Bilateral trade between Peru and China is expected to amount to US$17.2 billion, a 10% increase compared to 2013, ex-president of the Peruvian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Capechi) Eduardo McBride reported Monday. 

Economy & Trade

Peru will continue to lead growth in the region, as the economy is expected to rebound strongly in the fourth quarter of the year, said Monday Luis Miguel Castilla, the country's Economy and Finance Minister.

Peruvian economy is set to post a growth ranging from 4 percent to 4.5 percent, increasing at a rate double that of Latin America set at about 2 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Peru's President Ollanta Humala said on Monday that his government is countering slow economic growth by boosting public spending on improved wages and better benefits for public health, education and security workers.

Mining & Energy


Base metals prices saw a mixed trading period in the international market, with zinc up but copper lower from July 15 to 22 this year, Peru's Central Reserve Bank (BCR) reported.

During the said period, the price of zinc rose 3.6 percent to US$ 1.08, reaching its highest level since August 2011. 



Peru is expected to export 115,000 tons of citrus this year, up 20% compared with 2013, when the volume exported amounted to 95,000 tons (USD 85 million), the Citrus Growers Association of Peru (ProCitrus) reported.


Peruvian President Ollanta Humala has promised to invest 8.6bn soles (US$3.07bn) during his administration to expand irrigation across the country.

In his annual speech to congress, Humala pledged to execute 400 projects under the Mi Riego program for 2bn soles to improve water supply to 120,000ha.



The Peruvian foreign ministry published an statement condemning Israel's operation in Gaza. 


President Ollanta Humala noted Peru is gaining increasing recognition in the international community and highlighted his government's decision to open its market and deepen ties with nations across the globe.



Stanford University scientists have produced the first-ever high-resolution carbon geography of Peru, a country whose tropical forests are among the world's most vital in terms of mitigating the global impact of climate change.

Released July 29, the 69-page report to Peru's Ministry of the Environment could become a tool itself to battle rising temperatures, offering unprecedented data for the creation of carbon offset programs. It is complete with vivid 3-D maps that pinpoint with a high degree of certainty the carbon density of Peru's vast and varied landscape, from its western deserts and savannas, to its lowland forests, to its soaring Andean peaks, to its lush eastern Amazon rainforests.


Don't miss the US premiere of "Buscando a Gaston" (Finding Gaston) this coming Thursday August 7th at 6:30 pm at the BID Cultural Center located in 1330 New York Ave NW .Enrique V. Iglesias Auditorium. SPREAD THE WORD!! FREE ADMISSION!

For more information, click here.

The new Maemi's menu will feature all the Peruvian hits: ceviche (raw fish and shellfish marinated in lime juice, onion and peppers), lomo saltado (beef sauted with onions and tomatoes), jalea mixta (fish and seafood with onions, tomatoes and corn). But half the menu will incorporate traditional Japanese fare (tempura, miso soup, ramen) and Peruvian sushi, a twist on the traditional sushi roll using Peruvian sauces in the filling.

Twice now during long winter stays in Lima, I escaped the city's cloudy gray weather that's nearly continuous from June through October by taking a 75-minute flight to Peru's second most populous city. With year-round daytime temperatures between 68 and 78 degrees, endless blue skies and 300 days of sunshine, Arequipa never disappoints.

Regions in Peru's central jungle such as Pasco have broadened their tourist appeal by implementing new routes, which explains the ongoing investment in infrastructure projects to welcome the thousands of visitors expected for national holidays.
For instance, viewpoints, bridges and signposts have been erected to improve access to the area in the so called Ruta del Caf� (Coffee Route) and Circuito de los Colonos (Colonists' Route) located in the town of Oxapampa in Pasco region.
The Colonists' Route covers districts of Oxapampa, Chontabamba, and Huancabamba. It is commonly known by this name because it has been inhabited by descendants of Austrians and Germans for 150 years; people of this area still preserve their ancestors' customs.
Today, Kaypi Peru



The historic Chapel of the Virgen Purificada de Canicunca, located in the district of Huaro, Quispicanchi Province (Cusco), will regain its splendor thanks to a public-private partnership under the legal mechanism "Obras por Impuestos," or projects in lieu of taxes. The initiative, promoted by Backus and World Monuments Fund, proposes a new funding model to rehabilitate Peru's cultural heritage. The mechanism has been embraced by the Ministry of Culture, which approved the procedure in strict compliance with the Law of Protection of Cultural Heritage.


The Peruvian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has ordered 32 LAV-II 8x8 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) from General Dynamics Land Systems in Canada (GDLS-C) under a USD67 million contract, according to the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC).


The President of the National Olympic Committee, Jos� Qui�ones Gonz�lez, confirmed "We would be honoured to host 
the 130th IOC Session. This is our second consecutive bid to host the IOC Session, and it would be a privilege to 
welcome the IOC back to Lima after their last visit in 2013 for the 15th IOC World Conference, Sport for All". 

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