August 23, 2016 /19 Av 5776

Friday, August 26  
Shabbat Evening Service
7:30pm - Sanctuary
Sunday, August 28  
Enriching the Self Workshop
4:00pm - Sanctuary  


All are welcome to come
celebrate with us.

Friday August 26, 7:30pm
Shabbat Evening Service


Beth Chaim's Chesed Program translates a philosophy of love 
and compassion to all, 
inside and outside our community, into a program of acts and deeds that help to support and lift each other up in times of need, and at life cycle events.

Please contact us by calling the office at (925) 736-7146 or by email at admin@bethchaim.com
if you have any Chesed needs.

Tikkun Olam Opportunities

Toiletries Drive
We are collecting large, full size cosmetics and toiletries, as well as diapers, tissues and wipes for newcomer families of JCFS of the East Bay. Travel size toiletries are also still being accepted.

Donations will be presented as a "Welcome Bag" including: toothbrushes/paste, soaps, combs, deodorant, dental floss and other basic items.
Please bring your items to the drop box in the Beth Chaim foyer or to the office.
Food Bank of Contra Costa
Hunger is year-round battle. A reminder that we have a collection barrel in our lobby which is regularly picked up for distribution for those in need in our community.

Yahrzeit Candles
In our tradition, we say of loved ones who have died, "May their memory be a blessing" and mark this ongoing process of turning memory into blessing by lighting a yahrzeit candle and reciting the Mourner's Kaddish on the anniversary of their death. We will send you a reminder card two weeks before the anniversary of your loved one's passing and hope that you will consider attending Shabbat services to honor their memory. 
A yahrzeit candle is available for you to pick up at the Beth Chaim office at no charge for your observance.

Thank you to Judith Markowitz and Glen Schabacker for underwriting the Yahrzeit program.

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Board Matters

Nominations for the 2017 Beth Chaim Board of Directors

As we continue to evolve our community in new and unique ways, we seek to engage those among us who would like to have a positive influence on this important process through a leadership position on the 2017 Board of Directors. 

Membership on the Board enables you to have a direct impact on the way our community operates. Making a contribution of your time in this way can be a meaningful way for you to make a deeper connection with our community.  

Any member interested in serving on our Board next year is invited to contact Nominating Committee Chair Drew Porter at amporter@aol.com. Any member wishing to put forward the name of another member for nomination is also invited to contact Drew. Drew will be happy to answer any questions about the nominations process, what involvement in the Board entails, or to schedule a conversation with the Nominating Committee.

Workshop: Enriching the Self
Sundays, 4:00-5:30pm, August 28
Jenifer Zetlan is offering this three-session seminar that provides an introduction to the Sefirot, "God's emanations," and how its wisdom can enrich and deepen the meaning of daily living.

Click here for more information
Cost: $40, Materials Fee: $10

Events at Beth Chaim

Sacred Jewish Rhythms Drumming Group
Learn to play and accompany Jewish liturgical music at home, in the synagogue, or under a tree. Instructor Bruce Silverman will highlight traditional middle-eastern rhythms and simple all-purpose rhythms, perfect for prayers, singing, dancing, and playing along with other instruments. This is a completely beginner friendly class!

Sessions are Mondays from 7:30-9:00pm in the Sanctuary

Contact Bruce Silverman for further info about 
prices and dates at 925-685-5585 or at:

Gan ShalomGan Shalom
Beth Chaim now has a beautiful space designated just for our community at Gan Shalom Cemetery in Lafayette. Click here for more information.

The Beit Midrash Religious School & Midrasha

Welcome to the first week of Hebrew School!
Tuesday, 8/23 5:00-6:00pm
Wednesday, 8/24 5:00-6:00pm
for grades 3rd-6th
(Jew Crew starts midweek on 912)

Beit Midrash Calendar
Aug. 23-24 (Grades 3-6)  - Hebrew Power Hour 5:00-6:00pm
Aug. 30-31 (Grades 3-6) - Hebrew Power Hour 5:00-6:00pm
Sunday, Sept. 4 - No school, Labor Day
Sept. 6-7 (Grades 3-6) - Hebrew Power Hour 5:00-6:00pm
Sunday, Sept. 11 - Religious School  from 9:15-12:15 
Sept. 12-14 (Grades 3-7) - Hebrew Power Hour
Sunday, Sept. 18 - Religious School 9:15-12:15
Sept. 19-21 - Hebrew Power Hour 
Sunday, Sept. 25 - Religious School 9:15-12:15
Sept. 26-28 - Hebrew Power Hour 
Sunday, Oct. 2  - No school, Rosh Hashanah


Contra Costa Midrasha

For more information, to get questions answered, or just 
to say "hi" contact Devra Aarons, CCM's Director at
925.944.4701, by email at office@ccmidrasha.com
online at www.ccmidrasha.com or on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/ccmidrasha.


Weekly Torah Portion Video
We invite you to share this week's video from G-d Cast with your children:

Parshat Ekev: Circumcise your Heart

(click on any of the linked titles to go to the sign-ups)
Prickly Pear Wednesday August 31, 2016 
6:45 PM to 9:00 PM
Prickly Pear Cantina
Please join your fellow sisters at the Prickly Pear Cantina on Wednesday, August 31st at 6:45 pm, to enjoy a fun night out as we enjoy some tasty Mexican food and a margarita or two. The first round of drinks is on us!
Upcoming Book Group Selections
August - The Paris Architect, by Charles Belfoure
September - The Guest Room, by 
October - A Man Called Ove, by Fredrik Backman
*November - The Beauty Queen, by Sarit Yishai-Levi
* possible author Q &A in November; if so, this book selection will be moved to a future month.

2017 Sisterhood Sojourn is in the works. Make sure to mark your calendars for May 5-7, 2017.  More details to come. 

For more information on Sisterhood, contact Mary Jo Smith at BCCSisterhood. 


Brotherhood Fantasy Football League
We have room for two more teams!  Returning for its second season! It's a $200 buy in and draft day is Sept. 7th to pick the teams. It all tracks online, no prior experience is needed and it does not need to be time consuming. If you are interested, please email norton.levine@gmail.com ASAP and we will send you additional information. Invite your Beth Chaim friends and start some friendly competition and two people may share a team. 

Men's Gathering
Thursday September 15th, 7:00 p.m.
Home of Bob Slomowitz   2833 Lariat Lane, Walnut Creek
We gather together to reflect on stories of meaning in our lives in a safe and confidential environment. Members of the group facilitate and no one need feel compelled to share in the discussion.  If you have never attended a Beth Chaim Men's Gathering, we invite you to come and experience one. Your presence makes this gathering worthwhile and you are invited to bring a friend.

Brotherhood Hiking Group
Every Wednesday, 8:30-10:30am
Meet at Danville Peet's Coffee (may change). Join us for local hikes and enjoy the beauty right in our backyard. Usually 3-5 miles depending on weather and group consensus. Dogs are welcome! For more information, contact: Harry Kulwin at hkulwin@hotmail.com
or Paul Yamshon at pyamshon56@att.net.

 In Our Jewish Community

International Day of Peace: Sept. 16-18
Speaking in Peace with Each Other
San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville
An Interfaith weekend. Come for the day, and afternoon, or the whole weekend! Click here for registration info.

Hebrew Free Loans
Provides interest-free loans to Jewish residents in Northern California needing assistance or pursuing lifelong dreams. Loan categories include: student, adoption, business, first-time home buyer, unemployment, emergency, debt consolidation, and more. Visit www.hflasf.org or call 415.546.9902

Beth Chaim Congregation      Like us on Facebook
(925) 736-7146

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