January 22, 2014

From Bishop Hahn
"And your young shall dream dreams"...Joel

On Sunday and Monday I spent time with a number of young people who were reflecting on the Rev. Dr. King's living legacy. The Community Worship Service at Central Christian Church, Lexington, was shaped by the voices of the young - most in the 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades - reading, praying, and responding to a call to make a difference in the world. Monday's Lexington Community Breakfast and March included other young voices, prophetic Jr. and Sr. High School voices - speaking to such adult themes as economic disparity, violence on the streets, and the struggles of those on the margins. Adult themes, but not heard often enough in adult conversations. With these words, along with music and prayer, these young people inspired and schooled their elders.

Later in the day I joined Transylvania College students in service and conversation as we asked the question, "What does all of this mean for us and our world?" We have much to learn.

Over the weekend 30 something of our young people from around the Diocese gathered for fellowship, fun and spiritual growth in Northern Kentucky - a rich tapestry of our Church.

It is often said that the young are the church of tomorrow. WRONG. They are the Church of today. May we be discomforted by their questions, awakened by their energy, inspired by their wisdom, and incorporated together in our service the living Lord.
Diocesan Calendar
January 25
Executive Council
Mission House

January 30, 10am-2pm
Pre-Convention Clergy Day
Mission House

Bishop's Visitations
January 26
St. James, Prestonsburg 

February 2
St. Raphael's, Lexington

Cycle of Prayer 

Third Sunday after Epiphany (1/26)

St. Thomas Church, Beattyville

The Ven. Bryant C. Kibler, Sr., Priest-in-Charge


Fourth Sunday after Epiphany


Our Saviour, Madison County

The Rev. Margaret Shanks, Priest-in-Charge in the Interim


22 Jan. Marshall Jolly D
24 Jan. Carol Wade P
26 Jan. Rebecca Myers D
  2 Feb. Melanie Mudge P
  5 Feb. Jeffrey Queen P
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What's God up to at St. Andrew's, Lexington?

When his future disciples Andrew and Simon Peter met Jesus, he said to them: "Come and see" (John 1:39). We invite you to "come and see" as well. When you come, what will you see? You will be greeted by Arthur Rogers, saying: "Welcome to St. Andrew's. Please come again." He has been doing this for more than 15 years to repeat the hospitality he first received when he came to St. Andrew's. Folks who come will tell you that they are attracted by the warm welcome and kind hospitality extended to them. 

Read more.


Reflection: The Rev. Carol Ruthven


When I was a seminarian at The University of the South, in Sewanee, Tennessee, I prayed that I would be called to serve St. Andrew's in Lexington. As always, God answers prayers and I am blessed to be in my seventh year serving this remarkable parish. I was attracted to St. Andrew's by its radical diversity and inclusiveness. When I see the congregation of St. Andrew's I see the future of The Episcopal Church. If we as a national church are to thrive in the future, we must become diverse in every sense: in race, ethnicity, social-economic background, language, education, age, ability, sexual orientation, and theological leaning. 


Read more.

Christ Church, Harlan, Welcomes The Ven. Bryant Kibler

The Eucharist at Christ Church Harlan following the Litany of Welcome officially naming him
 Priest in Charge in the Interim.
St. James, Prestonsburg

Food Pantry Day at St. James. In the picture above they are unloading 700lbs of potatoes.
Mission Society
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"The Church is most truly itself, the Body of Christ, when it lives and breathes mission. The heart of this body is mission - both domestic and foreign mission - in partnership with anyone who shares that passion. Indeed, our baptismal identity is grounded in commitment to mission and in the assurance that in our faithful pursuit of that mission God will bless both us and our work." 
~The Most. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate 
The Church, especially the Episcopal Church, is a missionary society for the welfare of the world.  That is true for Episcopalians corporately (our official corporate name is the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society), but more importantly, it is true spiritually. 
The Missionary Society is a strategy for achieving our common purpose, building partnerships throughout the Church to engage God's mission to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.

The Missionary Society seeks partnerships for mission-dioceses, congregations, and networks. It brings resources from the churchwide level-funding, expertise, and human-to leverage for mission with local partners. We are all about mission. And partnerships allow us to do more mission together.
Budget to Invite us to Look Beyond Dollars and Cents to Mission and Ministry
One of the tasks that we accomplish at Annual Convention the approval of our annual budget. Those among us who love to crunch numbers may find this a highpoint of our time together. But those among us who do not sometimes get lost in the spreadsheets.

This year we will add a narrative component to the budget that will help us translate dollars and cents into the work of Christ among us.

We all acknowledge that 80-90% of every dollar collected in our parishes is translated into witness and ministry in our local parishes and communities - worshiping, caring for our fellow parishioners, shaping our children and adults for faithful living, caring for the needs of our neighbor. All of this good work is determined by the leadership of each parish.

But other ministry is made possible by our shared resources - the 10% to 18% that we pass on to our shared life in the diocese. 
The diocesan budget committee is committed to being good stewards of our shared resources, just as we count on our vestries and parish leadership to be good stewards of the resources that stay in the parish.

Part of this good stewardship is informing you of the good work you are doing through your shared generosity 
For Example. 
Did you know? 
· The Mission and Ministry (M&M) Budget supports - in part or in full - five priests serving eight parishes and two campus ministries.

· Last year the M&M Budget supported the continued education and supervision of eight priests serving eight parishes and two campus ministries through the Network of Pastoral Leadership (These include some of our smallest and our largest parishes).

· In these direct ways the M&M budget supports fourteen of our 36 parishes and two campus ministries.

· The M&M budget offers training opportunities, personal consultation, and support for all our priests, helping our parishes receive the best clergy leadership possible.

· The M&M Budget supports leadership training for our parishes - 84 people from over 19 parishes in the last year and ongoing support for parishes in transition and growth

· The money we send to the wider Episcopal Church often comes back home - St. Agnes House, Reading Camp, and The Network for Pastoral Leadership have all received grants. Resources go to training our seminary students and helps us discern priests for the future.

· Resources through our budget help train new bishops (including our own); link us the wider church around the world and connect us to other faithful Christians throughout Kentucky

All of this good work is possible through your faithful stewardship and generosity. It is managed by the good work of your budget committee - nine faithful clergy and lay people who represent the Executive Council in this important work.

Thank you for your continued faithful generosity 
The Budget Committee 
Dave Sevigny, Steve Gabbard, The Rev. Carol Ruthven, Ann Davis McClain, The Rev. Brent Owens, Jim Kimbrough, Bishop Doug Hahn (Ex. Officio), and staff resource persons: The Rev. Bryant Kibler and Angie Smith 
Diocese of Lexington Reading Camp Dates
Mission House Day Camp 
June 9-13, 2014

Cathedral Domain Overnight Camp 
June 22-28, 2014

Pine Mountain 
July 13-19, 2014 
We are currently looking for volunteers for all of these camps. Anyone interested can apply online at http://readingcamprocks.org/volunteer/. Please pass this information on to anyone interested in volunteering, especially youth. This is a great opportunity for young people to accumulate service hours they will need for high school and college.

We have a very exciting summer planned!!

If you have any questions, call or email Michelle Sjogren at msjogren@readingcamprocks.org 
New Announcements
ECW Matching Grant Opportunity 

The Diocesan ECW offers matching grants to congregational ECW's to financial support their programs. ECW's can apply for funds to match either in full or in part the local ECW's contributions. Does your ECW have a project that you'd like help funding? Complete the application or call with any questions.


Contact: Susan Baird, Treasurer, susanbaird@aol.com, 859-299-6949
Link: http://diolex.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ECW_grant_2014.pdf
Deadline February 1, 2014
New Beginnings #22 

Junior High youth event for kids in grades 7-9. New Beginnings is a weekend full of fun, taking you through a discovery of: Who is God?, Who is God to You? and Who are you to God? This happens through making friends and sharing with old friends. The weekend is full of singing, skits, talks, games, worship, and conversations with each other.


When: February 7 at 6:00 PM to February 9 at 4:00 PM
Where: Cathedral Domain
Cost: $100.00
Contact: Cindy Sigmon, csigmon@diolex.org, 859-252-6527
Link: http://www.diolex.org
Deadline February 1, 2014
2014-2015 UTO Grant Applications Available Online 

Applications for United Thank Offering grants now available on the National Episcopal Church website: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/uto-grants

Deadline for submission to the National UTO office is February 28. Only online applications will be accepted.


The Diocese of Lexington has been blessed with many grants in the past. Ministries such as Reading Camp, St. Paul's Food Pantry (Newport), Camp Haven, A Moveable Feast and many others have benefitted from UTO grants.


Criteria for selecting grants will emphasize programs that address the culture of violence by supporting the mission of peace as expressed in the Gospel. This focus was inspired by the Five Marks of Mission.


If you are interested in submitting a grant request, be sure to read all the helpful information on the National Church website. You may also contact Diane Gabbard, Diocesan UTO Coordinator, at dianegabbard@gmail.com.

Contact: Diane Gabbard, dianegabbard@gmail.com, 859-581-9113
Happening Soon
Choral Eucharist with Visiting Conductor Malcolm Archer 

Malcolm Archer, Winchester College, United Kingdom, will join us on Sunday, January 26 for the 11:00am Choral Eucharist and the 4:00pm Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir. An Organ Recital with Stephen Price, Indiana University, begins at 3:30pm.

When: January 26 at 11:00 AM
Where: Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington
Contact: Erich Balling, eballing@ccclex.org, 859-254-4497
Link: http://www.ccclex.org/messiah#!cathedral-music/cew1
Organ Recital & Evensong with Visiting Conductor Malcolm Archer 

Malcolm Archer, Winchester College, United Kingdom, will join us on Sunday, January 26 for the 4:00pm Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir. Malcolm Archer is in demand internationally as a Composer, Conductor and Recitalist. Malcolm is currently the Director of Chapel Music at Winchester College in England, where he trains and conducts the Quiresters and Chapel Choir and teaches organ and composition in the College. An Organ Recital with Stephen Price, Indiana University, begins at 3:30pm.


When: January 26 at 3:30 PM
Where: Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington
Contact: Erich Balling, eballing@ccclex.org, 859-254-4497
Link: http://www.ccclex.org/messiah#!cathedral-music/cew1
Science and Faith in Fruitful Conversation 

For January's Science and Faith in Fruitful Conversation session we'll be watching and discussing the movie, "Transcendent Man". This documentary is based on the thoughts and writings of futurist Ray Kurzweil and focuses on the prolonging of human life (indefinitely?) and how advancements in artificial intelligence might change what it means to be human. Click here to go to the website for the film. Lunch will be provided.


When: January 26 at 1:00 PM
Where: Our Saviour, Madison County
Cost: Free
Contact: Megan Hoffman, Megan_Hoffman@berea.edu
Link: http://www.oursaviourky.org
Bishop Hosea Grant Application 

The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund, established by the Episcopal Church Women to honor his life as a teacher and his great interest in education, awards grants for continuing education, special courses, or projects. The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2014. Application forms may be found at diolex.org.


Contact: C.C. Johnson, Bishops Funds Chair, cjohnson@ccwoodyj.net, 859-272-4791
Deadline February 1, 2014
Ordination Invitation

God Willing and the People Consenting The Right Reverend W. Douglas Hahn on behalf of The Right Reverend Berry L. Beisner and the Diocese of Northern California will ordain Chana Winger Tetzlaff to the Sacred Order of the Priests in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on the Feast of Saint Brigid. Your prayers and presence are requested. A reception will follow the service.

Clergy: cassock, surplice, white stole.


When: February 1 at 11:00 AM
Where: Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Winchester, Ky
Link: http://diolex.org/?p=6150
Novelist Denise Giardina to visit Good Shepherd 

Denise Giardina has written five novels with a remarkable range of settings, themes, and richly drawn characters. Storming Heaven is set in her native West Virginia during the early 1900s, an era when the coal mines arrived and brought brutal changes. Powerful and gripping, the LA Times called it "brilliant diamond-hard fiction, heart wrenching, tough and tender." Storming Heaven was chosen as a Discovery selection of the Book of the Month club and won the W.D. Weatherford award. Its sequel, Unquiet Earth won the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation and the Lillian Smith Award for fiction. Giardina is also the author of three other novels, including Saints and Villains, a fictional account of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, which won the Boston Book Review Fisk Fiction Prize and was a semifinalist for the International Dublin Literary Award. Annie Dillard called Saints and Villains "a masterpiece . . .one of the handful of best books I've ever read."


Giardina has also published work in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Village Voice. The recipient of two Creative Writing Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Denise Giardina now lives in Charleston, West Virginia, is retired from West Virginia State University, and is an ordained deacon in the Episcopal Church.


A book-signing and reception will follow the reading. The event is free and open to the community-everyone is welcome!


When: February 13 at 7:30 PM
Where: Bell Court - Church of the Good Shepherd
Contact: Angel McGillivray, amcgillivray@goodshepherdlex.org, 859-252-1744
Link: http://www.goodshepherdlex.org
Previously in the Link
Upcoming Events   
A Gathering of Angels, April 25, 2014
St. George's Day, April 26, 2014

Ministry Opportunities
People, Prayers, & Other News
We pray for beloved clergy experiencing medical concerns: Ron Summers, John Madden, Phillip Garland, Jay Pierce, and John Dews.
News and Resources from The Episcopal Church & the Anglican Communion
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       Submit an item to the Link         Diolex Cycle of Prayer          The Anglican Communion      

           Calendar of Events                 The Episcopal Church             Diocese of Lexington
All churches and other organizations of the diocese are encouraged to submit items to the Link that are of interest to Episcopalians, such as ministry opportunities, Christan formation activities, and cultural events. Deadline is 5pm Monday. If your church is hosting a special event, let us know. You may also add an item to the diocesan calendar on diolex.org by sending an email to bkibler@diolex.org. Feel free to forward the Link to your church members and encourage them to sign up by clicking the button in the right column or using the form on diolex.org.