October 20, 2015

Website Calendar |  SignUp Genius | Parent Hour Log
Greetings FOA Families,

The Great California Shakeout rumbled through Foothill Oaks last Thursday, October 15 at 10:15am!  All students and teachers followed the correct drill to "Drop, Cover and Hold On".  Eighth grade students were reminded while crouched under their desks, to take a moment to look around at what would be falling on them in a real earthquake.    Following the "All Clear", classrooms were evacuated, and everyone quietly walked out to line up on the field or blacktop, depending on their assignment.  Well done, FOA students and staff!

World Maths Day was also last Thursday.  Our students in 5th to 8th grade spent much of the day in the media center while they participated in competition with students from all over the world.  Speed and accuracy were measured, and we will share the results as soon as they come in.

We have heard the complaints about the insect bites children have received while on the grassy field.  In response we have done two things: we have cut the grass extra short and we have sprayed the field.  We hope this will take care of the problem. 

Well, the painting of our elementary building has been finished!  We are so pleased with the excellent job and with the men who worked so hard to complete it as quickly as possible.  Thank you to the Yee family for their donation toward the project.

After the Big Spin last Friday, the excitement about Harvest Festival really took off among our students.  Please be sure to volunteer for two 30-minute game booth shifts on SignUp Genius, and turn in your pre-orders and raffle tickets so your child will be eligible to participate in this Friday's Big Spin!


Nancy Lopez
Harvest Festival Food Pre-Order
10/20: Positive Discipline Workshop sponsored by FOAPA, 7:00pm

10/22: Middle School Conferences

10/29: High School Fair @ FOA 11:00am
(next HS Fair in 2017)

10/30: Free Dress/ Pizza Lunch

Harvest Festival, 5:00pm
*food service begins at 5:00pm
*program begins at 5:45pm

11/3: FOAPA Mtng, 7:00pm

11/6: K-8 Special Awards Assembly
Donut Sale
Parenting Workshop: TONIGHT @ 7:00pm
"Positive Discipline"

The FOA PA is proud to present the first of two parenting workshops for the 2015-2016 school year.

Are you looking for a few new tools to enhance your skills as a parent?  Perhaps your child has reached a new phase in his development, and you aren't quite sure of some good ways to communicate with him, or with your spouse, or even the people with whom you work.   Candy Northrop, a 32-year educator in the Arcadia schools, will be here to whet your appetite with an approach known as "Positive Discipline."  Join us as we add some new tools to our parenting tool belts.

Don't forget you will earn one Parent Participation hour for your attendance.
Attention Middle School Parents
PTC Chalkboard
If you have not done so already, you need to make a Parent Teacher Conference appointment for this Thursday, October 22, 2015.  Appointments are available from 3:15pm to 6:15pm.

Please call the school office to reserve your appointment at 626.301.9809.
Make A Difference Day logo

All Middle School students are required to complete service hours by May 6, 2016.  A great way to get a head start on those hours and lend a helping hand in the community is Make A Difference Day on Saturday, October 24, 2015, beginning at 8:00am in Monrovia's Library Park.

halloween candy
Please send a bag of individually wrapped Halloween candy for our classroom "trick-or-treating" event which will follow the costume parade at the end of the month.
SignUp Genius Logo
prize wheel

As you can imagine, an all school event the scope of our Harvest Festival requires "all hands on deck".  Have you volunteered your "hands" yet?

Please note Game Booth time slots are only 30 minutes -- you will need to work 2 slots to earn 1 Parent Hour.


THIS Friday (10/23), your student will have another opportunity to spin the prize wheel if you have done one of the following things:
  • sold 2 books of raffle tickets
  • preordered game wristbands
  • preordered food (coming TODAY)

These items must be received in the office by 3pm Thursday to qualify for Friday's Spin!!! 

Don't Forget... all FOA students will be singing at the beginning of the Harvest Festival -- please bring blankets and/or chairs to watch the performance.  Also, if you or someone you know would like to be a vendor at the Harvest Festival, please email Christa Tamparong for details.

It is hard to believe that it is already time for eighth grade families to be considering high school options -- but it is!

To aid in this process we are excited to be hosting our biennial High School Fair on Thursday, October 29 at 11:00am in Room 15.  We strongly encourage all middle school families to come hear from these local high school admissions reps.

PLEASE NOTE: If you signed up to provide part of the refreshments for this event, please deliver your donation to the main kitchen (by Room 15) by 9:00am.
Girls Volleyball Game Schedule
Boys Flag Football Game Schedule
W-Oct 28AWAY @ Bethany 
W-Nov 4HOME vs New Horizons 
M-Nov 9AWAY @ Glendale Academy 

W-Oct 28HOME vs Bethany
T-Nov 3HOME vs New Horizons
M-Nov 9AWAY @ Glendale Academy
annual fund = partnership
822 Bradbourne Ave | Duarte | 91010
626-301-9809 | foothilloaksacademy.org | office@foothilloaksacademy.org