Volume 9   Issue 6                                                                                       June, 2016
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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

A one-to-one process and relationship between an individual and a

coach with  clear aspirations concentrated on expanding potential, enriching relationships and accelerating performance.
Kim Signature  
In This Issue
Figuring Out What You Really Want
One Easy Way to Improve Employee Engagement
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"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."

                                            ~ Dale Carnegie 

Do you ever have "Red Cloud Moments"?

Figuring Out What You Really Want
With many of my clients, we get to an impasse when we try to figure out what they really want. The challenge with simply asking the question is that I almost always get a Knower/Judger, politically correct, react-rather-than-respond answer. And frequently the answer refers more to a need (which is K/J-based, egocentric, and satisfying) than a want (which is Learner/Researcher-based, present, and happiness-oriented). Here's how I figure out what I want.  (Read more).....
One Easy Way to Improve Employee Engagement
Recently, several managers I work with have been concerned about how "engaged" their employees are in their work. I've long been bothered by the concept of employee engagement. Why is it a one-way street? Why is it only the employee's engagement we measure (and everybody does...Gallup, AIAA, tons of others). I take a different view, and I believe that there is a way to improve not just your employees' engagement, but your own.  (Read more).....

A note from the author:

As I enter my ninth year of publishing the HDClarity E-zine, you may notice a change in the masthead of this monthly blog.  It has dawned on me that when working with management teams of highly productive executives, the most progress made is with the individual.

They may be a part of a team.  They may even lead that team.  They are first and foremost individuals.  People who came to this position with Knower/Judger ramifications that can both serve the mission well and cause it to stumble.  Serve the individual's life well, or cause it to stumble as well.

So it is clearly with the individual I work.  It is even more fun when I work with multiple interacting individuals, and I can watch interpersonal wellness enhance performance and productivity.

Most managers and executives I have had the pleasure of Coaching report benefits not only in their professional world, but in their personal and recreational worlds as well.  The tools are Universal.

If you want to explore expanding potential, enriching relationships, and accelerating performance....anywhere in your world, drop me a line or give me a call.  Curiosity is a wonderful teacher.

...and....it's Time to Learn.
"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver (and "Pop")


(314) 265-5649 (cell)

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140+Articles to help you get clear.