YouthZone Foundation
In This Issue

Free, online resource from the parenting experts at Boys Town.
Information on recognizing eating disorders in teens.

Can't understand what your kids are saying?  Trying to decipher their cryptic texts and posts? This will help!


Funding Update
It's tax time!  
Don't forget to claim your 2014 donation on your return.

Receiving a refund?  Congratulations!  
Consider putting a portion of your refund to good use by donating to YouthZone!



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February 2015
Innovative Ways to Give

We know you're just as passionate about helping kids as we are, so we are sharing three innovative ways that you can help financially contribute to YouthZone - at no cost to you! 


We encourage our community to support local businesses that give so much back to YouthZone. However, sometimes you just need to take a cyber trip to If you shop at Amazon, then you'll want to visit AmazonSmile, which is a simple and automatic way for you to support YouthZone every time you shop at Amazon. For most purchases made through AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to the charity of your choice. To sign up, visit and follow the easy steps and select YouthZone as your charity of choice. When you're ready to shop, you'll just need to go to the AmazonSmile site (which looks and feels just like Amazon) instead of the site.

Good Search

What if you had a penny for every time you searched for something on the Internet? With Good Search, YouthZone can get that penny! Good Search is similar to other search engines, like Google or Bing. And, every time you search through Good Search, a penny gets donated to your favorite charity. Registering is easy and takes less than a minute.

Good Search also offers another component, Good Shop. With Good Shop, you can shop at your favorite online stores, who will then make a donation based on a percentage of your purchase. All you have to do is visit the Good Shop site, find the store you're looking for, and click to that site from Good Shop. This week, a YouthZone staffer was looking for a very specific pair of Reebok running shoes. By going through Good Shop first, Reebok donated 6% of her $100 purchase to YouthZone. That's $6 for an extra step and less than five seconds to get there!

City Market Community Rewards

This third way of giving is super easy! Visit the City Market website, register your City Market Card and select YouthZone as the charity you wish to support. After your card is registered, City Market will donate a percentage of what you spend to YouthZone. 

Parenting Tip

Your first job is to be a parent, not a friend.  This means that you will have to be the "bad guy" at times and they may not always like you. But in the long run, they will respect you more. 

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday, February 10 was Safer Internet Day.  If you missed it, don't worry!  There are fabulous resources still available to help educate parents on how they can have a safer internet environment in their homes.

With more than three billion people throughout the world on the internet, it's a guarantee that some of those people are not good! Insafe, who operates the website, strives to empower young people to use the internet, as well as other online and mobile technologies, in a positive, safe and effective manner.
Upcoming Events

YouthZone's Alcohol and Drug Awareness Classes
Designed to help kids understand the facts about drugs and alcohol, these classes can help empower kids to find the strength within themselves that they may otherwise try to seek from drug and alcohol use.  Youth are taught the facts about drugs, how to refuse drugs in peer situations and many other valuable tools.

For the full schedule for 2015, click here.
Lori Mueller, Executive Director
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