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Electric MIAMI Revisited

In my mailbox a week ago I found the Fall 2014 issue of art BUSINESS News, which had interesting columns and features. One feature that caught my eye was about art week in Miami, "the art world's winter playground." 

The small caption in the photograph of the Miami skyline reads "Miami's electric skyline at night." In keeping with this theme and the painted piece "Manhattan Bound" by Jeff Bye (you will have to look at it above the table of contents on page 7) I thought I'd revisited Miami with my "electric" and additional views of Miami.


I'm not going to bore you with the technical details on how "electric" versions were creatively photographed, except to mention it was all done in camera at the time of exposure. This city is dynamic and my photographs are intended to give the viewer that feeling. Without further ado I present for your viewing pleasure some of my Miami photographs.







Moon over Miami. Art Basel is the big daddy of art exhibitions here, but keep in mind it has no singular exclusive claim on great art.
put cursor over any photo to go to website.



  Check with Margarethe..

E-mail: or dial 954-815-9432.


If interested in renting the Studio or showing your quality photo based artwork in the Gallery use the contact info Margarethe above.  


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James Schot Gallery & Photo Studio 

2800 N. Federal Highway

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306


For more information, contact: 954-564-1112


directly across from Best Buy south of Oakland Park Blvd.    

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