The newsletter of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH) is published quarterly for members of the global telemedicine and eHealth community to provide updates about ISfTeH members and activities, as well as other telemedicine and eHealth news.

Updates from the ISfTeH Global Telemedicine & eHealth Network (July 2015)
OK, it's a chunky newsletter, but we only send it to you once every three months. Pick up some interesting and useful information in this issue about the relevance of telemedicine for specialist care in India, the state of telemedicine in France, a new telemedicine/eHealth course in Germany, new ISfTeH members, upcoming events, web resources, new telehealth network and quality benchmark, formation of a Health Information Network in India, telemedicine journal publishes new issue, a new teledermatology working group, action plan of the ISfTeH eHealth economics working group, and more. Enjoy reading!
Prof. Yunkap Kwankam
Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Reader,

As we gear up for the summer vacation period, I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the Global Knowledge Commons initiative that I announced in my letter of January 2014. There are compelling arguments for such an initiative, which is fully in line with the knowledge sharing strategies of the ISfTeH. The potential for innovations, particularly in m-eHealth1, to improve health is increasingly undisputed. However, there is a dire need to more widely share and replicate innovations that have been proven successful. In the absence of a mechanism for such sharing of information and knowledge, which is global in scope, much effort is unknowingly invested in re-invent the wheel, in the form of proofs of concept and pilots. A networked repository of intelligence, which we call the "Global Knowledge Commons for m-eHealth" will provide not only a dash-board by geography, thematic area and actors, but will also avoid duplication, and lead to better use and re-use of m-eHealth experience. The Commons will also facilitate the development of new knowledge as well as the reinforcement of partnerships.

In the January 2014 communication I indicated the interest shown by the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Digital Health and shared the blog post by Jamie Ferguson, Vice Chair of the GAC Digital Health. Since then, there have been significant developments in this effort. In June 2014, the Innovation Working Group (IWG) set up a Task Force on the Global Knowledge Commons for m-eHealth innovation for Women's and Children's health. The IWG was convened by the United Nations Secretary General in 2010. Its two-fold goal is to: a) Use cost-effective innovation to accelerate progress on the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); and b) Support the Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health. The IWG serves as a global hub for innovation in the UNSG's "Every Woman Every Child" initiative.

The Task Force brings together 12 experts from major repositories of information and knowledge in the m-eHealth space. These thought leaders are affiliated with the following key institutions: Center for Health Market Innovation; European Commission; GSM Association (GSMA); Harvard School of Public Health; Health Ingenuity Exchange (HingX); International Telecommunications Union (ITU); Kaiser Permanente; UN Foundation; United States Agency for International Development (USAID); and of course, the ISfTeH. The remit of the Task Force is to agree on guidelines to be followed by repositories of information and knowledge relevant to innovation in health.

The initiative is well captures in an article published on Apr 10, 2015 on the Mobile Health Global website, titled "A Global Knowledge Commons to unlock mHealth potential". The article includes interviews with three other members of the Task Force namely, Marc Mitchel (Harvard School of Public Health), Ann Green (HingX) and Brahima Sanou (ITU) and myself - see

The Task Force report will be published this summer. It will include the guidelines, as well as recommendations for a technical platform to facilitate knowledge sharing among users of the repositories. The report will be also be available in print form, thanks to a small grant for this purpose, made to the ISfTeH by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Beyond publication of the report, we look forward to wide-scale adoption and use of the guidelines and to forming a product development partnership with key institutions that have expressed interest in collaborating on this effort, to build the Global Knowledge Commons Platform. One recent addition to the list of institutions is the Health and Education Unit of the Commonwealth Secretariat, who see convergence with their Health Hub project. The Commonwealth Health Unit will participate in the review of the report.

I invite you to join us, and freely share this letter with your networks, so that together we can make the Global Knowledge Commons for m-eHealth a reality.


Prof. S. Yunkap Kwankam
Executive Director
International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

1 m-eHealth (pronounced "mehealth") is a contraction for mHealth and eHealth
Distribution of neurologists and neurosurgeons in India and its relevance to the adoption of telemedicine

A majority of Indians have no access to centres of neurological excellence in the country. A detailed analysis of 3666 members of the Neurological Society of India and the Indian Academy of Neurology revealed that not a single member lived in a geographical area covering 934.8 million people. 30.09% live in the four major metropolitan cities, 29.54% in the state capitals, 30.58% in Tier 2 cities, 7.12% in tier 3 cities and 2.67% in rural areas covering a population of 84.59 million. Building additional neurological centres cannot be the only answer, given the acute shortage of funds and trained personnel.

In 1999, the author of the article cited below, among others, already foresaw that it could be possible to extend the reach of urban specialists to suburban and rural India by virtual means. The neurological community has been slow to use Information and Communication Technology as an integral part of their health care delivery system.

An article in the March-April issue of Neurology India (by Prof. Ganapathy, President of the Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation - institutional member in the ISfTeH) analyses the distribution of neurologists and neurosurgeons in India and suggests that providing additional virtual neurological care can be the only answer to offset the lopsided distribution of clinical caregivers in neurosciences. In this article, the author's considerable experience in introducing and developing telehealth in India over the last 15 years is being shared with specific emphasis on its relevance to neurosciences. A review of the global literature on telemedicine and neurosciences will substantiate the plea that telemedicine must be deployed by neurologists and neurosurgeons in India to extend their reach to patients particularly those residing in rural areas

Click here for the full text of the article
(Ganapathy K. Distribution of neurologists and neurosurgeons in India and its relevance to the adoption of telemedicine. Neurol India [serial online] 2015;63:142-54. Available from:

Click here for more information about Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation and Apollo Hospitals (Prof. Ganapathy's presentation last April at Med-e-Tel 2015)
New ISfTeH Working Group on Teledermatology

The International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth is pleased to announce the formation of a new Teledermatology Working Group, coordinated by Byron L. Barksdale, M.D. (USA). The Teledermatology Working Group will be a member driven group that expands information and access to evidence based, safe, effective, efficient and high quality personalized dermatologic healthcare.

Initial goals of the ISfTeH Teledermatology Working Group are:
  • List and give definitions pertinent to teledermatology
  • Develop a prototype teledermatology consent form
  • Networking among members of the working group and others
  • Develop "best practice" teledermatology guidelines:
    • Patient confidentiality and privacy
    • Informed consent
    • Technical standards for live and asynchronous imaging
    • Technical standards for communication connectivity
    • Procedure to obtain teledermatology consultations
    • Use NCCN ( treatment protocols if indicated
    • Use CAP ( synoptic datapoints for melanoma
Click here for more information or to contact the working group coordinator.
Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
Latest issue of the Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (JISfTeH) published

The Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth has published its latest issue, with a special focus on 'Women and eHealth'. You can view the table of contents below and access the Journal at (the Journal is open access, but you will have to login with a username and password in order to view the full text papers, or create a login if you don't have one yet):

Women in eHealth. Guest Editorial: Make it Happen
Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Regina Ungerer
Guest Editorial: eHealth: Investing in Women
Yunkap Kwankam, Anna Schmaus-Klughammer

Guest Editorial: Finding a Common Denominator 

Ann Green

Guest Editorial: Women and eHealth 

Coumba Diawara Toure

Coming Full Circle: The Role of Women in eHealth 

Patricia N. Mechael

Women and eHealth 2010-2015: From the Study to the Women Observatory for eHealth 

Veronique-Ines Thouvenot, Kristie Holmes

Zero Mothers Die: A Global Project to Reduce Maternal and Newborn Mortality through the Systematic Application of Mobile Health and ICTs 

Jeannine Lemaire, Veronique-Ines Thouvenot, Coumba Toure, Jordi Serrano Pons

Antenatal Exercise Program Using Motion-based Games: A Pilot Study Among Expectant Mothers in Selected Rural Areas in the Philippines 

Jenica Ana Ayson Rivero, Christian Verzosa Del Rosario, Clarence Jan Hernandez Concepcion, Michael Joseph Sarmiento Dino, Jewel Molila Refran, Mardy Oratega Malinao, Aiko Mayumi Paner Cerdan, Divine Grace Vela Marquez, Alvin Ege Patrocino, Paner Cerdan

Women in Science and Engineering: Students, Professionals and Authors 

Lenka Lhotska

Women as Beneficiaries of Telemedicine and eHealth Services in Peru: Access and Use of ICT for Health Among Female Healthcare Workers in the Area of ePrevention 

Lilia Judith Perez-Chavolla, Lady Murrugarra, Salim Mohanna

MyDiabby: Telemedicine Follow-up of Gestational Diabetes for Deprived Women as a Contribution to the Prevention of Epidemic Type 2 Diabetes [Preliminary Report] 

Line Kleinbreil, Jean-Jacques A. Altman, Anastasia Pichereau, Pierre-Camille Altman

Economic Aspects as Influencing Factors for Acceptance of Remote Monitoring by Healthcare Professionals in Germany
Florian Wolfgang Leppert, Christoph Dockweiler, Nora Eggers, Kerstin Webel, Claudia Hornberg, Wolfgang Greiner 

Med-e-Tel 2015 Abstracts

Richard E. Scott


Click here for access to the above articles (login in order to view full text papers). Paper submissions for future issues of the JISfTeH are also welcome.
Telemedicine in France: a 2015 update

ISfTeH student member Robin Ohannessian provides an interesting update about the state of telemedicine in France, and a useful new information resource:

The development of telemedicine in France has progressed well so far this year with several key milestones worth mentioning.

In February, the Minister of Health accompanied by the main French patient association, launched an official communication campaign to raise awareness and acceptance of telemedicine to the general population in France. An audio-visual was presented online showcasing examples of successful telemedicine services such as the telestroke program implemented in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region.

In March, a group of industrial, government, public agencies and scientific bodies published a report comprising of measures aimed at simplifying regulatory and administrative processes for telemedicine activities. Additionally, a new telemedicine decree is to be made by the end of 2015 based on the report released.

In April, an ordinance enacted medical reimbursement of telemedicine for chronic and/or complex wound care concerning an experimentation conducted in nine French regions since 2014, being only the second reimbursed telemedicine act authorised in France after diabetic retinopathy telescreening in 2014.

In May, for the first time in France, the private insurance group AXA announced it will launch a private telemedicine service in 2016 for people insured by them, which provoked lots of reaction from medical community.

Additionally the first French telemedicine news website dedicated to telemedicine has been launched to provide current updates and information on telemedicine activity in France
Formation of a Health Information Network in India

The Government of India has proposed the formation of an India Health Information Network (IHIN). With India's increasing focus on development and implementation of eHealth solutions, a need to establish a forum between different organizations, stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem, with an overall objective to facilitate knowledge/experience and information sharing, has been articulated a number of occasions at various platforms.

After notifying Electronic Health Records (EHR) Standards in September 2013 so as to encourage standardization, integration & electronic information exchange amongst the various healthcare providers and becoming a member of International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO) for SNOMED-CT, The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) in coordination with FICCI organized a workshop on "SNOMED-CT Introduction & Implementation" in August 2014 with ITHSDO team and participants from different fields of healthcare system. In this workshop, Hon'ble Secretary (MohFW) shared the Government's vision to build online health records of citizens and it was also suggested that a forum/network (for information sharing) should be established amongst different players of the healthcare system.

In view of this highlighted need for a forum/network, it has been decided to establish an "India Health Information Network" (IHIN) of organizations/individual experts from different areas of the health ecosystem for sharing of knowledge/experience on development and implementation of eHealth solutions, especially EHR.

The objectives envisaged for IHIN include:

  • Sharing of Learnings from eHealth experiences
  • Discussion on Policy level issues
  • Function as champion of eHealth Practices and Standards 
  • Representation in other networks globally


For more information, contact Rajendra Gupta (at, member of the Telemedicine Society of India (national member for India in the ISfTeH), who is chairing the working group that has been tasked to recommend the Governance and Structure of the proposed India Health Information Network.
Indian Medical Association recognises importance of telemedicine

And in other news from India, the Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation (institutional member in the ISfTeH) reports that the Indian Medical Association (IMA) recognises the importance of telemedicine.

In a video titled "Telemedicine in Healthcare", Dr. K.K. Aggarwal (Hon. Secretary of the Indian Medical Association) debates the subject with Dr. K. Ganapathy (President of the Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation).

Earlier this year, the IMA (with 250.000 members) also declared March 24th as National Telemedicine Day and committed to using its network, infrastructure and resources to spread the message that today distance is meaningless and that geography has become history, and that it would work closely with the Apollo group to impart training on telehealth to its members. The declaration of March 24th as IMA National Telemedicine Day certainly bodes well for the future growth and development of telemedicine in India by creating the awareness that is so essential for widespread implementation.

Click on the following links for part 1 and part 2 of the video interview.
Show your commitment to high quality telehealth service provision

The Telehealth Quality Group (TQG) is a network of telehealth service providers aiming to share knowledge, experience and good practice in telehealth service provision.

The Telehealth Quality Group manages and promotes the International Code of Practice for Telehealth Services, which provides an international quality benchmark and standard for telehealth services on ethics, governance and financial issues, personal information management, staff training and management, communication networks and more.

Telehealth service domains covered by the Code include: health/motivational coaching and advice; activity, behavioural and lifestyle monitoring; gait, seizure and falls prediction and management; point of care testing and diagnosis; vital signs monitoring; mobile health apps; medication or therapy adherence; rehabilitation and (re)ablement; response to adverse events and incidents (incl. social alarms/personal emergency response systems); teleconsultation and virtual presence.

If you are a care organisation looking to develop and offer telehealth services, contact the TQG to become part of the network and interact with other network members!
If you are already offering telehealth services and want to show your commitment to quality of service, contact the TQG to learn more about the Code of Practice.
If you are a user/patient organisation, industry representative, research organisation or public authority involved or interested in telehealth, contact the TQG to learn more about telehealth service providers and the way in which they are evolving.

The following telehealth service providers are already a member of the TQG network: Dignio, East London NHS Foundation Trust, emCare, Fold Group, Medvivo, Shepway District Council.

For more information: Or contact ISfTeH member Malcolm Fisk to find out more.
ISfTeH eHealth Economics Working Group: Action Plan

The ISfTeH eHealth Economics Working Group had a meeting at the Med-e-Tel conference in Luxembourg last April and discussed the action plan and activities of WG. The meeting was chaired by Masatsugu Tsuji and Aissa Khelifa, coordinators of the WG and the participants were Christine Huttin, Drago Rudel, Sanjay Sharma, Nicolas Beaumatin, Angela Martin, Leila Eadie. Working group activities will be focused on four main activities:

1. Cooperation on evaluation methods
One of the most important aspects of the analysis of eHealth is the economic evaluation of eHealth projects, technologies, and policy. To promote scientific research on eHealth Economics, the WG will study and publicize theories of evaluation in various journals or publications, which includes the following for example: 
    • Aissa Khelifa will provide a survey of RCT
    • Masatsugu Tsuji will provide Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) / Willingness to Pay (WTP) and empirical estimation methods
    • Leila Eadie will provide a doc on avoidance of transportation costs
2. Webinars
The WG is sourcing suitable infrastructure and funds to organize four webinars per annum. Three topics are already planned:
    • Aissa Khelifa will work with the European Commission to present on the Horizon 2020 agenda
    • Sanjay Sharma proposes a webinar on teleradiology from India
    • Drago Rudel suggests a presentation on the MAST model

3. Conference reports 

Members of the WG write short reports on conferences or meetings they attend (such as ISfTeH, ATA, HIMSS, CATEL, etc.) in order to share updated information on eHealth with members. 


4. Policy updates (EU, US, Japan, other)
Governments (EU, US, Japan, other) and related organizations issue updates on policy, system, regulation, promotion related to eHealth, and members will provide updated information via the WG to share.

Click here to contact the working group coordinators.
Upcoming ISfTeH meetings and conferences

20th ISfTeH International Conference
in conjunction with:
7th Brazilian Telemedicine and Telehealth Congress
1st Rio de Janeiro Telehealth Symposium
27-30 October 2015
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Med-e-Tel 2016
6-8 April 2016
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Other ISfTeH supported events:

Symposium sur la Télémédecine
(50ème Anniversaire de la Faculté de Médecine de Tunis)
16 September 2015
Tunis, Tunisia

Telemedicine and eHealth 2015
29-30 September 2015
Warsaw, Poland

6th International Conference on Transforming
Healthcare with IT
16-17 October 2015
Bangalore, India

SFT-15 - Successes and Failures in Telehealth
12-13 November 2015
Brisbane, Australia

2nd International Conference on Electronic Health
14-16 December 2015
Tehran, Iran

21-23 February 2016
Rome, Italy

ICT4AWE 2016
21-22 April 2016
Rome, Italy

New Master Course on "Medical Informatics", focusing on Telemedicine, eHealth, Telematics

A new Master Course on "Medical Informatics" is being offered at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (Germany), with a focus on Telemedicine, eHealth and Telematics. This postgraduate course enables students to reinforce, deepen and expand their theoretical and factual knowledge to meet the requirements of modern research and developments in the telematics, telemedicine and eHealth industries, as well as in service provider fields in national or international health networks. In addition to Germany, the digitization of healthcare is being promoted in many different European countries, giving graduates the opportunity to use this postgraduate degree to specialize their IT expertise in this specific area to continue into doctorate studies or research work in scientific areas and kick-start a fantastic career. The course will start in October 2015. In Germany no tuition fee has to be paid. The course will be held in English.

Click here for more information. Or contact ISfTeH member Anna Schmaus-Klughammer at for more details.
Website dedicated to Sjögren's syndrome

A new (Spanish language) website about Sjögren's syndrome has been set up to help people living with this disease as well as other immune diseases. The team behind the website come from more than 10 medical specialties and they share and educate via intranet on prevention of these autoimmune diseases.

Click here for the website. Or contact ISfTeH member Lady Murrugarra, Coordinator of ePrevention in Latin America and Carribean, and Telehealth Coordinator at the Institute for Tropical Medicine Alexander von Humboldt (IMT-AvH) of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Lima, Peru), at for more details.
Med-e-Tel 2015 presentations available

Presentations that were made at Med-e-Tel 2015 in Luxembourg last April are freely available at The Med-e-Tel 2015 Proceedings with papers of the presented topics are also available. Contact for information.

A full knowledge resource center with all presentations from past Med-e-Tel editions (2002-2015) is still available as well at

For interviews with Med-e-Tel participants, check Healthcare-IT Media Portal's Med-e-Tel channel on YouTube:

And mark your calendar for next year's Med-e-Tel: 6-8 April 2016!

Click here for the website.
Registration for 20th ISfTeH International Conference opens

Registration for the 20th ISfTeH International Conference, to be held on October 27-30, 2015 in Rio de Janeiro will be open soon at

The conference is held in conjunction with the 7th Brazilian Telemedicine and Telehealth Congress and also features the 1st Rio de Janeiro Telehealth Symposium.

The event is co-promoted by the Brazilian Council of Telemedicine and Telehealth and the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, and is hosted and organized by the Telehealth Center of the Rio de Janeiro State University, located next to the legendary Maracanã Stadium!  

For registration and preliminary program:
ISfTeH logo
New ISfTeH members

The ISfTeH is pleased to welcome the following new members to its global network:

National Members:

Société Algérienne de Télémédecine et eSanté
The Netherlands
Iran eHealth Forum

Institutional Member:

Nebraska Medical Center

Corporate Members:

Brasil Telemedicina
Serviços Diagnósticos

Specialists On Call

Individual Members:

Hooman Mahmoudi, Iran

Thomas Goslee, Switzerland

Gianfranco Mochi, Spain

Markus Lindlar, Germany

Willie Jordaan, New Zealand

David Willis, Canada

Vivek Chauhan, India

Manohari Balasingam, Malaysia 

Marisela Cigliuti, USA

Regina Ungerer, Brazil

Byron Barksdale, USA


Nurse Members:

Mattias Georgsson, Sweden

Carla Caldwell, New Zealand

Kylie Ward, Australia

Marisela Cigliuti, USA

Abigail Richardson, USA

Reni Aniyankunju Mathews, India

Nixon Garcia Mendez, Colombia 

Carolyn Pye, New Zealand

Muwaffaq Alhuniti, Jordan

Meagan Dorton, USA

Julie Bodden, Saudi Arabia

Lucy Westbrooke, New Zealand

Lolita ODonnell, USA

Samita Bagale Kandel, Nepal

M.Elizabeth Greenberg, USA

Ian Rummery, Saint Helena

Loraine Bananola, Canada

Carol Rutenberg, USA

Carol Bond, UK

Student Members:

Lucie Leveque, France

Mariam Princy Shaji, Rwanda

Stephanie Loveridge, USA

Aurore Nishimwe, Rwanda

Samuel Darko-Yawson, Norway

Edson Diniz, Brazil

Mohammad Basatin, Iran

Pascal Nohl-Deryk, Germany

Ahmed Rashdan, Egypt 

Leigh O'Malley, UK

Jehona Krasniqi, Kosova

Bujar Qerreti, Kosova

Selim Ben Zekri, Germany

James Broadbent, UK

Thilo Rattay, USA

Victoria Pinto, Brazil

Singamala Sreedhar, India

Katharina Jünger, Germany 

Aditya Nar, Denmark

Peterson Kamiri, Kenya

Mandela Hassan, Ukraine

Arugolanu Kondayya Babu, India

Nicanor Bahoque, Colombia

Idris Muniru, Malaysia

Meskerem Asfaw Hailemichael, Norway
Sharon Kalu Ufere, Malaysia 

Click here for full member list or to join as a new member.
Research integrity in medical student curricula (survey for medical students)

On the behalf of the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students' Associations), the Research Integrity group is conducting a study about the prevalence of Research Integrity Education within core medical school curricula, electives or even as part of an extracurricular activity.

Many universities proudly promote research among their students. Unfortunately, many fail to offer a proper training related to Research Methodologies and Research Integrity. The current survey will allow to draw conclusions about the overall state of the problem.

If you are part of a University, IFMSA will appreciate if you could share the survey with medical students in your University. Or for any other organizations, please also feel free to share with relevant contacts in your country and through your worldwide networks. The survey itself is meant to be answered by medical students.

The survey is available at For further details, contact
National Member Spotlight

Telemedicine commenced in Tunisia in 1996 by some local and international experiences initiated by some pioneers working in public university hospitals. The same year, the Ministry of Health took the decision to include telemedicine in its strategic informatics project and to create the National Telemedicine Committee whose members were official departments representatives and some physicians involved in telemedicine activity.

The Tunisian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth, a non-governmental organization, was officially founded in September 2000, mainly by physicians. Its objectives are to promote telemedicine and eHealth in the country and to establish relationships and cooperation with similar regional and international associations. It became very soon an ex-officio member of the National Telemedicine Committee. Then it became a national member of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH), an institutional member of the European Society of Telemedicine and eHealth and an official partner of CATEL (France). It organizes annual meetings and symposia in the country and participates at international meetings. Presently, the Tunisian network consists of 21 public telemedicine stations: 9 in general and university hospitals, 6 in specialized centres and institutes and 6 in district hospitals. But the objective is to promote a national network. Bilateral links are functional with French hospitals in Marseille, Toulouse and Nice and Italian ones in Rome and Naples. Moreover, Tunisian centres are connected to the following international networks:
  • Euro Mediterranean network promoted by the European Union within the framework of Eumedis project: Emispher, Emphis, BurNet, Genetics.
  • Afro-Arab network, promoted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU): Afro-Arab Telemedicine Network.
  • Francophone network sponsored by Geneva University Hospitals and Health on the Net Foundation: Tele-education and Telemedicine Network in Francophone Africa (RAFT).
  • Telemedicine projects between Tunisia and Spain, Italy and India are also in progress.
In Tunisia, Telemedicine has been developing steadily despite some current management problems which are on the way to be solved in the framework of a new national eHealth programme. Links with several foreign institutions in Europe, Arab and African countries are increasing and progressing. A symposium on telemedicine and eHealth will be organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis on September 16th, 2015.

For more information:
Institutional Member Spotlight

The Aga Khan Development Network eHealth Resource Centre (AKDN eHRC) was established in 2011 to provide strategic eHealth support to the AKDN health agencies and their partner health institutions. AKDN eHRC employs information and communication technologies to support the assessment, development and implementation of eHealth initiatives and activities - teleconsultations and eLearning sessions - of its clients in Asia and Africa.

AKDN eHRC supports AKDN health programmes and institutions that are working to improve the health status of communities in which AKDN and its partners operate by linking health institutions and health providers, promoting comprehensive and coordinated care to communities and minimizing the barriers of distance and time. The objective of the Centre's work is to introduce and support the use of eHealth tools and approaches to build the capacity of health professionals within and outside AKDN, enhance the quality of health care, make health care more accessible to communities living at a distance from health facilities and, ultimately, strengthen health systems.

As part of its eLearning services, AKDN eHRC focuses on increasing eHealth awareness among health care professionals and building their capacity. The Centre considers it important to increase eHealth adoption and facilitate its integration within the health care system. AKDN eHRC has therefore designed a year-long online certificate course in eHealth to help health professionals understand eHealth concepts, appreciate the value of eHealth solutions, address the challenges around eHealth service delivery and implement effective eHealth programmes in their respective settings.

AKDN eHRC has utilised its expertise, resources and experience, in partnership with faculty from international institutions that include George Washington University, USA; Dalhousie University, Canada; McMaster University, Canada; and the Aga Khan University, to develop and deliver the course using asynchronous online methodologies.

The 11-module course will benefit doctors, nurses, technicians, pharmacists, allied health professionals, public health professionals, medical and biomedical engineers, researchers, academicians, administrators and managers working in the health care sector of low- and-middle income countries. AKDN eHRC is currently offering the course to AKDN health care personnel. The first module was launched in April 2015 to over 20 participants across Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. The course will open to a global audience from April 2016. More information is available on the course website.

To learn more about our work, contact Kiran Qureshi (, Manager Strategic Communications, Outreach and Development.

For more information:
Corporate Member Spotlight

Advanced Medical Solutions (AMS) provides diagnostic devices and expert advice with specific focus on early evaluation of arterial and venous function and peripheral perfusion in general. Together with private clinics and public healthcare providers, AMS partners in the preparation and operation of complete telemedical programs aimed at patients who suffer from diabetes and other important cardio-metabolic risk factors for the prevention of peripheral arterial disease and other secondary effects of diabetes and cardiovascular and metabolic risks factors in general.

To this purpose, AMS provides:
  • Portable devices based on Computer aided plethysmography for the early and non-invasive detection of peripheral perfusion, both arterial and venous function. The devices are designed for the operation both in rural areas and in municipal clinics. The measurement is done by a nurse or basically trained local workers. The measurement itself is comparable to the arterial blood pressure diagnostics.
  • Evaluation of the measured results and second opinion by expert Cardiologists and Angiologists is provided from our Telemedical Center.
  • Portable sonographs in notebook execution and other imaging methods.
Currently, AMS is active in the Czech Republic, Brazil and Switzerland with more than 100 devices installed. Some examples:

Basic venous and arterial evaluation in areas where patient cannot be placed on an examination bed
Arterial evaluation with a patient in horizontal position where an examination bed is available
Evaluation of the microcirculation and monitoring
All solutions were designed, tested and are currently operated both in rural areas and in municipal centers.

For more information: Or contact Tomas Bohrn, CEO at
Board Member Spotlight - Dr. med. Markus Lindlar

In 1993, the last year before earning his medical degree, Markus Lindlar bought his first computer and discovered his passion for informatics. When buying his first modem this passion was expanded to telematics. Consequently he searched for a possibility to merge his medical profession with his interest in telematics. Thus in the first years of medical practice he absolved an on the job course in Medical Informatics leading to the medical "Additional Qualification in Medical Informatics" of the Medical Association of North Rhine (Germany).

In the late nineties Dr. Lindlar worked as the head of the IT-department of a German hospital before switching to the Institute of Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Cologne where he worked as a scientist in the field of telemedicine putting the focus of his work on costs and benefits of Telemedicine and Robotics in Medicine.

Since 2002 Markus Lindlar is a scientist at the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center - DLR. He will be head of the upcoming working group of "eHealth and Biomedical Systems". The focus of his present work is mobile healthcare, personalized medicine, telemedicine, ambient assisted living, health economics and quality management in telemedicine as well as the development of telemedical soft- and hardware. A present project aims on the transfer to the market of a telemedical assistance system for expert guided ultrasound examination in remote areas called ASYSTED.

Additionally since 2011 Lindlar teaches bachelor and master students s in Medical Informatics and Health Telematics as an assistant professor at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. He participated and participates in the development of Curricula for courses in health telematics and telemedicine for several Institutions and universities.

In 2011 Lindlar has been elected Chair of the German Association of Health Telematics DGG e.V. - Forum for eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living which is the official German national representative in the ISfTeH.

Since 2014 he is a board member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin - DGLRM (German Society for Aerospace Medicine).

Markus Lindlar is a member of the Board of Directors of the ISfTeH since January 2015. Dr Lindlar intends to focus his work in the society on education in Telemedicine and eHealth in strong cooperation with DGG.

Contact Markus Lindlar at
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Join the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth


  • Are you heading a national or regional telemedicine/eHealth organization?
  • Do you offer telemedicine products and solutions?
  • Are you doing research on telemedicine and eHealth applications and technologies?
  • Does your organization provide (or wants to offer) care services by means of telemedicine/eHealth technologies?
  • Are you engaged in healthcare policy?

If so, you should consider joining the ISfTeH network to expand your global reach, enhance your network, broaden your knowledge and learn about key issues and new ideas in telemedicine and eHealth by interacting and engaging in partnerships with other ISfTeH members from around the world.

Or if you are interested in obtaining exposure in future editions of this newsletter (through advertising, feature articles, etc.), contact us at   

For more information:
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ISfTeH Working Groups


The ISfTeH Working Groups offer ISfTeH members an opportunity to network, discuss and exchange information on specific topics. This happens through online forums, offline discussions and collaboration, but also through face-to-face meetings or sessions and presentations at events like the annual ISfTeH International Conference and the annual Med-e-Tel meeting.


The Working Groups focus on a specific medical discipline or application (e.g. teledentistry, teleopthalmolgy). They can also be a group of members with a same profession or activity (e.g. junior doctors, students). Or they can have yet another topical focus (e.g. eHealth Economics, Social Media). Current Working Groups include: 

Join the ISfTeH and actively participate in the Working Groups.
Partners & Corporate Members

The ISfTeH is proud to work together with the following Partners, representing doctors, nurses, students, industry and policy makers:

EJD - European Junior Doctors

ISfTeH Corporate Members and supporters:


If your organization would like to collaborate with the ISfTeH or if you would like to become a member, contact us at
Questions, suggestions? Our board members listen to you!

The ISfTeH board members will be pleased to hear from you with any questions or suggestions you may have related to the Society itself or regarding any telemedicine and eHealth applications or services that you are working on or that you are looking for:

Andy Fischer
Rifat Latifi
Frank Lievens
Pirkko Kouri

Markus Lindlar

Anthony Maeder 
Moretlo Molefi
André Petitet
Roberto Rocci
Adolfo Sparenberg
Yunkap Kwankam
Executive Director

Submit your questions/suggestions via
ISfTeH Lifetime Achievement Awards

The ISfTeH occasionally recognizes and honours a person who has made great efforts in the development of telemedicine and eHealth, creating awareness and driving its implementation and use. Our two Lifetime Achievement Award laureates so far are:

Louis Lareng
Ron Merrell

Watch this space for future ISfTeH Lifetime Achievement Awards!
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