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Foothill Oaks Academy's Weekly Correspondence With FamiliesMay 6, 2014
  • May Tuition Statement (balance now due) 
  • Eighth Grade graduation week schedule
  • Progress Report (if necessary)

Can't wait to see everyone this Thursday at 6pm for
Please take the time to visit each of the classrooms as well as the Middle School Science Fair and the student art exhibit.
This evening represents the culmination of a year's worth of work and learning and growing in the lives of our FOA students.  You really will not want to miss any of it!
Plus, there'll be ice cream!
Annual Fund Supporters

Contributions to date:
 Annual Fund Goal:
Yamamoto Family 
Bulthuis Family
Galdrikian Family
Higman Family
Cupp Family
Pavelka/Hamdan Family
Brantley Family
Palmer/Javryd Family
McKay Family
Kamekona Family
Liu Family
Townsend Family
Burke Family
Morrone Family
Flores Family
Wardhana Family
Wolfsohn Family
Golangco Family
Nieuwoudt Family
Berry Family
Daley Family
Tamparong Family
Mrs. George
Mrs. Ha
Mrs. Jackson
Mrs. Petchpradub
Mr. & Mrs. Johansen
Diaz Family
Sato-Lim Family
Chagoyen-Neuman Family
Mrs. Cornelius
Mrs. Belblidia
Woodward Family
Mrs. Freeman
Mrs. R. Lopez
Mrs. Hastings
Mrs. Gremigni
Mr. & Mrs. Hurte
Mrs. N. Lopez
Mrs. Wolf
Mrs. Seman
Mrs. Garcia
Miss Kington
Voykov Family
Mrs. Smith
Mr. Esparza
Miss Marcela
Miss Vickie 




Quick Links

orange flower monster



Thursday, 5/8
  • Open House, 6pm
Friday, 5/9
  • $1 Free Dress
  • Electronics Day
Monday, 5/12 to
Friday, 5/16
Staff Appreciation Week

Tuesday, 5/13
  • FOAPA Meeting, 6pm
Friday, 5/16
Friday, 5/23
  • Falcon T-shirt Day
Monday, 5/26
Friday, 5/30
  • Box Tops Due
  • Free Dress
  • Pizza Lunch 



The last two weeks have been extremely busy with campus tours each day and, of course, preparations for Open House.  We feel tons of excitement in the air as our students finish last minute details on class projects and room environments to impress their parents and other visitors.  Our students experience such a sense of pride when they are able to share with you all they have been able to achieve in this school year.  Try to remember to encourage your children and tell them how special their accomplishments have been this year.  Keep in mind that parental approval and praise are the most important acknowledgements in a child's life.


Progress reports went home today.  Not every student will receive one.  If your child is struggling in an area, you should receive a report.  You may also receive one if your student deserves extra accolades or praise for doing a great job.  Make sure you contact teachers if you have questions or need clarification.


Next week is probably our favorite week all year.  It is Staff Appreciation Week.  It is so inspiring to come to work and receive recognition for our dedication.  Make sure you read below about how you can help.

See you on Thursday night,

              Mrs. Lopez

May 16th is a MINIMUM DAY
and there is NO DAY CARE. 
Please make arrangements for your student's
prompt pick-up at 12 noon.

The FOAPA is seeking cash donations to help offset the expense of the luncheon given in honor of our teachers and staff, as well as donations of Starbucks and Jamba Juice scrip that can be used to purchase treats for them next week.


Please submit your donations to the office by tomorrow, May 7th, attn: Christa Tamparong.

Microsoft XP Woes
Can You Help?

We are in serious need of some new computers as most of ours are running Windows XP.  If you work for, or know of a company, that is updating their computers and is getting rid of working computers running Windows 7, we would appreciate your assistance in making that connection.


Attention 6th & 7th Grade Families
  • NEEDED on 5/19: transportation TO Camp Oaks in Big Bear; depart FOA at 9:00am
  • NEEDED on 5/23: transportation FROM Camp Oaks in Big Bear, depart camp at noon; return to school 2:00pm
  • NEEDED 5/19 to 5/23: male parent chaperone
Parent Hour/Scrip Deadlines Quickly Approaching
Due Friday, May 16th

Don't forget that your completed Parent Participation Hour Log is due in the office no later than Friday, May 16th.  If we do not receive your log, you will be billed the full $250 buy-out.  Even if we KNOW that you have completed your volunteer hours, we are required to keep a record of those who have served our school throughout the year, so please turn in your form right away.

  • If you turn in your form but have not completed your full 25 hour requirement, you will be billed $10 for every hour you did not complete.

There are only two more opportunities to order scrip to fulfill your $3000 purchase requirement before the May 16th deadline. 

  • If you have not made purchases totaling $3000, you will be billed 10% of the remaining purchase requirement.

This Friday is $1 Free Dress and 
Electronics Day for Kinder-5th grade. 
Your student may bring an electronic device to school for use at approved times throughout the day as a reward for Read-a-thon achievements. 

FOAPA Executive Board Nominations
Be A Part Of The Parent Association Team Next Year

Please mark your calendars for the next and final FOAPA

meeting for 2013-2014.  They will meet next Tuesday, May 13th at 6pm to discuss plans for next year and to elect officers for the incoming FOAPA board.  Child care will not be provided for this meeting.


If you would be interested in serving our school and helping to lead the parent group through the 2014-2015 school year, we will have a nomination sheet available at Open House listing the positions available.

Birth Certificate Required 
Updating Student Files

The state requires that we have a birth certificate on file for each student in attendance at our school.  If we do not have a copy of your student's birth certificate you will be notified next week.


Please be aware that we MUST have a copy of your student's birth certificate on file in order for them to return in the fall.  Start looking!

Now enrolling for summertime fun!
Print enrollment form here.


Monrovia Days Music Festival
Volunteers Needed

On Sunday, May 18th, we will be hosting a game booth at the Monrovia Days Music Festival in Library Park.  We are looking for parent volunteers to work one hour shifts between 2pm and 7pm. 


If you are available to help us, please contact the office at 626.301.9809.

Head's Up 6th Grade Families 
Immunizations Due

Just so you know, if your student has not already had their TDAP immunization, they will be required to do so before entering 7th grade.

Foothill Oaks Academy