Offering Healing, Wholeness and Hope to Those in Need and Educating Others for This Servic
e    August 2015


1814 Clairmont Rd  �  Decatur GA  � 30033  404.636.1457




According to a recent study conducted by researchers at Baylor University, spirituality is rarely discussed in counseling sessions.   Kenneth Pargament, PhD, an expert in the psychology of spirituality and religion, points to the historical separation of psychology and spirituality as a possible factor.  


CCCG has long been a champion of services that address the full person -- mind, body and spirit.  Our therapists are uniquely trained and qualified to do so.   Coming alongside, the federal government is increasingly recognizing the importance holistic care; for instance, SAMSHA's wellness initiative addresses 8 dimensions of wellness.


Professional groups such as the Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) and The Council on Social Work Education's Religion and Spirituality Work Group have articulated competencies that can help therapists address spirituality in an ethically and culturally appropriate manner.  For example, ASERVIC competencies include counselor awareness that a client's beliefs are central to his/her worldview; counselor awareness of how his/her own beliefs influence the counseling process;  and counselor awareness that a client's spiritual and religious beliefs can enhance client wellness or contribute to client problems.  

Whatever a client's belief system - whether spiritual, religious, or none of the above - we all have a need to make meaning of our human experience.  If you or a loved one is struggling with questions of significance, purpose, or transcendence, our counselors can help. 







If your partner or family member is living with mental illness, you are not alone.  According to the  National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 25 people in the U.S. has a serious mental health condition. 

The suffering of one family member has an impact on the entire family, and acknowledging this is an important step in getting everybody's needs met.  According to the American Psychological Association, it's normal to feel anger, hurt, shame and/or embarrassment when your loved one is initially diagnosed.  
Here are some tips for optimizing your support:
  • Get educated about the condition to remove stigma and build understanding. 
  • Communicate openly with your loved one to improve coping.   These questions can help you feel more confident about initiating a discussion.
  • The folks at Psychcentral recommend 10 tips for supporting your loved one.  High on the list is continuing to demonstrate love and respect.
  • Maintain your own mental health.   Caring for yourself, setting boundaries, and building your support network leaves you with more energy for problem solving and encouragement.
  • Prepare a crisis plan in collaboration with your affected family member. 
  • Remain optimistic. According to the APA, "People with serious mental illnesses can live rich, fulfilling lives."   





According to the bestselling book Boundaries (Townsend and Cloud), "Boundaries define us.  They define what is me and what is not me.  A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership."   Townsend and Cloud visualize effective boundaries as fences with gates.  We can learn to let healthy people/places/things into our boundaries, while closing the gates to keep unhealthy people/places/things out. 


There are various types of boundaries including material, physical, mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual boundaries.   Setting digital boundaries  is increasingly important, whether at work or with friends and family.


Boundary setting is a learned behavior.   If you weren't valued as a child, you probably didn't learn to set healthy boundaries, but it's never too late to learn.   Here are some tips for setting healthy boundaries, whether with friends, parents, siblings, spouses/partners, colleagues, or children.

  • Learn that you have a right to personal boundaries.
  • Recognize that other people's needs and feelings are not more important than yours.
  • Learn to say no - or a softer version of no, such as, "That won't work for me."
  • Identify actions and behaviors that you find unacceptable.
  • Trust and believe in yourself.
The purpose of boundaries is to protect ourselves, not to punish others.   According to Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT, the most effective way to set boundaries is through assertive, calm, firm, and courteous communication. If that doesn't work, you may need to communicate consequences to encourage compliance.

How do we know if our boundaries are being violated?  If you feel angry, chances are that a boundary has been crossed or a need is not being met.   Tune into your feelings and see if you can identify the root of the problem. 


Setting and maintaining boundaries protects our time and energy, builds self-esteem, enhances feelings of control, and improves relationships.  If you are struggling with setting boundaries, a CCCG counselor can help.


Giving back  

couldn't be easier!  


Register your Kroger card and a % goes to CCCG every time you shop.  




 You can also use Amazon Smiles to shop on Amazon.  Just using this link will make a big difference to CCCG, but is the same great site for you.      





Buy Stuff.
  Do Good.  
 Feel Great.

 ou got this! 




In This Issue
Spirituality in Mental Health
Speaking the Client's Language
Gold Medal Results
Contact us today



CCCG is thrilled to be partnering with Second Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Buckhead with a new counseling center established at that site.

Mary Beth Pierce, CCCG Staff Counselor, says that she loves the community and that CCCG has been welcomed with open arms.  Mary Beth and Doyle Hamilton offer 1:1 counseling and workshops at this new location.  For more information on Mary Beth or Doyle and their areas of expertise, click here to see their profiles on the CCCG website. 






CCCG has been operational for 50 years, and many talented professionals have been a part of the team during that time period.   If you or someone you know is a CCCG alumnus who is currently doing interesting work in the field of mental health or chaplaincy, we'd love to know about it!     


Email us at

if you are willing to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.   Help us celebrate the inspiring work that is being accomplished by CCCG alumni around the globe!


 CCCG cannot do this work without YOUR support.   


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Question: Can you change a life for the better? 


Answer: Absolutely!  For as little as $10 a month, you can make a difference.  Donate now to provide counseling for children, teens, and adults.  Your help provides support for families and individuals in times of need regardless of ability to pay.

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 Make a donation in honor of a friend or family member and we'll send them a card acknowledging your thoughtfulness.  


Thank you for your generous support! 










Taking care of yourself is critical for a healthy
life and family.
CCCG offers ongoing workshops that can help with self-growth and self-care.  You don't have to do it alone.  Here are some of our upcoming workshops:

Free Weekly Grief Support Group
at Oak Grove UMC - 
 A group for individuals who have experienced loss and are looking for a community of support. Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm.  $Free.  Contact Stephanie Foxman at or 404.636.1457 x 421.

Free Monthly Grief Support Group - This group meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the CCCG offices on Clairmont Road in Decatur.  The group is free due to the generosity of A.S. Turner and Sons Funeral Home in Decatur.  Please contact Lanta Cooper Carroll at or 404.636.1457 x 580. 

Clases para el manejo de ira en ESPA�OL el segundo s�bado de cada mes de 9:00 AM a 5:30 PM. Estas clases cumplen con los requisitos establecidos por la corte para aquellos que as� lo necesiten. $250 (incluye la evaluaci�n personalizada, 8 horas contacto de clases, carta de participaci�n y certificado.) Para m�s informaci�n se puede comunicar con Luis R. Alvarez, Terapeuta Asociado, al (404)636-1457, ext. 429 o al correo electr�nico .

New series of DBT Mindfulness Groups -
Contact or 404.636.1457 x 420 for more information.

Premarital Workshop - At Second Ponce Baptist Church in Buckhead with Doyle Hamilton - upcoming dates include September 12th, October 17th, November 21st & December 5th, 2015. $150 per couple. For more information contact Doyle at
Click here for a complete listing of all CCCG groups and workshops.
ContacUs Today 

(404) 636-1457 


When faced with daily life challenges, it can be hard to distinguish a real problem from a normal struggle everyone faces at some point. In either case, working with a professional counselor can be a positive, healthful experience.


If you or a loved one are dealing with issues that might benefit from speaking with a counselor, please contact us to schedule an appointment. 


And join our growing Facebook and Twitter Community. Get tips on mental health, wellness, new groups and workshops, and some positive inspiration.

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Care and Counseling Center  

of Georgia  




HEALING- CCCG Chaplains meet the needs of people who experience crisis, loss or pain in several of the metro Atlanta hospitals, hospices, and prisons.


HOPE - CCCG Counselors and residents with an integration of sound clinical practice and deep understanding and respect for the sacred self are trained and serve those of every age,
gender, race, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity and ethnic background.  CCCG works with the community to raise funds which allow us to make our services affordable to all.   


EDUCATION - CCCG educates resident counselors and chaplains to serve in places where lives are falling between the cracks and trains them to help bring healing and hope in to those in need.


For more Information go to