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Three Lifelong Learning Opportunities

1) A Holocaust Survivor Tells His Unforgettable Tale 
2) Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal and 
Delight in Our Busy Lives
   3) Chai Mitzvah

Ben Stern: A Holocaust Survivor 
Tells His Unforgettable Story

How many more opportunities will we have to hear a first-hand account from a Holocaust survivor? Ben Stern and his daughter, Charlene, will be here to speak about Ben's astonishing and life-affirming Shoah experience. This is a story about the resilience of the human spirit. 

Sunday, October 11, 10:00am
Beth Chaim Sanctuary

Family, friends and guests are encouraged to attend this inspiring and unforgettable morning.

Ben's story is currently in film production and we will hear an update and hopefully see a clip on "One Ordinary Near Normal Man" and how you can support the project. You can read about the film by visiting http://www.1-man.org/about-the-film/.

Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, 
and Delight in Our Busy Lives

In an interfaith setting, we will explore how this powerful spiritual practice can bring sanity, meaning, and great joy to our lives.

Rabbi Dan Goldblatt and Pastor Steve Harms (Peace Lutheran) will co-teach this class based on the spiritually uplifting book by Wayne Muller. This interactive class includes five sessions and will engage and embrace the essence of the book as we seek to explore the depth of the central spiritual practice in both Judaism and Christianity.

Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
October 20, 27, November 3, 10, 17
Beth Chaim Congregation

The final session of the class, November 17, will be open to the community. Author Wayne Muller will be present to discuss the book with Rabbi Dan and Reverend Harms and answer questions that emerge from the class.

Cost: $60 (includes the price of the book - a $16 value - and materials for the class). No one will be turned away because of lack of funds.

Register for the class by calling the Beth Chaim Office at 
925.736.7146 or emailing admin@bethchaim.com. Register early so you can pick up the book and begin reading!
"Sabbath is more than the absence of work; it is not just a day off, when we catch up on television or errands. It is the presence of something that arises when we consecrate a period of time to listen to what is most deeply beautiful, nourishing, or true. It is time consecrated with our attention, our mindfulness, honoring those quiet forces of grace or spirit that sustain and heal us."
Wayne Muller
Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives

Last year, 18 people from Beth Chaim participated in this exciting, national program of Jewish learning and spiritual engagement, and we are beginning another session this month!

Explore how Judaism can bring meaning into your life with this 9-month discussion group. Chai Mitzvah is a unique adult engagement program that combines both personal and communal learning through five easy steps:

     - Text-based community learning discussion
     - Individualized Jewish study
     - Participation in ritual
     - Social action, Tikkun Olam
     - Celebration of achievements

Chai Mitzvah, led by Rabbi Dan, provides the framework and guidance; YOU design your own program, participate at your own pace, and grow where and how you want to grow. Individuals and couples welcome!

First class will be held on Wednesday, October 21st
All sessions are Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the Beth Chaim Sanctuary
Registration is required to attend.

Cost: $25 total for all sessions

For more information and to register, visit the Chai Mitzvah website: