Med-e-Tel is organized by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH). ISfTeH is the international federation of national telemedicine/eHealth associations, research institutions, care provider organizations, companies and individuals.
Featured Partner
The ESC (European Society of Cardiology) Working Group on e-Cardiology covers multidisciplinary areas of electronic and information technology applications in cardiovascular practice and research.
The scope of the Working Group on e-Cardiology encompasses the wide area of specialized computer methods in cardiovascular image processing, computational knowledge discovery, artificial intelligence, intelligent data analysis, bio-signal processing, signal modelling, databases, intra- and inter-hospital communication, eHealth and mobile applications, and predictive models development.
ESC e-Cardiology WG representatives actively participated at Med-e-Tel 2015. View the presentation made by Enno van der Velde, e-Cardiology Working Group member, during the Med-e-Tel 2015 opening session on eHealth and the European Society of Cardiology: Involvement and Examples: Telemonitoring of Cardiology Patients and Data Integration. And view additional presentations made on this topic during the Telecardiology session at Med-e-Tel 2015.
Med-e-Tel 2016 will again feature telecardiology as one of the conference program topics, including a pre-conference workshop and hands-on course on telecardiology and tele-ECG.
Med-e-Tel works together with a distinguished academy of organizations, associations and institutions who are active in the fields of ehealth, telemedicine, and health ICT. Click here for a full list of supporting organizations and partners.
Preliminary list of
Med-e-Tel 2016
Exhibitors and Sponsors:

Featured Media Partners is a Dutch platform for professionals in healthcare, ICT and innovation. Subjects that are being addressed include electronic health records, PHR, ambient assisted living, eHealth, telemedicine, smart homes, health 2.0, healthcare innovation and much more.
International HOSPITAL reports on medical technology for the modern hospital and is the leading editorially-led international publication for healthcare decision makers. Published 6 times a year, the magazine targets senior physicians and medical department heads, hospital managers and hospital IT specialists in Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America.
E-HEALTH-COM is an independent magazine for health telematics and telemedicine. It features current developments in the eHealth sector as well as technical specifications. E-HEALTH-COM keeps you up-to-date, covers important issues of the future, and offers an essential communications platform for the eHealth community.
The portal is a leading eHealth news web based platform with core competence and innovative strength in advancing the European eHealth industrial and research sectors, promoting awareness of the latest trends, achievements and technology in the field.
The Healthcare Mediaportal is a leading information platform focusing on management and technology trends in healthcare. It addresses C-level decision makers in hospitals and care providing organizations. Experienced journalists combine their creativity with the profound film making expertise of the publisher. This turns Healthcare Mediaportal into a widely embraced multimedia information forum.
MED engineering is the German magazine for designers and developers of devices used for medical diagnosis, treatment and surgical interventions as well as for laboratory purposes. The emphasis is put on medical electronics, medical informatics, hardware components and materials relevant for the development of devices. News about topics such as marketing, distribution and medical device certification keep the medical engineer up to date.
THIIS (The Homecare Industry Information Service) is used by all the pro-active companies in the UK homecare marketplace. A monthly magazine, weekly email bulletin and website keeps members up to date with news and views. THIIS is used by dealers, retailers, manufacturers and suppliers and has members in most European countries as well as many other countries around the world.
The Med-e-Tel media partnerships provide you with a look at a wide range of healthcare and medical journals, magazines and on-line news and information services that will help you to stay abreast of what is going on in the field of ehealth, telemedicine and healthcare IT and to make better informed decisions in your daily business or healthcare practice. |
The call for proposals for the Med-e-Tel 2016 conference program has just been extended until January 8, 2016. Submit your proposal about your experience or research in telemedicine, telehealth, eHealth and mHealth and make plans to attend Med-e-Tel next April (6-8 April 2016) in order to not only share your own knowledge on the subject, but to hear from others and establish new working relationships. Topics (presented in partnership with some of the event's partner organizations) will include chronic disease management, smart solutions and independent living, big data, interoperability, data access and exchange, pharmacy and m/eHealth, social media in healthcare, open source software, telecardiology, quality standards for telemedicine/telehealth services, and more.
Looking to promote your products, solutions or projects? An extensive international program with participants from some 50 countries in Europe and around the world will put your company and solutions in front of an audience that is looking to see and hear about the latest developments in telemedicine, telehealth, eHealth and mHealth. Organized by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) and supported by a wide range of associations and institutions, the Med-e-Tel event gathers European and global healthcare leaders and providers. In collaboration with the Agence eSanté Luxembourg (Luxembourg's National eHealth Agency), Med-e-Tel also features a regional focus and sessions specifically targeted at regional healthcare administrators and professionals, which are the ideal opportunity to profile your company and services among local stakeholders and to develop your business in Luxembourg and its greater region (expanding into Belgium, France and Germany). To gain exposure at Med-e-Tel 2016, contact us for sponsorship and expo opportunities at
Med-e-Tel aims to offer eHealth startups with opportunities for continuous improvement of their products and services, and fine tuning of their business operations, through collaboration with research organizations and incubation services, and through learning opportunities from the dozens of case studies that are presented in the event's conference program. As a startup, you can participate in a dedicated area of the Med-e-Tel expo where you can present your company and discuss those development and operational issues, as well as meet with potential customers of course. For more information about the conditions and to discuss participation opportunities for your eHealth startup, contact us at
Registration for Med-e-Tel 2016 will open on Monday, December 18th. Fees and conditions can been found here. Registration includes full access to all conference sessions and expo/networking area, as well as two evening networking receptions. There are also options for 1-day registrations. Hotel reservations in various hotels in Luxembourg city can be made via the Luxembourg Convention Bureau. For details and a link to the online reservation form, click here. The Air France/KLM group offers discounts on European and intercontinental flights to Luxembourg. Go here for details and access to their reservation page.
Luxembourg's eHealth Agency at Med-e-Tel 2016
Med-e-Tel 2016 will include a local/regional focus, in collaboration with the Luxembourg National eHealth Agency (Agence eSanté Luxembourg), who are responsible for implementing Luxembourg's national eHealth strategy and rolling out a shared medical record (DSP - dossier de soins partagé) and improving interoperability among healthcare information systems and providers.
Currently, the Agency is running a critical test phase of the shared medical record with 10,000 users, which will ultimately lead to the roll out country-wide. Implications and experiences re. data access/exchange and interoperability will be discussed at Med-e-Tel 2016, together with regional and European colleagues. The Agency is also looking to address personalized medicine and cross-border issues at Med-e-Tel 2016.
Together with some of its partners, the eHealth Agency will also showcase specific projects and practical solutions and products in the Med-e-Tel expo area.
For more information, to set up a meeting with the eHealth Agency, or to join their pavilion at Med-e-Tel 2016, contact
Pre-conference telecardiology workshop at Med-e-Tel 2016

Med-e-Tel 2016 will feature a pre-conference workshop on "Telecardiology" (on April 5, 2016). Presented in collaboration with Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg, a Brazilian cardiologist with over 10 years of experience in telecardiology and related eHealth services, the workshop will focus on the promotion of telecardiology capacity building, on digital tele-ECG methods and related preventative eHealth strategies.
The workshop will address main issues related to the implementation, operation and (financial) sustainability of digital telecardiology networks, provide an overview of tele-ECG methods and achievements, present conventional/fixed and mobile devices (smartphones, apps, etc.), training activities (combining face-to-face and remote assistance), and demonstrate equipment, software and platforms.
The workshop is aimed at professionals from both the health sector and IT areas, and at hospitals, medical centers or organizations providing or looking to expand their (tele)cardiology services or to introduce telecardiology services, as well as interested professionals coming from regions and institutions where there is a shortage or a lack of cardiology assistance. If you would like to participate in this workshop or want to be kept updated about the final program of the workshop, contact us at There are also some opportunities for companies or organizations to showcase their solutions or activities within the frame of this workshop. Contact for details.
Pharmacy and m/eHealth
Following on from a successful session at Med-e-Tel 2015 focusing on "Pharmacy and m/eHealth", PGEU (Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union), together with FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) and EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students Association) will again bring together a number of their members and partners to share and discuss current initiatives and experiences in various countries.
It's clear that community pharmacies are an important and much frequented point of access to the healthcare system, and in that way, pharmacists can play an important role in following up on their patients'/customers' health. There is significant evidence to suggest that use by pharmacists of electronic health records and other eHealth tools has a significant potential to improve patient safety, to support the development of new patient-focused services, to improve interdisciplinary collaboration within the health care team, and to improve the quality and ensure continuity of care.
Some of the topics that will be presented in the pharmacy session at Med-e-Tel 2016 include experience with ePrescription, pharmaceutical records and coordination of care, mobile applications providing information on medicines to pharmacists and patients, reviewing patients with long term conditions in community pharmacies.
More details will be made available soon. If you would like to present in this session on "Pharmacy and m/eHealth", feel free to submit a proposal here. If you are interested to support the session through a sponsorship, contact
The benefits expected from 5G for eHealth
Still in its experimental phase, 5G mobile networks promise to reach considerable speeds, revolutionising the communication networks of the future. Data transfer, machine-to-machine communication, the Internet of Things: the infrastructure that is set to be in place by 2020 also offers real potential for members of the health sector.
They see 5G as a powerful tool for developing new applications and services, particularly in the areas of telesurgery and treating patients remotely. Bolstering, increasing and improving health data transfers, whilst also making them more secure: the stakes are huge for 5G.
When we talk about 5G, we naturally think about the streaming speed or latency. "In fact, when it comes to eHealth these are actually of secondary importance: it's not by going faster that we'll create new uses and change the lives of patients and professionals", explains Orange Healthcare's Benjamin Sarda.
In fact, medical imagery aside, the applications generally use quite low bandwidth and eHealth demands very few real-time interactions. "We monitor a patient with a reaction capacity which is at about the same level as human capacity: there is no real need to go any more quickly than a nurse or doctor. In eHealth then, we're a long way from the needs and demands of other sectors, such as the automobile or drone industry", emphasises Sarda.
On the other hand, other aspects of 5G could mean significant opportunities for the future of connected health. Among them: consistency of connection, securing networks and the intelligent management of the Internet of Things.
More eHealth news from Orange Healthcare at
Open Source Village at Med-e-Tel 2016
"Software projects in healthcare would benefit from increased collaboration, using open source, exchanging know-how and open documentation," say the coordinators from the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth's Open Source Working Group. Increasing collaboration and exchanging know-how is exactly what the Working Group will be doing again at Med-e-Tel 2016, by bringing together various projects and initiatives that are offering or developing open source software solutions. As in previous years, the Med-e-Tel expo area will feature an 'Open Source Village' where members of the Working Group and other Open Source proponents will discuss and present the use of open source software in healthcare, as well as possibilities for collaboration and modular development, which will help to increase funding and financing and the overall sustainability of current projects. For more information and to contact the ISfTeH Open Source Working group coordinators about participation in the Open Source Village, go to
ISO quality planning guidelines for telehealth services
In January 2015, the ISO/TC 215 Health Informatics Committee published the technical specification ISO/TS 13131 - Health informatics - Telehealth services - Quality planning guidelines. This technical specification provides advice and recommendations on how to develop quality objectives and guidelines for telehealth services, using a risk management process. This will be useful for anyone who is setting up a telehealth service, and provide a review opportunity for those with existing services.
The following key requirements are considered in the development of quality objectives and guidelines for telehealth services:
- management of telehealth quality processes by the healthcare organisation, which include acute, allied and community health telehealth providers
- management of financial resources to support telehealth services;
- processes relating to people, such as workforce planning, healthcare planning, consumer needs, as well as the associated responsibilities;
- provision of infrastructure and facilities resources for telehealth services, including the physical environment, equipment and devices;
- management of information and technology resources used in telehealth services, including management of communications and applications.
Use of ISO/TS 13131 can assist with quality management of telehealth processes to help organisations improve the quality and sustainability of their telehealth services. The technical specification:
- provides a process to derive quality criteria;
- provides examples of quality criteria;
- should be applied to each health care setting to derive quality criteria specific to that setting;
- supports health and safety assessment of a telehealth service.
The guidelines can be purchased from ISO here.
A paper "Applying International Guidelines for Telehealth Services - a case study" illustrating how these guidelines can be applied is available here.
Europe's first network dedicated specifically to telehealth service providers
The Telehealth Quality Group (TQG), a 'spin-off' from a former European project, is a network of telehealth service providers (i.e. call/monitoring centers, alarm receiving centers, home care and community nursing organizations with a telecare/telehealth service, teleconsultation services, telecoaching providers) which aims to boost collaboration and best practice sharing among its members, so that they can improve their services or expand them into new directions based on the experiences of their colleagues.
The Telehealth Quality Group also provides a framework for safeguarding the quality of telehealth services through the International Code of Practice for Telehealth Services, an international quality benchmark and standard for telehealth services (which fully takes into account the ISO/TS 13131 guidelines!) on ethics, governance and financial issues, personal information management, staff training and management, communication networks and more, to which telehealth service providers can get certified.
The TQG is intent on changing the way of thinking around telehealth, so that people are more empowered by the technologies that they use and so that service providers are much more sensitised to their needs. This involves moving away from top-down approaches. It involves the adoption of more flexible standards. It involves people being able to make more choices - not just about having or not sensors and devices; but regarding the way they are configured and the way they can be used. And it involves designers, manufacturers and suppliers - releasing them from sometimes narrow thinking about 'doing good for the elderly'.
The TQG currently has members operating in 4 European countries. For more information and to join the network, contact Membership is open to telehealth service providers, as well as other stakeholders such as device manufacturers, software developers, telecom operators, research and educational institutions, government agencies. And although the network has its roots in Europe, it is open to global participation.
To follow are links to some interesting and recently published articles, books, studies, interviews and reports (if you would like to suggest an article for inclusion into a following newsletter, feel free to send details to