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Supreme Health and Fitness Newsletter
Issue 115
January 2015
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Offer Expires: February 28th, 2015
In This Issue
Group Exercise Update
Master Swim
Lost & Found
Bricko's Drafters
Kickbox Boot Camp
Playroom News
Club Congrats
Fitness Funny
Fitness Fun with Shana: Arm Exercises
Racquetball Corner: Club Singles
Rate Us!
Free WiFi
Group Exercise Update
Class Changes and Trials
Friday 5:45am: As of January 28th we will begin a 6 week trial of Insanity with Lynette.  Come give this 30 minute fat-blasting class a try!

Wednesdays 6:30pm: TaeBo with Maria is BACK beginning January 28th. 

Pound Fit


Luanne, Kathy, Kristi, and Julia are now POUND - Rockout. Workout.™Certified! Watch for demos of these fun filled classes on the schedule soon!


Demo Classes 




 BarreTime demo with Amanda February 1st 12:30pm (Superbowl Sunday)



Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga with Danielle: Sunday February 8th at 3pm 


Luanne Vogel
Group Exercise Director
Masters Swim Winter Session

Want to perfect your swim skills for the summer 2015 Tri season? Or maybe you just want a great morning swim workout! The Winter session of our Master Swim Program has just begun, and coach Mike would love to have you join them in the pool!


Master Swim



Lost and  Found

Lost and Found

Did you know that Supreme has a lost & found?  We have many lonely mittens, jackets, keys, full shampoo bottles, and shoes that are looking to go back home.  Check with the front desk if you believe you are missing something.  Thanks!


Bricko's Drafters Cycling

Bricko's Drafters


Kickbox Boot Camp with Jenna

Kick Box Boot Camp


News From the Playroom





Inclement Weather Policy:  During inclement weather, we will observe MADISON METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT closing schedule.  If MMSD is closed or has a late start due to weather, the playroom will be closed.



Remember:   Kids need water bottles too!  Please bring in a water bottle for your child so they can stay hydrated too while you work out.  Water bottles reduce spills and germ sharing.  Please make sure their names are on the bottles!   



Club Congrats

Congrats to:

Kim Whalen
National Champion
Ivan Burner
Ivan Turns 90

Barbara (far right) meets the Dalai Lama
Barbara (far right) meets the Dalai Lama

Kim Whalen became the Women's Senior Masters National Racquetball Champion at the 26th Annual Women's Senior/Masters National Championships in Minneapolis, MN on January 18th.  

Ivan Bruner celebrated his 90th birthday!
Barbara Annan met the Dalai Lama on her most recent visit to India!

David & Cheryl Scadlock on their photography gallery opening at PhotoMidwest Gallery- 303 S. Patterson St., Madison.  The opening reception is on February 5th from 7-9pm.


 Know a member deserving of a "congrats"?  Send the scoop to Shana at [email protected]  

Fitness Funny

Veterinarian Diet

Fitness Fun with Shana: 

 Train This Not That: The Upper Body Edition

Once again we are visiting some common exercise selections and identifying which ones may not be the safest option toward achieving your goals.  Let's face it - people love great looking delts, biceps, triceps, and pecs, so they flock to the fitness magazines to see which exercises the bodybuilders are doing.  The problem is, most of us are not bodybuilders, and in this modern day of movement based training being on the forefront of the fitness industry, there are many safer options. 

Please keep in mind, many people can safely complete these exercises and gain some benefit.  But I can also go to McDonalds, safely eat a hamburger, and gain some nutritional value.  In either situation, there are better options. 


1. Kipping Pull-Ups

Kipping Pull-Up

Kipping pull-ups are used as the primary form of pull-ups for the CrossFit elite athletes.  Just trying to build some strength and not going for a new CrossFit record?  Leave this exercise by the wayside and let the pros handle it. 

In kipping pull-ups, a swing is used in the bottom of the pull-up to build momentum to get the chin up and over the bar.  Unfortunately this same momentum does not allow the exerciser to lower back to the starting position with control.  The eccentric overload on the muscles at the bottom of the swing can cause damage to other structures, such as ligaments and the labrum.  Not only can they be a safety risk, but by using this momentum, there is much less load on the muscles, preventing significant strength gains.


Goal: Building strength in the back, shoulders, and core.


Replace With: Slow, controlled pull-ups, or assisted pull-ups.



Begin your pull-up in a dead-hang position with tension around the scapulae and shoulders so that you are not just "hanging out" in your shoulder capsules.  Keeping your core braced and body planked pull your chest up to the bar with control.    Lower back down to the starting position with control, never letting your body just "hang".  If this move is too difficult to do without adding a swing, consider beginning your pull-ups in an assisted pull-up machine.


2. Upright Row


Because grabbing the bar in an overhand grip causes your shoulders to become internally rotated, you tend to run out of space while raising your elbows to complete the exercise.  Every time you raise weight in this internally rotated position, tendons and nerves are pinched while the head of the humerus bangs up again the ac joint.

Goal: Strengthen Deltoids- with a focus on the medial delts. 

Replace With: Dumbbell Lateral Raises

DB Raises

Standing in a proper upright posture with shoulders down and back, lift dumbbells up to the side of your body until they become parallel to the floor.  Slowly lower them back down to your sides, without losing tension on the muscles before the next lift.  If there is any tightness or pinching in the shoulders during this movement, try the same thing with lighter weight and with the thumbs pointing up toward the ceiling as you raise the weights.


3. Plyometric-Push-Ups

Plyo Push-Ups

Although lots of fun, plyo-push ups (otherwise known as clapping push-ups) can put an extreme load on the shoulders and spine upon landing if the exerciser is not properly prepared for this exercise.  This short, but intense, eccentric load during the landing phase of the push-up will push the head of the humerous too far back into the shoulder capsule and will also force the spine into over-extension if the muscles are not properly engaged. 


Goal: Introduce a faster rate of contraction to your push-ups- aiding in building power to the chest and shoulders.


Replace With: Explosive Push-Ups

Explosive Push-Ups

Beginning in an upward plank position, brace the entire body.  Slowly lower the chest toward the floor, and return to the starting position with explosive speed without leaving the ground.  This can also be done from the knees.


4. Wide Grip Bench Press

Wide Grip Bench

The risks most definitely outweigh the benefits with this exercise.   According to a review of research published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal, the amount of torque in the shoulders is nearly 1.5 times greater when widening the grip of a bench press.  This increased torque can lead to rotator cuff injuries and pectoralis major rupture.

Goal: Strengthen the Chest and Triceps


Replace With: Regular or Narrow Grip Bench Press

Regular Bench

Decrease the load placed on your shoulders by narrowing your grip on the barbell.  Begin your lift with your hands shoulder width, or just slightly wider, brace your core to avoid excessive arching throughout the movement, and lower the bar about 1-3 inches above your chest.  Keeping the lats and shoulders engaged (no "hanging out" in the bottom or top of the lift) press the bar back up the it's starting position.  To even further reduce strain on the shoulders, try a Dumbbell Chest Press with the elbows turned in closer to the body, or move your chest press to the TRX Suspension Trainer.


5. Overhead Barbell Press

Overhead Barbell Press

While holding a barbell, your elbows are usually out to the side in a "goal post" position.  Doing a press in this position is less than optimal for the head of your humorous to move through the shoulder socket and can lead to compression and rotator cuff injuries.

Goal: Strengthen Deltoids and Triceps

Replace With: Dumbbell Shoulder Press with elbows forward

DB Overhead Press

Begin with a dumbbell in each hand held at chin height with your elbows pointed just outside of forward.  Brace your core so that you do not overextend your lumbar spine, and push the dumbbells overhead, keeping your pinkies and elbows pointed mostly forward rather than straight out to the side.  Slowly lower the dumbbells into the original starting position and repeat.


Once again I would like to emphasize that all of the above exercises have been performed with little or no injury, but most people that come to the gym either do not have the mobility or strength to safely complete them.  Rather that risking injury and having to start your workout program all over again, try to settle for the safer alternative.   I guarantee you will still get gain plenty of strength. 


Racquetball Corner:

Club Singles Results


Club Singles Champions for 2015


Men's Open


1st place Howie Grigg

2nd place Ryan Jacobs

Cons Joe Allard


Men's A


1st place Jeff Daniels

2nd place Reinier Hernandez

Cons Dean Hofstetter


Men's B


1st place Pinray Huang

2nd place Antoine Rios

Cons Chuck Brooks


Men's C


1st place Kris Canto

2nd place Jon Traver


Blind Draw Doubles


1st place Tim Williams/Dylan Douglas

2nd place Gregg Breese/Pinray Huang

Cons Bob Schultz/Kevin Wilson



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internet, we are hoping to add to the number of reviews of Supreme on google and on Facebook.  
Could you please do us a favor and write a review 
(even the same one) that is from the heart, about your experience at Supreme Health and Fitness?

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Free WiFi

WiFiDid you know Supreme has free wireless internet? 


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