

Kim DeMotte.
Team Performance Professional,
Executive and Leadership Coach.


Thoughts you can use on the Value of Clarity, Trust, and the Human Interaction.



Volume 8   Issue 5                                                                     May, 2015
HDClarity Logo
  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

In This Issue
How Fun Can Seriously Change Your Life
Losing and Loss
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"To cross over the line into the transition, you need to ask yourself what inner relinquishments you'll need to make because of the change. What needs will you have to find other ways to get met? Because of your change, what parts of yourself are now out of date?"

                                     ~ William Bridges

Moment of Clarity, May, 2015, When one door closes....
Moment of Clarity, May, 2015, When one door closes....

How Fun Can Seriously Change Your Life


Let's play a game. Imagine that you're in a classroom. In front of you, there's a professor, wagging his or her finger while preaching to you. (The professor is in the Knower/Judger persona,'s the job.) The professor goes on and on while you sit there. How likely is it that you are going to retain the new information? Now imagine that you're being given the same information but there is a game or competition involved. Will it be easier to learn? You bet! Here's why.  (Read more).....





Losing and Loss



Sometimes you do everything right-dot every "i," cross every "t," hit 1,000 consecutive foul shots, invest in tech stocks just before the new one is offered-and you still lose. That's life. Losing can be a valuable part of the human condition. You know the old saying "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you do about it"? Losing builds character, but boy does it sting. Here's what I've lost recently, and how I'm coping with the change.  (Read more)....



Many of my readers know what I do as a Co-Driver in a rally car....but for those who don't, click here to get a quick idea! 


OK.  I have an idea about what you do in a Rally Car...but what can you do for me or my team?


  • Reduce Struggle.
  • Dissipate Conflict.
  • Improve Relationships.
  • Relieve Stress.
  • Develop Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie in your team.


Check out  Kim's 3-pronged approach.


Who's Kim worked for?


Give Kim a call (877) 245-8251 toll free (314) 963-1112 in St. Louis 


"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time.


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver

(877) 245-8250

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140+Articles to help you get clear.