
Kim DeMotte.
Team Performance Professional,
Executive and Leadership Coach.


Thoughts you can use on the Value of Clarity, Trust, and the Human Interaction.



Volume 7   Issue 9                                                                                    September, 2014
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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

In This Issue
Mastering Forgiveness One Vexation at a Time
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                                                        ~ Thomas Szasz


Moment of Clarity, September 2014, Still have lots in the tank
Moment of Clarity, September 2014, Still have lots in the tank


Mastering Forgiveness One Vexation at a Time 



This past month has been a maelstrom of angst for a lot of people. Maybe it was the supermoon we had last week. Or maybe it was everybody getting back into the after-summer routines. Kids back to school. School buses clogging up normally simple commutes. Bills coming in from that two-week vacation back in early August. These things can really stack up.


Whatever triggered it, a lot of people in my world, myself included, felt "victimized" by something or someone, and we were mad about it. We've all reached a breaking point at some time or another, where we've just had enough. Anger becomes the reaction of choice. But it's not the only option-or even the best one. (Read more)......






When you hear the word "sabotage", what comes to mind? Some may remember the Beastie Boys tune: "Listen all of y'all, it's a sabotage."


Or maybe that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie from earlier this year by the same name? (You didn't see it either?)





verb: sabotage; 3rd person present: sabotages; past tense: sabotaged; past participle: sabotaged; gerund or present participle: sabotaging


1. deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.



vandalize, wreck, damage, destroy, cripple, impair, incapacitate;

obstruct, disrupt, spoil, ruin, undermine, threaten, subvert 


I'm guessing you don't consider yourself a "saboteur" (one who sabotages), yet I think we are all such vandalizers on a regular basis. (Read more)....  

Many of my readers know what I do as a Co-Driver in a rally car....but for those who don't, click here to get a quick idea! 


OK.  I have an idea about what you do in a Rally Car...but what can you do for me or my team?


  • Reduce Struggle.
  • Dissipate Conflict.
  • Improve Relationships.
  • Relieve Stress.
  • Develop Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie in your team.


Check out  Kim's 3-pronged approach.


Who's Kim worked for?


Give Kim a call (877) 245-8251 toll free (314) 963-1112 in St. Louis 


"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time.


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver

(877) 245-8250

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