March/mars 2016
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We invite you to join the co-facilitators of this three-week webinar to share experiences, insights, and questions regarding the complexities of undergraduate nursing education in PEOLC. 

June 9, 16, & 23 at 6:00 PM EST

Nous vous invitons � rejoindre les coanimateurs de ce webinaire de trois semaines afin d'�changer des exp�riences, des id�es et des questions li�es aux complexit�s de la formation en sciences infirmi�res de premier cycle en SPFV.

Les 9, 6, et 23 juin � 18 h � 19 h 30 HNE
CASN Expert Course on Implementing Interprofessional Education

This webinar series provides nurse educators with information, resources, and strategies that will assist in the development of interprofessional education experiences for students.

June 2,9,& 16, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST

Cours de la s�rie d'experts de l'ACESI - Mise en oeuvre de la formation interprofessionnelle: meilleure preuve, strat�gies et exp�riences

Ce cours offre aux infirmi�res enseignantes de l'information, des ressources et des strat�gies pour aider � l'�laboration d'exp�riences en formation interprofessionnelle pour les �tudiantes.

les 2, 9 et 16 juin, 15 h � 17 h heure de l'Est
Clinical Instructor Certificate Course

This foundational course encompasses clinical education at the baccalaureate level in acute care settings, and public health and community health care placements.

Starting October 17, 2016.
This course is offered in English.

Cours menant � l'obtention d'un certificat en enseignement clinique

Ce cours de base porte sur la formation clinique au niveau baccalaur�at,  en milieu de soins actifs ainsi que des stages en sant� publique et en soins de sant� communautaire.

Commen�ant le 17 octobre, 2016.
Veuillez noter que ce cours est offert en anglais.
Coming this fall
Clinical Instructor Course in French
Starting September 6, 2016
Leadership Retreat
Coming fall 2016

� venir cet automne
Cours (en fran�ais) menant � l'obtention d'un certificat en enseignement clinique
Commen�ant le 6 septembre, 2016
Retraite sur le leadership
� venir automne 2016

Awards Do you have a colleague who exemplifies excellence in nursing education? Nominate them for a CASN award!

Deadline: June 10th, 2016

Avez-vous un(e) coll�gue qui se d�marque par son excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmi�res? Si oui, proposez sa candidature pour l'un des prix de l'ACESI! 

Date limite: le 10 juin 2016
CASN offers an annual award to an established scholar with a strong program of research in nursing. The CASN Pat Griffin Nursing Education Research Scholar position awards a one-time $10,000 grant to the named Scholar, who will present a lecture at CASN Council in the year of selection.
The nomination period is now open. The deadline for nominations is June 10, 2016.

L'ACESI offre une subvention annuelle � une chercheuse �tablie, qui se distingue par un programme solide de recherche en sciences infirmi�re. Une subvention unique de 10 000 $ dollars est accord�e � la chercheuse r�cipiendaire de ce poste de recherche en formation infirmi�re Pat Griffin, qui pr�sentera une conf�rence magistrale � la r�union annuelle du Conseil de l'ACESI.
La p�riode de mise en candidature est maintenant ouverte. La date limite pour les mises en candidature est le 10 juin 2016.

Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing AGM & Research Conference (ARCASN2016)
Nursing Education in the Atlantic Region: Past, Present, & Future

Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Nursing
Health Sciences Centre,
St. John's, NL

June 10-12, 2016  
Le 4 mai 2016, Madame Jos� C�t�, Ph. D.,  recevait le Prix Florence (recherche).
Dalhousie University's new Graduate Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions
Dalhousie University is offering a new online graduate level certificate for those working in mental health and addictions services. The Graduate Certificate in Mental Health and Addictions is evidence-based, interprofessional and reflective of diverse populations, with an emphasis on applied learning.    

Now accepting submissions for the  the Canadian 
Association of Schools of Nursing's peer-review journal.

Nous acceptons maintenant les propositions d'articles
pour la revue de l'Association canadienne des �coles de sciences infirmi�res.


Webinar concept with interface and world map on blue background Register Now! Dr. Judeline Innocent, Romie Christie and Tanya Condo present this timely webinar addressing the stigma that is often associated with mental health issues. Speakers will share professional and personal perspectives as they highlight ongoing research, resources available, and the value of peer support and hope to those living with mental health issues.

Wednesday, May 11 at 2:00 PM EST



Unleash the Power of ED Nurses / Exploiter le pouvoir de l'infirmi�re � l'urgence

Montreal, QC
April 21-24, 2016
Blueprint for Action: Making Connections!

Presented by Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC)

St. John's, NL
May 30 - June 1, 2016 

Brains, Guts & Gumption: Historical  Perspectives on Nursing Education, Practice & Entrepreneurship

Vancouver, BC
June 16-18, 2016 
Changing Tides in Critical Care Nursing: Riding the Waves Together to Provide Quality Care  

Presented by Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) 

Charlottetown, PE 
September 25-27, 2016 

LEAP (Linking Evidence and Practice)

Kingston, ON
September 29 - October 1, 2016 
Vancouver, BC
November 16-18, 2016
Presented by the Ontario Simulation Alliance (OSA)

Trent/Fleming School of Nursing
Peterborough, ON
May 31-June 3, 2016
This comprehensive course is for health professionals from a variety of disciplines who face diabetes in practice.

Presented by UBC, Continuing Education

Vancouver, BC
April 18-20, 2016

The conference is designed for students engaged in doctoral work in Canada or globally, regardless of disciplinary focus.

Regina, Saskatchewan
June 8-10, 2016
Abstract deadline: April 30, 2016
Smart Hospitals and Healthcare: Health Care Management & Leadership, Risk, Quality, and Productivity

Presented by the International Association of Risk Management in Medicine (IARMM)

Harvard University Medical School
Boston, USA
September 21-23, 2016
Abstract Deadline: April 31, 2016

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