October Issue --- Numéro d'octobre
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Canadian Association Schools of Nursing News Update
Mise à jour de l'Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières
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What's new at CASN --- Nouveautés de l'ACESI
CASN Council Meeting 2012
Registration Deadline November 9th!
Register Now!
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2012 CASN Awards:
Judith McIntosh, University of New Brunswick
Award for Academic Administrative Excellence:
Francine Girard, Université de Montréal
Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Tenured):
Lynne Young, University of Victoria
Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Non-Tenured):
Jenn Salfi, McMaster University
Award for Excellence in Nursing Research:
Kathryn King-Shier, University of Calgary
Lois Berry, University of Saskatchewan
CASN and Canada Health Infoway Nursing Faculty e-Health Award June Kaminski, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Date limite d'inscription : le 9 novembre!
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer les gagnants des prix de l'ACESI 2012 :
Prix Ethel Johns:
Judith McIntosh, University of New Brunswick
Prix d'excellence en gestion universitaire:
Francine Girard, Université de Montréal
Prix d'excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmières (permanent):
Lynne Young, University of Victoria
Prix d'excellence en enseignement des sciences infirmières (Non-permanent):
Jenn Salfi, McMaster University
Prix d'excellence en recherche infirmière:
Kathryn King-Shier, University of Calgary
Prix Wendy McBride:
Lois Berry, University of Saskatchewan
Prix en cybersanté pour faculté de sciences infirmières offert conjointement par l'ACESI et Inforoute santé du Canada
June Kaminski, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
2012 CASN Council Meeting and Graduate Studies Forum
Dates: November 13th - 15th, 2012
Graduate Studies Forum on November 13th, and Council Meeting on November 14th-15th
Location: Ottawa Marriott Hotel, Ottawa, ON
Program Highlights:
- Graduate Studies Forum
- Undergraduate Forum
- Elections
- Session on moving from CRNE to NCLEX-RN®
- Roundtable discussions focusing on CASN projects and tools
Hotel: Ottawa Marriott To reserve a room: - Online:click here- Via phone: call 1-800-853-8463 and quote "Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing" Dates: du 13 au 15 novembre 2012 Forum sur les études supérieures le 13 novembre et la Réunion du Conseil le 14 - 15 novembre Emplacement: Ottawa Marriott, Ottawa, ON
Points saillants du Programme:- Forum sur les études supérieures
- Forum sur les études de premier cycle
- Élections
- Session sur l'adoption de l'examen NCLEX-RN® (transition de l'EAIC à l'examen NCLEX)
- Table ronde se concentrant sur les projets et outils de l'ACESI
Hôtel: Marriott Ottawa
Pour faire une réservation de chambre : - En ligne: Cliquez ici
- Par téléphone : Téléphonez au 1-800-853-8463 et mentionnez Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières
2013 CASN Conference
Theme: Collaborative Synergy: Teams, Scholarship and Capacity Building in Nursing Research Date: June 24-26, 2013 Location: Hilton Metrotown, Vancouver, BC
Call For Abstracts Now Open!!!
You are invited to submit an abstract on research completed or in progress in one of the subtheme areas below that focuses on collaborative teams and or capacity building.
Conference Subthemes
- Health Services
- Practice/Interventions
- Education
The conference program will include an opening reception, keynote speakers, concurrent presentations, and poster presentations scheduled over two and a half days.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed based on: relevance to conference themes, value, utility, innovativeness, methodology, clarity and overall strength.
For complete call for abstract details please click here.
Conférence de l'ACESI 2013 Thème: Synergie concertée: Équipes, l'avancement des connaissances et renforcement des capacités de recherche en sciences infirmières Date: du 24 au 26 juin 2013 Location: Hilton Metrotown, Vancouver, BC
Nous acceptons maintenant les résumés de recherche!!!
Nous vous invitons à soumettre un résumé de recherche terminé ou en cours, sous une des sous-thèmes ci- dessous, qui mettent l'accent sur les équipes de recherche collaborative et le renforcement des capacités. Sous-thèmes de la conférence - Services de santé
- Pratique/Interventions
- Éducation
Le programme de la conférence comprendra une réception d'ouverture, des conférenciers d'honneur, des présentations en séances simultanées et des expositions d'affiches. Les activités se dérouleront sur deux jours et demi.
Ceux-ci feront l'objet d'un examen par les pairs selon la pertinence face aux thèmes de la conférence, la créativité, la clarté, l'innovation et l'utilité par rapport à la pratique et à la recherche infirmière.
Pour obtenir des renseignements détaillés au sujet de l'appel de résumés de recherche, veuiller cliquer ici.
Accreditation 101
CASN is pleased to announce the launch of "Accreditation 101". This new program is being offered to Schools of Nursing who are in the process of an accreditation review or who are considering applying for one. It is a 90 minute session offered by distance to faculty and staff who would like more information on CASN Accreditation. More...
Agrément 101
L'ACESI a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement d'« Agrément 101 », un nouveau programme destiné aux écoles de sciences d'infirmières qui sont en train de subir l'examen d'agrément ou qui songent à en faire la demande. Il s'agit d'une séance d'information de 90 minutes, donnée à distance aux enseignants et au personnel qui veulent mieux connaître le programme d'agrément de l'ACESI. Suite...
Nursing Notices --- Notes infirmières
Canada Health Infoway launches its Clinician Education Campaign!
Infoway together with its clinical engagement groups has developed and tested a series of education resources that focus on the clinical value and progress of information and communication technology in clinical practice.
A range of resources - developed by clinicians for clinicians - are available online at http://bit.ly/clinical-champion.
French: http://bit.ly/champion-clinique
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the UVic School of Nursing 2013 Research Conference
The UVic is looking for abstracts for 20 minute oral presentations and posters on innovative, unusual, and diverse methods of inquiry in nursing.
A scholarship will be awarded to the School of Nursing student whose abstract submission receives the highest ranking. Abstracts will be evaluated through a blind review process by members of an Abstract Review Committee. An additional award will be given to the individual contributing the best poster presentation at the conference (poster competition is not restricted to School of Nursing students). Posters will be evaluated the day of the research conference (May 10, 2013) by a sub-committee selected by the School of Nursing Research and Scholarship Committee. More...
Québec's Chief Scientist, Rémi Quirion, is pleased to announce the August winners of the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles Award, a competition spearheaded by the three Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Le scientifique en chef du Québec, Rémi Quirion, est heureux d'annoncer le nom des trois lauréates d'août d'Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles, un concours des trois Fonds de recherche du Québec.
Irene E. Nordwich Foundation: 10 years of support for Nursing Education This year, the Irene E. Nordwich Foundation celebrates a decade of funding Nursing students at the University of Manitoba and Western University. As of 2012, forty-nine recipients have benefitted from Foundation awards The Foundation is the legacy of Irene Nordwich, whose Nursing career spanned more than 40 years. Irene was known for her commitment to excellence and her high expectations for student performance. The Foundation continues her service to Nursing beyond her lifetime. Foundation Directors, former friends and students remember Irene Nordwich with love and respect and honour her in this 10th anniversary year for her ongoing legacy to Nursing Education. www.irenenordwichfoundation.orgCALL FOR ABSTRACTS for the National Health Leadership Conference "From rethoric to action: Achieving person and family-centered health systems" Abstracts accepted may be presented in one of the following formats: Oral presentatoin, Panel presentation, Posters and workshops. Submission Deadline: November 4th, 2012 !! More...APPEL DE PRÉSENTATIONS pour la Confétence nationale sur le leadership en santé «De la rhétorique à l'action: des systèmes de santé centrés sur la personne et la famille»Les présentations qui seront acceptées peuvent prendre une des formes suivantes : Présentations orales, panels, affiches et ateliers. Date limite de soumission: 4 novembre 2012 !! Suite...
CASN Publications
Publications de l'ACESI
Events Évènements
2012 CASN Council Meeting November 13-15th, 2012 (Graduate Studies Forum on November 13th) Ottawa, ON More... Health and Wellbeing in Children, Youth and Adults with Developmental Disabilities November 15-17th, 2012 Vancouver, BC More... Home Care Technology Conference November 12th, 2012 Toronto, ON More... Diabetes Educators Fall Course November 19-22nd, 2012 Toronto, ON More... Let's talk about a French-Language Health Services November 21-23rd, 2012 Ottawa, ON More... Council for Higher Education Accreditation 2013 Annual Conference January 28-31th, 2013 Washington, DC More... Uvic School of Nursing 2013 Research Conference May 10th, 2013 Victoria, BC More... National Health Leadership ConferenceConférence nationale sur le leadership en santéJune 10-11th, 2013Niagara Falls, ONMore...
Collaborating Accross Boarders (CAB) IV
July 12-14th, 2013
Vancouver, BC
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at inquire@casn.ca
Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plait, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à inquire@casn.ca