Feb. 6 - 7: Cruise In To EYC - Mardi Gras Event(No Host) Details to follow.
March 12 - 13: Coyote Point Yacht Club (San Mateo) - Kathryn & Charles Hodgkins with Hal and Laurie Lynam. Detail planning is in process, details to follow; if you would like additional info re. CPYC, visit their website at
April 16 - 17: South Beach Harbor (San Francisco) - Mark and Karen Brunelle. South Beach is a regular stop on the EYC cruising calendar and Mark and Karen are San Francisco experts. Detail planning is in process, for additional info, visit
May 20 - 22: Bencia Yacht Club (Benicia) - Chuck and Edie Hero. Chuck & Edie will be leading this event for the 3rd year in a row!! Downtown Benicia is walking distance from the marina and this is always a fun event. Detail planning is in process, for additional info, visit
June 11 - 12: Golden Gate Yacht Club (San Francisco) - Charlie Thome. It has been some time since EYC has cruised out to GGYC so this should be a great event. Detail planning is in process, for additional info, visit
July 4: Cruise In To EYC - Fourth of July (No Host) Plan on joining your fellow EYC members for this annual cruise in to our club. There will be a plethora of events for young and old and entertainment as well. Detail planning is in process.
Aug 7 - 13 Delta Daze (Potato Slew in the Delta) - Neil & Carol Weinberg with Hal and Laurie Lynam. Perhaps the most laid back cruise out of the year. Anchorage is close to Willow Berm Marina and this is one of the most popular destinations year-after-year.
Sept 2 - 5 Half Moon Bay (& Half Moon Bay Yacht Club) - Ed Lecco & Bill Nork. Half Moon Bay is another regular destination for EYC members and it's always a blast. The Yacht Club typically has a number of events scheduled for the weekend and the EYC folks are always invited to participate. For additional info, visit
Sept 3 - 9 San Juan Island Cruise Out (Bellingham, WA) David Dury. The planning is well underway with six yachts currently chartered (20+ EYC Members) and another three currently being considered. For additional information regarding this cruise, please email David at
Oct 8 - 9: Marin Yacht Club Cruise - (San Rafael)- Jim & Jenn Vickers. Marin Yacht Club was on the 2015 calendar and they received rave reviews; little surprise that we will be visiting them again this year. For additional info, please visit
Nov. ?????? Nothing Scheduled, Depends on Weather Forecasts
You may note that, in addition to the destinations shown above, there will likely be several "flash cruises" announced from time-to-time. Look for more information in future Signal Flag newsletters.
If you would like to be added to the 2016 Cruising Fleet email list, send an email with your contact info to Hal Lynam (Hal and Laurie Lynam are the Cruise Captains for 2016). Hal's email address:
Better yet, if you are interested in participating, have a suggested destination, or are interested in leading a cruise, make sure you let Hal know. The Cruising Calendar is a fluid document and we are always eager to add additional destinations.