John Renesch's Mini Keynote #180
  A new thought-provoking article each month                                June 2013 


Picture of John Renesch
Enjoy this issue of my Mini-Keynote newsletter. I welcome comments, positive and negative, questions and feedback. Send to me at
Many thanks,


  John's picks   


Ideas worth Spreading  

Krista Tippett at TEDx
#1: Compassion, Faith and Love
Richard Turere at TED
#2: Masai Boy Wonder


Albert Einstein
                                                                    Mini-Keynote Editorial

Ending Conversations That Divide: The Rise of the "We Conversation"


by John Renesch

The other day I received an announcement from one of the professional futurists associations to which I belong about a forthcoming event with a theme of "The Future of Europe." I was struck immediately with the thought that titles such as this are outmoded. Einstein warned us that nationalism was an "infantile disease" almost a century ago and Thomas Paine decreed "My country is the world.... My countrymen are mankind" about 237 years ago...(READ MORE)
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Thanks to Larry Jensen in Sedona for his kind words. Larry is an old friend from the 1970s. Thanks also to Brooklin Kayce in Seattle for her sweet words sent through Facebook and for standing tall as a visionary.

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations regarding my most recent book being named "2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction" by the New Generation Indie Book Awards. Just got back from New York after accepting the Award. Maybe we'll have pictures for next month's newsletter.

The Great Growing Up cover

John's Latest Book Declared Winner!


Indie Book Awards logo  

2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

First Place Grand Prize Winner

                            for Non Fiction


"I welcome this important book which maps the unprecedented challenges and opportunities for humanity in this era. John Renesch, as always, is an expert guide to this phase of human development and he lays out our options with deep understanding and compassion."
        - Hazel Henderson, President, Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil), author of Ethical Markets: Growing The Green Economy,and Beyond Globalization


My latest blog at "The Role of Legitimacy in Bringing About Paradigm Change" 


My latest guest blog: "Recognizing Our Uniqueness" at Exploring the Better Future


                                                                                                                                                 MONTHLY QUOTE

"Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one identity." - James Baldwin