February 5, 2014

Bishop's Unity Service Remarks

Recently Bishop Hahn was one of several speakers at a Lexington Service for Christian Unity. This is one of the oldest and most widely represented and attended services in the region. Here are a copy of his remarks.


Greetings Friends, in the Name of the One who honors us by calling us His Body. Greetings in the Name of the One who promises that we will be nurtured as we share that Body with one another. Greetings from that part of the Body called Episcopalian. 


As we are blessed tonight with the presence of many parts of Christ's Body, I am reminded of food - not just because of the wonderful meal we shared - Thank You to those who prepared it - but because of the banquet of Eternal life which we all share. 


Read the rest of the bishop's remarks 

And the Light cometh into the world, the Darkness will not conquer it -- An update on St. James's, Prestonsburg

Last week we reported on acts of vandalism at St. James's Church in Prestonsburg. This dark act has been answered by more persuasive acts of light. Members of the neighboring Community College, local churches and the Episcopal community far and wide have reached out to help. The Clergy of the Diocese of Lexington have given generously (over $1500 to date).

On the Monday following the vandalism, Bishop Hahn gathered with the Congregation for conversation, a meal, and a service "Restoring Things Profaned". One of the prayers of that service asks that the space "may be purified and cleansed by your abiding grace; that this place, purged from all pollution, may be restored and sanctified, to the glory of your Name" The answer to this prayer was evident in the spirit of the good people of St. James, who see this event as a way to increase their witness, gather new volunteers for their food ministry, and reach out to community members who struggle with addiction or mental illness. 


Continue to pray and give thanks for Sister Judy Yunker and our brothers and sisters in Prestonsburg.

Ordination of the Reverend Chana Tetzlaff
On Saturday, February 1, the Rt. Rev. Douglas Hahn ordained the Rev. Chana Tetzlaff to the sacred order of priests on behalf of the Rt. Rev. Berry Beisner in a service at Emmanuel, Winchester. Click here to see a slideshow.
Convention 2014

February 20-22
Marriott at River Center
Covington, Ky

Diocesan Calendar
February 8, 10am-2pm
Executive Council
Mission House (Rescheduled)

February 20-22
Diocesan Convention
Marriott at River Center

On Your Behalf
The work of the Bishop is, in part, to "represent Christ and his Church." In some sense, where the Bishop is, you are. From time to time I want to let you know what I (and therefore we) have been up to.
  • Gathered with a number of Episcopalians and other Christian's across the City for the annual Service of Prayer for Christian Unity 
  • Met with the Lutheran Bishop, representatives from Lutheran UK Campus Ministries and Fr. Joe Mitchell to discuss Campus Ministry  
  • Monthly meeting with St. Agnes House director, Mtr. Rebecca Myers 
  • Conversations with staff and laity about Diocesan Youth Ministry  
  • Met with Clergy Pre-convention at Mission House  
  • Gathered with Diocese to Ordain the Reverend Chana Winger Tetzlaff
Bishop's Visitations
February 9
St. Alban's, Morehead

February 16
St. Patrick's, Somerset

Cycle of Prayer 

Epiphany 5 (2/09)

Christ Church, Harlan

The Ven. Bryant Kibler, Priest in Charge


Epiphany 6 (2/16)

The 118th Convention of the Diocese of Lexington, February 20-22, 2014 


  5 Feb. Jeffrey Queen P
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What's God up to at St. Alban's, Morehead?

The first thing that comes to mind when considering what God is up to at Saint Alban's is the word, "community." This past year has been a time of building community within and outside the church. As a small mission church, we have directed our efforts toward growing closer as a supportive community, recognizing our responsibility for each other. Every Sunday we gather after the Sunday service for time of fellowship. We have coffee and snacks or monthly potlucks. Sometimes we gather at parishioners' homes or descend upon restaurants.


Reflection: The Reverend Keila C. Thomas, Ed. D

  I am particularly pleased that Bishop Hahn is visiting Saint Alban's during Epiphany, as it is one of my favorite seasons of the church calendar. For me, every Epiphany brings a rebirth of the newness of the incarnation. Even in the deep chill of this winter, I experience the initial budding and blossoming forth of the incarnation of Christ. My senses become keener toward the daily manifestations of Christ around me, making me more aware of those places where the divine and the human come together.

Read more.

Not in Our Names: Victims' Families Speak out Against the Death Penalty
Rosalind Harris, whose 18-year-old son, Jamil, was murdered in Lexington in 1997, and Ben Griffith of Frankfort, who lost his brother Chris to murder in 1986 in a random act of violence that also took the lives of three others, will tell the stories of their loved ones lost, and reveal healing steps in their journeys that informed each of them that the death penalty and exacting revenge perpetuates a violence done to all of society. Shekinah Lavalle, Outreach Coordinator for the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, will speak on the current situation in Kentucky and the status of efforts in the legislature to repeal the death penalty. The forum is sponsored by Berea Friends Meeting, Union Church, and St Clare Catholic Church.


When: February 22 at 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Where: Madison County Public Library, Berea Branch, 319 Chestnut Street, Berea KY

Contact: info@bereafriends.org

God's Counting on You, God's Counting on Me
A Reflection by Kay Collier McLaughlin
A long-time friend reports that comments on her Facebook post following Pete Seeger's death were a poignant cross-generational tribute to a man who made a difference for all of his 94 years-with the exception of one man who quipped "I got over all that in college."

I haven't been able to get it out of my mind.

Got over what? Justice? Peace? Idealism? Working - really working- for love between our brothers and our sisters? No wonder the world is in such a sorry shape!

2014-2015 UTO Grant Applications Available Online 

Applications for United Thank Offering grants now available on the National Episcopal Church website: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/uto-grants. Each diocese may submit two grants: one for ministry within the diocese and one for ministry with a companion or overseas diocese.Criteria for selecting grants will emphasize programs that address the culture of violence by supporting the mission of peace as expressed in the Gospel. This focus was inspired by the Five Marks of Mission.


Deadline for submission to the Diocesan Office is February 10. Please notify Diane Gabbard, Diocesan UTO Coordinator, at dianegabbard@gmail.com if you plan to submit a grant request.


Contact: Diane Gabbard, dianegabbard@gmail.com, 859-581-9113

New Announcements
New Beginnings #22 -- RESCHEDULED

Junior High youth event for kids in grades 7-9. New Beginnings is a weekend full of fun, taking you through a discovery of: Who is God?, Who is God to You? and Who are you to God? This happens through making friends and sharing with old friends. The weekend is full of singing, skits, talks, games, worship, and conversations with each other.


Due to weather, this event has been rescheduled. See new details below.


When: March 7 at 6:00 PM to March 9 at 4:00 PM
Where: Cathedral Domain
Cost: $100.00
Contact: Cindy Sigmon, csigmon@diolex.org, 859-252-6527
Link: http://www.diolex.org
Deadline February 24, 2014
Organ Recital and Evensong

The organist at Central Baptist Church Lexington, DeAlba has performed throughout the region over the last several years. He was previously Organist at Stanford Christian Church and is currently a student of Dr. Schuyler Robinson at the University of Kentucky. DeAlba will perform works by Bruhns, Bach and Widor. An Evensong sung by the Christ Church Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys follows the recital.

When: February 16 at 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Where: Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market St. Lexington, KY
Cost: Free
Contact: Kathleen Balling, kballing@ccclex.org, 859-254-4497
Link: http://ccclex.org
Open House: Creative Montessori School at The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Creative Montessori School Open House
at The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Visit the school, meet the teachers, and learn more about the program.

Susan Vorhis founded Creative Montessori School in l998, and continues as director and head teacher. Creative Montessori combines the best parts of a Montessori education with an added focus on fun and creativity.



When: February 22 at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Where: The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 3220 Lexington Road Nicholasville, KY 40356
Contact: Susan Vorhis, Director, svorhis@juno.com, (859) 881-8806
Link: http://creativemontessorischool.org
Ground for Hope Bluegrass Event in Lexington

On Saturday, March 8, and Sunday, March 9, the Episcopal Province IV Environmental Network and Kentuckiana Power and Light will join with GreenFaith to host Ground for Hope Bluegrass, and Ground for Hope Kentuckiana twin events devoted to training and mobilizing for multi-faith action for the earth. The event will host speakers, workshops on preaching, worship, the Bible, energy, eco-justice and facility management.  

When: March 8 at 9:00 AM to March 9 at 7:00 PM
Where: Central Christian Church, 205 East Short Street, Lexington, KY
Contact: The Rev. Jerry Cappel, jjcappel@hotmail.com, 502-541-8278
Link: http://www.greenfaith.org
Fight Illiteracy in the Race to Read 5K

Did you know that 52 percent of all Kentucky 4th graders are not reading at grade level? Statistics show that if a student is not reading at grade level by the end of the 4th grade, his chances of success in middle school or graduating from high school are significantly diminished. Walk or run the Race to Read 5K and help us fight illiteracy in Kentucky. Or "sleep in to read"! All funds raised will send at-risk children to Reading Camp this summer! If one race isn't enough, sign up for the Episcopal Holy Trinity Race Series: Mind, Body and Soul, which includes the Good Shepherd Cross Country Race on April 5 and St. Raphael's Race the Rector on May 10.

When: March 22, 2014 at 9:00 AM
Where: Coldstream Park, Lexington
Cost: $20 Adult; $15 Child; $20 Team of 4 or more; $60 for all three races
Contact: Michelle Sjogren, msjogren@readingcamprocks.org
Link: http://readingcamprocks.org/event-application/
Deadline March 19, 2014
Happening Soon
I Love Mountains Day Events in Frankfort 

The 9th Annual "I Love Mountains Day" rally and march at the Kentucky State Capitol of Frankfort is February 12th. On Tuesday February 11th, at 7 pm, The Church of the Ascension will host the Kentucky Chautauqua presentation of Lilley Cornett: A Voice for the Forest. David Hurt will portray Lilley Cornett, a coal miner in Letcher County in the early 1900s who purchased about 500 acres of old growth forest and resisted all attempts to log or mine the property. The property is now Lilley Cornett Woods, the largest piece of old growth in the state of Kentucky. The event is free and open to the public.


On Wednesday the Church of the Ascension will participate in the I Love Mountains march to the capitol. Any other church groups interested in joining in the march at 12 noon are welcome to join the Church of the Ascension on Wednesday.

When: February 11 at 7:00 PM to February 12 at 1:00 PM
Where: Ascension Episcopal Church, Frankfort
Contact: The Rev. Jerry Cappel, jjcappel@hotmail.com, 502*541-8278
Link: http://www.ascensionfrankfort.org
Novelist Denise Giardina to visit Good Shepherd 

Denise Giardina has written five novels with a remarkable range of settings, themes, and richly drawn characters. Giardina has also published work in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Village Voice. The recipient of two Creative Writing Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Denise Giardina now lives in Charleston, West Virginia, is retired from West Virginia State University, and is an ordained deacon in the Episcopal Church.


A book-signing and reception will follow the reading. The event is free and open to the community-everyone is welcome!


When: February 13 at 7:30 PM
Where: Bell Court - Church of the Good Shepherd
Contact: Angel McGillivray, amcgillivray@goodshepherdlex.org, 859-252-1744
Link: http://www.goodshepherdlex.org
My Funny Valentine Cabaret 

Valentine Cabaret on Saturday, February 15th at 6:30 pm at St. Michael's. Join us for an evening of show tunes, sass, and laughter (we even hear there may be a duet with the Rector!) There is a suggested donation of $10, with all the proceeds going to the St. Michael's Endowment Fund. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar and join us for a wonderful evening.



When: February 15 at 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Where: St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 25 Bellefonte Dr., Lexington KY
Cost: Free, Donations will be accepted
Contact: Duncan Hart, mail@saint-michaels.org, 859-277-7511
Link: http://saint-michaels.org
The Well - Lexington informational meeting
Come share in our vision and help us realize the potential of The Well -- Lexington. Learn more about this outreach ministry and how you can become involved. The Well envisions a place of rest, healing and hope for women who are seeking refuge from lives of being trafficked, in prostitution, addicted, and homeless. Our mission is to create a two-year program and residential community offering these women housing, food, clothing, access to social, health care and vocational services, and the mental health and emotional support they need to realized their true human potential.

When: February 19 at 7:00 PM to  11:30 PM
Where: The Church of the Good Shepherd - Undercroft
Cost: No charge
Contact: Susan Parker Weatherford, susanparkerweatherford@gmail.com, 828.989.1131
Link: http://TheWellLexington.org
Previously in the Link
Upcoming Events   
Happening #52, March 14


Ministry Opportunities
People, Prayers, & Other News
We pray for beloved clergy experiencing medical concerns: Ron Summers, John Madden, Phillip Garland, Jay Pierce, and John Dews.
News and Resources from The Episcopal Church & the Anglican Communion
TEC shield

ENS: Episcopal News Service, OPA: Office of Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church, ACNS:  Anglican Communion News Service 

Quick Links
       Submit an item to the Link         Diolex Cycle of Prayer          The Anglican Communion      

           Calendar of Events                 The Episcopal Church             Diocese of Lexington
All churches and other organizations of the diocese are encouraged to submit items to the Link that are of interest to Episcopalians, such as ministry opportunities, Christan formation activities, and cultural events. Deadline is 5pm Monday. If your church is hosting a special event, let us know. You may also add an item to the diocesan calendar on diolex.org by sending an email to bkibler@diolex.org. Feel free to forward the Link to your church members and encourage them to sign up by clicking the button in the right column or using the form on diolex.org.