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Women's Retreat 


Private Sessions Options


Macrobiotic Counseling

Melanie Waxman or Bettina Zumdick           1 � hours      $275 ($50 discount as program participant)

Follow-up included: One 15 minute session - phone or email.    

Macrobiotics always works best for supporting health improvement when adjusted for the individual. In these private sessions the counselor uses macrobiotic visual diagnosis, along with other factors in your health and life, to create a personalized and practical plan for you.


PRIOR TO THE CONSULTATION: Please get a consultation questionnaire from the office, fill it out, and return to the office so the counselor can review it prior to your session.


Macrobiotic Personalized Menu Planning

Melanie Waxman or Bettina Zumdick          1 � hours       $135

To be sustainable, macrobiotic meal preparation needs to fit into YOUR schedule. Complete, balanced dinners can be made in 20 to 30 minutes (or less!). The counselor will review your health needs and schedule and help put together a balanced menu, for a whole week,  that fits into your life. You'll also get tips for easy, quick meal preparation.


Restorative Massage (unclothed, draped)
Misha Forrester, LMT     1 � hour   $95

This technique generally employs oil or lotion on the skin in a circulatory manner to relax and release toxins from the muscles and return blood flow toward the heart, but it can also focus on gentler, skin manipulations designed for specific lymph drainage and edema needs. Massage keep tendons and ligaments supple and pliable while manipulating, organizing, and aligning layers of skin and fascia.  

Firm, gentle pressure using stroking, kneading, friction, vibration, tapping, soft shaking, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, moderate range of motion stretches, lymphatic drainage and energy work  

(Reiki and Polarity) are a collection of modern techniques employed in this modality, bringing about holistic,uplifting benefits for the body and mind. Deeply relaxing.


Note: This is a custom designed massage. Pressure, techniques, and use of oils are reduced depending one's medical or dietary needs. Specific areas of the body can also be addressed (including the face) for concentrated and/or extended time. Misha is a member of the Society of Oncology Massage Therapists. 


Torso (Neck, Back, Shoulders) Massage  (partial unclothed, with oil)

Misha Forrester, LMT   30 minutes     $45 (per availability)

Experience how great you can feel in only half an hour!  Let tension and stress melt away as Misha eases your back, neck, and shoulder muscles.   Driving from a long distance away?  Release long, confined sitting with a quick massage that will restore you to easier, upright standing, better posture, and relaxed sensibility.  Needing to unwind from an active day -- check out  late night schedule --- for a quick fix that will leave you ready for a restful, sleepful night.  


Feldenkrais Functional Integration� (please wear loose clothing)  

Misha Forrester, GCFP     1 �  hour     $95   

Custom tailored for the individual, using very gentle manipulations, these sessions convey the experience of comfort, pleasure, and ease of movement. With Misha's informed touch explore more efficient, effective patterns of mobility with your kinesthetic sensations. The primary goal is to build a keener sense of proprioception, which is the important sensory modality in your brain that gives you awareness of your body's internal responses and self-regulates posture and movement.  Learn how to "organize" your body motions to move in an expanded, functional manner throughout your entire musculoskeletal being for long-lasting benefits.  

Great for anyone  with minor aches and pains, hip, feet, or shoulder restrictions, serious neurological problems, as well as those who simply want to move with greater grace, freedom and ease.  The Feldenkrais Method is unlike anything else, working by creating opportunities in which your brain
can help your body.  Instead of using muscular effort, Feldenkrais sessions involve a process of paying attention to your experience while the practitioner allows for small, easy movements. Building a greater awareness of your body's potential for mindful movement is the first step to changing an uncomfortable, habitual pattern and replacing it with one full of greater ease, efficiency, and sensibility.  In this unique modality, experience paying attention to yourself and honoring and respecting your sensations. 
Transformational Energy Healing

Mirea Ellis       1 1/2 hour       $95

Have you ever felt like you're "stuck" in repetitive patterns in your health, vitality, relationships, career, or other aspect of you life? Or that you have a particular goal that's important to you that you just can't seem to move forward with? Perhaps you've tried different diets or therapies and nothing has worked, or you may even "know" what you could do to accomplish your goals but you're just not able to be consistent?   

In these Transformational Energy Healing sessions a variety of processes, tailored for the individual, are used to help you: discover and release the underlying sources of patterns of energy, perspective, emotions, and bodily tensions that have supported the continuation of recurring issues; and achieve the shift and transformation you are seeking. Some of the processes employed include: Energy Work with clearing and energizing chakras (energy centers) or other areas in the body in which energy is not moving freely;  Visualizations (including shamanic journey with "power animals"), Sound Healing (including singing bowls), Breath Work, and  other traditional and modern methods for transformation that help bring you a greater experience of awe, joy, and vibrant health and well-being, as well as an increased desire and greater ability to manifest what is most important to you.  



Energy Balancing/Chakra Balancing

Bettina Zumdick    1 hour      $95

This work initiates and facilitates a process of healing and self-discovery on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Bettina offers a unique blend of ancient and individually developed techniques to help enhance the body's inherent ability to heal, as well as strengthening the body's natural flow of vitality. Palm healing, guided visualization, and a range of other modalities may be utilized for the purpose of clearing your energy field and aiding you to access inner wisdom and greater clarity in your personal journey to joy and health.