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The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum
For Education, Networking and Business
Med-e-Tel Newsletter
December 20, 2012


Med-e-Tel Newsletter

This newsletter is your source for Med-e-Tel updates, news from the Med-e-Tel partners, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers, as well as other telemedicine and eHealth news from around the world.

Any questions? Contact us at



ISfTeH logo

Med-e-Tel is organized by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH).

ISfTeH is the international federation of national telemedicine/eHealth associations, research institutions, care provider organizations, companies and individuals.

The ISfTeH network currently comprises members in 70 countries around the world. Its mission is to facilitate the sharing of information and experiences, to support networking among members, to expose potential synergies between member organizations and their activities, and enhance collaboration and partnerships, contributing to a more widespread and useful deployment of telemedicine and eHealth.

ISfTeH is recognized as an NGO in Official Relations with WHO (World Health Organization).

For more information, or to become a member of the ISfTeH network, contact or go to

Featured Partner   



European Commission

Earlier this month, the European Commission has unveiled it's new eHealth Action Plan (2012-2020) to address barriers to the full use of digital solutions in Europe's healthcare systems.

The goal is to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients, give patients more control of their care and bring down costs. While patients and health professionals are enthusiastically using telehealth solutions and millions of Europeans have downloaded smartphone apps to keep track of their health and wellbeing, digital healthcare has yet to reap its great potential to improve healthcare and generate efficiency savings.

The Action Plan can be found here. Accompanying the Action Plan is a Staff Working Document with more background information on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 and also a Staff Working Document on the applicability of the existing EU legal framework to telemedicine services.

Med-e-Tel works together with a distinguished academy of organizations, associations and institutions who are active in the fields of ehealth, telemedicine, and health ICT.

Click here for a full list of supporting organizations and partners.

Preliminary list of Med-e-Tel 2013

exhibitors and sponsors:




Aerotel logo   


Aerotel logo      


Contec Medical Systems logo 



GlobalMed logo 



GlobalMed logo 



ISfTeH logo  



LMTC logo 



MEDGATE logo         


Ministry of Economy - Luxembourg  



Orange Healthcare  


  Sanofi logo      



TeleSCoPE logo  



Featured Media

CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation


 The quarterly CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation magazine (C&R) covers clinically-focused and practice-driven articles, congress reports, news and other relevant topics appealing to a wider readership including industry professionals, policy makers, clinicians and individual citizens.


E-HEALTH-COM is an independent magazine for health telematics and telemedicine. It features current developments in the eHealth sector as well as technical specifications. E-HEALTH-COM keeps you up-to-date, covers important issues of the future, and offers an essential communications platform for the eHealth community.


Infomedix International  


 Infomedix International is a B2B magazine for the medical industry. It is mailed to 15,000 medical manufacturers, distributors, dealers, importers, exporters, wholesalers and agents worldwide, and distributed at medical tradeshows around the world. Infomedix International is connecting medical businesses worldwide!

Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare  


 The Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare provides coverage of developments in telemedicine and e-health and is recognised as the leading journal in its field. Contributions from around the world provide a unique perspective on how different countries and health systems are using new technology in health care. Sections within the journal include technology updates, editorials, original articles, research tutorials and more.

Technology and Health Care

Technology and Health Care covers the overlapping areas between physics, engineering, informatics on the one hand and human biology, basic medical sciences, clinical medicine on the other. It also presents a forum for the discussion of socio-economic aspects related to medical technology.



Telecare Aware


Hospital Information Technology Europe (HITE) Telecare Aware has been providing a specialised, free news and information service since 2005 to people interested in telecare and telehealth. Its purpose is to help keep everyone up to date with what is happening around the world. Sign up on the website to be alerted by e-mail each time that the news is updated, usually once or twice a week.     


THIIS - The Homecare Industry Information Service

THIIS (The Homecare Industry Information Service) is used by all the pro-active companies in the UK homecare marketplace.  A monthly magazine, weekly email bulletin and website keeps members up to date with news and views. THIIS is used by dealers, retailers, manufacturers and suppliers and has members in most European countries as well as many other countries around the world.

World Pharma News

World Pharma News is one of the world's leading web-based pharmaceutical news publications. Our subscribers are continuously informed about the latest and most prominent worldwide pharmaceutical news.

The Med-e-Tel media partnerships provide you with a look at a wide range of healthcare and medical journals, magazines and on-line news and information services that will help you to stay abreast of what is going on in the field of ehealth, telemedicine and healthcare IT and to make better informed decisions in your daily business or healthcare practice. 

Click here for a full list of media partners.

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Med-e-Tel media partners


Med-e-Tel conference proceedings (2006-2012) order forms 


Global Knowledge Resources for Telemedicine & eHealth (Med-e-Tel presentations 2002-2012)  


Previous Med-e-Tel newsletters 


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In This Issue
Med-e-Tel 2013 call for abstracts. Deadline: tomorrow!
Encouraging the participation and empowerment of women in telemedicine and eHealth
New Working Group on Women (WoW) in ISfTeH
EJD (European Junior Doctors) and ISfTeH to collaborate
ISfTeH members set up national pavilions at Med-e-Tel
Med-e-Tel 2013 sponsorship/expo opportunities
Med-e-Tel 2013 call for abstracts. Deadline: tomorrow!
Med-e-Tel 2013 picto
Med-e-Tel encourages healthcare providers, medical practitioners, nursing professionals, government officials, researchers, educators, and industry representatives to submit presentation proposals for the Med-e-Tel 2013 conference program.

Especially practical experiences, evidence of telemedicine and telehealth outcomes, business cases, as well as position papers, ongoing research, national/international policy guidelines and project results will be of interest to the Med-e-Tel audience.

The deadline for abstract submission is 21 December 2012.

Med-e-Tel 2013 takes place on 10-12 April 2013 at the Luxexpo Exhibition and Congress Center in Luxembourg.

Click here to go to the online abstract submission page.

Encouraging the participation and empowerment of women in telemedicine and eHealth
WeHealth logo
The participation of women in eHealth and Telemedicine was the focus of a 2-years study undertaken by the Millennia2015 Women and eHealth (WeHealth) International Working Group chaired by Dr. Veronique Thouvenot.

The goal of the study was to investigate how women get access to, and use, ICT for health. A network of 432 volunteers from 61 countries actively collected information, ideas, wishes, photos and videos illustrating the theme of women's access and use of ICT for health in their local communities.

Women considered are of all ages, with a particular attention to those living in low income settings, urban slums and rural communities. 'Health' is taken in its broad dimension, including healthcare, humanitarian emergencies, health prevention, promotion and education, at community, regional, national and international levels. ICTs and technologies cover local radios, television, mobile phones, internet, satellite communications, social media.

Preliminary results of the study were presented recently at a Millennia2015 conference in Paris and more detailed information will be provided and discussed at Med-e-Tel 2013 in Luxembourg.

The qualitative analysis of the data permitted to distinguish four dimensions in the places and roles played by women within the arena of eHealth and telemedicine.

Firstly, women appear to be mainly involved as beneficiaries of eHealth and telemedicine services. They are mothers of young children, adolescents sharing health information through social medias such as twitter, blogs or Facebook, pregnant women benefiting of distant medical advice with the support of tele-imagery services.

As a second dimension, women are also actively involved as health professionals, doctors, nurses, midwifes, community health workers, using the impressive capacity of mobile phones to connect with isolated communities and manage urgent situations.

Third dimension, is the area of the information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs) and telecom engineering sector, where women graduate as technician and engineers. They contribute to the design of software and hardware in the industry.

And finally, women are implicated at high level, as politicians, parliamentarians, university teachers, CEOs, heads of NGOs and advocate endlessly for women's inclusion in eHealth and telemedicine at all levels.

The forthcoming Women and eHealth (WeHealth) session at Med-e-Tel 2013 will explore the above dimensions further and discuss results of the study. This will shape the global mapping of Women and eHealth, especially in remote and low resource settings, and form the basis for new partnerships and collaboration.

New Working Group on Women (WoW) in ISfTeH
ISfTeH - International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
As a result of the above WeHealth study, a new working group will be created within the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH): Working Group on Women (WoW). The group will combine the expertise and resources of the ISfTeH and the Millennia2015 Women and eHealth International Working Group.

Its principal goal is to improve access and use ICTs for health by women, with a particular attention to women living in remore areas, low resource settings, conflicts, refugee camps and natural disasters, and to highlight the crucial role of women in telemedicine and eHealth and to leverage their capacity as builders of alternative futures, based on characteristics such as an innate future orientation, capacity to mediate and to network at all levels, capacity to be social actors, to face natural catastrophes and human conflicts by creating solidarity among women.

eHealth is used to better reach women in rural and isolated areas, due to the remarkable ability of ICT to connect people. Women are involved in all levels of health throughout their entire life, as mothers, healthcare professionals, community leaders and decision makers.

The primary activities of the WoW will focus on telemedicine and teaching of physicians and nurses in developing countries, and sustainability of telemedicine projects where mainly women are addressed.

The WoW will be an active component within the telemedicine and eHealth sphere, to improve the women's participation and inclusion at all levels.

The working group will be officially installed during the Med-e-Tel 2013 conference.

For more information, contact:
Veronique Thouvenot (Head, Millennia2015 Women and eHealth):
Anna Schmaus (CEO, Klughammer):
Lenka Lhotska (Czech Technical University):

EJD (European Junior Doctors) and ISfTeH to collaborate
EJD - European Junior Doctors
The EJD (European Junior Doctors) and the ISfTeH have signed a memorandum of understanding for the creation of a framework of collaboration with the aims of implementing common actions and initiatives through the exchange of resources and experiences in the field of European and global eHealth.

EJD has become the European medical organization with the most comprehensive national membership, representing over 300.000 Junior Doctors all over Europe. Over the last four decades, the EJD has actively intervened for the benefit of the medical profession in Europe with the purpose of contributing to the development of Junior Doctors' work and education and has had an important role as a background group for the organizations of Junior Doctors in countries preparing to join the European Union.

More news on this collaboration and some recent surveys among Junior Doctors will be provided at Med-e-Tel 2013 in Luxembourg (10-12 April 2013).

For additional information, contact:
Frank Lievens (Secretary, ISfTeH):
Marco Capizzi (Communications Officer, EJD):

ISfTeH members set up national pavilions at Med-e-Tel
ISfTeH - International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
Several of the ISfTeH national member organizations are actively working on bringing together a few of their own members together in country pavilions at Med-e-Tel 2013, in order to showcase their country's initiatives and industry players.

National members in countries like France, Finland, Japan and India have already expressed interest and intentions to bring their members to Med-e-Tel.

Med-e-Tel is an important instrument for the ISfTeH to realize its mission of sharing information and expertise in telemedicine and eHealth among members and partners of the Society.

For more information, contact:

Med-e-Tel 2013 sponsorship/expo opportunities
Med-e-Tel 2013 picto
Profile your company or organization as a major player in eHealth and Telemedicine and gain valuable access to a qualified audience of over 500 health, industry and government decision makers from around the world.

Be at Med-e-Tel to develop or expand your local and international business.

Benefits and marketing opportunities include:
  • stand space on the Med-e-Tel expo and catering area
  • extensive coverage in the Med-e-Tel newsletters
  • acknowledgement on the Med-e-Tel website
  • opportunity to make presentations or hold a workshop in the Med-e-Tel conference program
  • possibilities to organize client or sales meetings and presentations during the event
  • access to all conference sessions (an incredible educational, learning and networking experience!) for your personnel and invitees
  • coverage in international trade press
  • unlimited networking opportunities during the entire three days of the event, including two special networking receptions
  • and more...

For more information or to discuss participation opportunities, contact us at



To follow are links to some interesting and recently published articles, books, studies, interviews and reports (if you would like to suggest an article for inclusion into a following newsletter, feel free to send details to 
Become an ISfTeH member
Join the ISfTeH network of member organizations from 70 countries around the world. The ISfTeH is your door to the global Telemedicine and eHealth community. Through its various activities and members, the ISfTeH can assist you in the promotion and dissemination of your research; help you to enhance your healthcare services with new ICT tools and technologies; provide ideas to broaden your educational programs and courses; or widen your international business network.

Apply now for an ISfTeH membership