From all of us at the URI Extension Outreach Center...
Thank you for your contribution to our success in 2015!
With your help, we were able to effect change across southern New England in many different and meaningful ways. Check out our accomplishments below, and thanks again for being part of our team!
  • 1,990 elementary youth engaged in hands-on learning around science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) topics through URI Learning Landscape field trips and URI Eco-Exploration Camp.
  • 30 school gardens were paired with specially-trained URI Master Gardener educators through the Catherine Desourdy School Garden Mentor Program.
  • 120 formal and informal educators were trained to apply research-based horticultural information to curriculum and garden-based education efforts at the URI Extension School Garden Conference.
  • 9,100 citizens were educated on environmentally-sound gardening techniques by URI Master Gardener volunteer educators.
  • 87% of polled citizens were inspired to use alternatives to pesticides on their landscape AND to enhance garden environment for birds and beneficial insects whenever possible after interacting with URI Master Gardener volunteer educators.
  • 105 green industry professionals were certified in best practices to improve coastal ecosystem biodiversity through the URI Invasive Plant Management Certification Program.
  • 31 Energy and Science and Engineering Fellows successfully completed intensive professional development and experiential learning requirements to graduate from the programs. 
  • 260 transportation stakeholders received research-based knowledge promoting alternative fuels, electric and zero-emission vehicles, and fuel economy measures through Ocean State Clean Cities.
  • 90 community members were educated on cutting-edge URI energy research and Extension at the first "Plugged into URI Energy Research Lecture Series".
  • 25 municipalities and 27 school districts engaged in a technical process that helped them take first steps towards investing in energy efficiency through the RI Public Energy Partnership.

We are looking forward to another great year! Please stay in touch!

Warmly -
Kate, Kristina, Vanessa, Amy, Wendy, Sejal, Rosie and Mamie