

Kim DeMotte.
Team Performance Professional,
Executive and Leadership Coach.


Thoughts you can use on the Value of Clarity, Trust, and the Human Interaction.



Volume 7   Issue 11                                                                                    November, 2014
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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

In This Issue
Hands Up Don't Shoot vs. Pants Up Don't Loot
Authoring the Inner Monologue
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"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

                                                               ~ Bertrand Russell

Moment of Clarity, November, 2014, Moving Rocks, Changing Streams
Moment of Clarity, November, 2014, Moving Rocks, Changing Streams

Hands Up Don't Shoot vs. Pants Up Don't Loot



(This article was drafted November 10 before the release of the Grand Jury's findings.)


By any standard, the little St. Louis suburb of Ferguson is a pretty old town. Called Ferguson Station at its beginnings in 1854, it became the fourth-class city of Ferguson in 1894 with 1,000 residents. So we're not talking about some 1950s-era suburb here. Ferguson was an enclave of well-to-do houses with owners who commuted into St. Louis on one of the eight trains a day that stopped there.  (Read more) .....



Authoring the Inner Monologue  


My two-year-old grandson, Oliver, was visiting last Sunday evening. And he's a chatterbox. To their credit, Oliver's parents are paying a lot of attention to his (and his older sister's) self-talk. His mom tells me that she interprets his chatter as verbalization of his internal monologue. Oliver is sorting out who he is and how he fits into the world around him.  (Read more) .....  




Many of my readers know what I do as a Co-Driver in a rally car....but for those who don't, click here to get a quick idea! 


OK.  I have an idea about what you do in a Rally Car...but what can you do for me or my team?


  • Reduce Struggle.
  • Dissipate Conflict.
  • Improve Relationships.
  • Relieve Stress.
  • Develop Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie in your team.


Check out  Kim's 3-pronged approach.


Who's Kim worked for?


Give Kim a call (877) 245-8251 toll free (314) 963-1112 in St. Louis 


"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time.


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver

(877) 245-8250

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