Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso has said constructions works of the Olmos massive irrigation project have reached 85 percent of completion. 


According to the Minister of Economy and Finance ,GDP growth in Peru in February will be more than 5%, while in March, more than 6%.

"We estimate that the growth in February is going to be above 5% and in March, up from 6%. Which, we were located in an average growth of close to 5% or 5.5% in the first quarter," he estimated. 

Mining and Energy

Graystone Company announced today that the Company's mining operations generated approximately 750 grams of gold during March 2014. This represents the best month of production in the Company's history; more than doubling the previous record. The Company will provide an additional update on its production numbers on April 25th representing the initial two weeks of April's production. 


Peruvian telecoms regulator Osiptel plans to release quality of service regulations for telecommunications services in two months. Osiptel thus plans to monitor the data transmission speed offered by operators to their internet service subscribers, Peruvian news agency Andina reports, citing Osiptel president Gonzalo Ruiz Diaz. 


The phenomenon of child workers continues to spread, however, various humanitarian organizations are trying to protect the young victims. In the Peruvian province of Chiclayo there are over 3,350 children and adolescents aged between 6 and 17 who work and over 50% do not attend school. Fundaci�n Telef�nica has managed to send over 600 children workers back to school.   

Law Enforcement

While the Comptroller General, Fuad Khoury, has ordered the temporary freezing of most banking operations by the Ancash regional government,  Interior Minister Walter Alban announced that the government is to change the police leadership in the central  region, where a number of politically-related killings have grabbed national attention.  

The World Bank has provided Colombia and Peru some US$20mn each to assist the countries in introducing technology to streamline their judicial systems.  


heir Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston will welcome His Excellency Ollanta Humala Tasso, President of the Republic of Peru, and his wife, Mrs. Nadine Heredia, First Lady of Peru, to Canada, on the occasion of their State visit, from April 9 to 11, 2014.  


Peru and the US. State of Iowa signed a cooperation agreement on agricultural and livestock research, postgraduate education in science, development in management of clean, and renewable energy, as well as reasonable and sustainable use of water resources, among other issues on Thursday.

The memorandum of understanding (MoU) which will strengthen cooperation was signed at the headquarters of the Iowa government by the governor Terry E. Branstad and the Ambassador of Peru in the United States, Harold Forsyth. 


The First Health Ministers' Meeting of South American and Arab Countries (ASPA) began on Friday in Peruvian capital Lima with the focus on universal health coverage and the Post-2015 United Nations' development agenda.  




Marketing folk expend much time dreaming up slogans for destinations, but so far none has matched the claim of the South American city that should be on the schedule of every global Grand Tourist: 'navel of the universe'. This definition was the work of the most remarkable civilisation in the Americas: the Incas, whose empire straddled the Andes, extending from present-day Chile to Colombia. And at its heart: Cusco. 

The upcoming Holy Week holidays in Peru are expected to generate US$ 300 million in revenues for the tourist sector with 1.5 million travelers visiting top spot destinations nationwide, the National Tourism Chamber (Canatur) has said.


Peru's culinary ambassador, chef Gaston Acurio, told me that "in the last 20 years, a community of chefs all over Latin America have been working together to get to this point" [where the food is attaining worldwide attention].  When I asked who's leading the charge for Peru in the U.S., Acurio replied that our own chef Ricardo Zarate "believed in Peru even before it was popular in the U.S., and is doing great things with Mo-Chica, Picca, and Paiche." Endorsement?-that's practically a knighthood.


Screening Tomorrow at the AFI Silver Theater in DC: PERU SABE. CUISINE AS AN AGENT OF SOCIAL CHANGE at 6:10 PM   


Angie Schlegel, Susan Wagner, and Talia Berckemeyer brought style and plenty of new ideas to the new edition of LIF Week.


Sport shooter Nicolas Pacheco Espinosa was named Wednesday's night the "2013 Athlete of the Year" in a ceremony held at Lima's National Stadium.  



The most active volcano in Peru is living up to its explosive reputation.

Ubinas volcano has been rumbling and occasionally venting gas over the past six months, but on Monday it erupted a 1,000-foot pillar of ash. In addition, a dome of red-hot lava has welled up over the past week, reaching almost 400 feet across, completely filling the pit left by the explosions in 2006, during the volcano's last active period.

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