is seeking a Director of Ministry to oversee education and small group ministries. Click here for more info.
Pentecost 2
St. Martha's, Lexington
   The Rev. Sandy Stone, Priest-in-Charge
Pentecost 3
Walnut Hill Church, Lexington
   The Rev. Michael Ward, Pastor

4 Jun  Charles D. Ellestad P
           Bryant C. Kibler D
5 Jun  Paula L. Ott D
           Rebecca A. Saager D
7 Jun  M. Allen Dawson D
           Carol Wade D
8 Jun  Jan Cottrell D
           Brian Cole D
           W. Douglas Hahn D
9 Jun    John Hughes D
             Margaret Shanks D
             Carol Ruthven D
10 Jun  T.J. Azar P
              John Cavendish D
11 Jun  Peter Doddema D
              Jessee Neat D 
              J. Joseph Pennington D 
12 Jun  Ginny Eklund D
              Marvin Suit D
13 Jun  T.J. Azar D
             Cynthia Duffus D
             Charles Lawrence D
              Linda Young D
14 Jun  Gardner Hartling D
15 Jun  Chris Brannock D
17 Jun  Dana Hardwick D
18 Jun  Chuck Washam D
              Elise Johnstone D
19 Jun   Linda Young P

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