Northwest Ministry Network
Dear NWMN,
I'm excited to invite you to attend the Large Church Network & Multiplication Event. This event will take place March 9th, from 9:00 AM to 12 PM at the NWMN campus in the Church on the Ridge Trailside Room. We are grateful to have as our guest speaker Geoff Surratt
Geoff has served in ministry for the past 27 years, including leadership assignments at:
  • Seacoast Church (overseeing the launch of 13 campuses)
  • Saddleback Church (overseeing Saddleback's church planting & multi-site ministry)
  • Exponential church planting conference managing director
  • Southeast Christian Church, Denver, CO Pastor of Church Planting
Geoff is also the author/co-author of several books, including
  • The Multi-Site Church Revolution
  •  A Multi-Site Church Roadtrip
  • 10 Stupid Things That Keep Churches From Growing
Geoff will bring us a wealth of knowledge to help us grow and bring the hope of Jesus to our communities!
Let us know you are coming and how many team members you will be bringing by clicking here.

Blessings on you as your serve,
Donald E. Ross 
Network Leader
 Northwest Ministry Network
35131 SE Douglas St, Ste 200 | Snoqualmie, WA 98065 | 425-888-4800 | website
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