
Kim DeMotte. Team Performance Professional, Executive and Leadership Coach.


Thoughts you can use on the Value of Clarity, Trust, and the Human Interaction.



Volume 6   Issue 12                                                                                     December, 2013
HDClarity Logo
  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

In This Issue
Make This Christmas Wonder-full
Learning from My Mistakes
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"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."    

                                                   ~ Albert Einstein 



Moment of Clarity, December 2013, Uncle Pete's Christmas gift
Moment of Clarity, December 2013, Uncle Pete's Christmas gift



Make This Christmas Wonder-full




It's the season for wonder. And that got me wondering. How many of my loyal readers, clients, and friends are challenged by the holidays and not completely looking forward to, or even dreading, some of the upcoming events? Spending a lot of time with people we aren't usually with can be difficult, especially when we're related to them. We tend to walk into these situations prepared for the old battles and oft-repeated arguments. There's where the stress of the holidays comes from. And there's where injecting a little wonder can change everything.   (Read more)..... 





Learning from My Mistakes: A Surprising Lesson



If we learn from our mistakes, then I'm working on my third PhD. The last month has been a rush for me. I host this annual Christmas party, and my Knower/Judger usually gets me into some kind of project that just has to be completed before the first guest arrives. And they're usually not small projects. This year, I did it again. The difference is, I finally learned something.  (Read more).....



Many of my readers know what I do as a Co-Driver in a rally car....but for those who don't, click here to get a quick idea! 


OK.  I have an idea about what you do in a Rally Car...but what can you do for me or my team?


  • Reduce Struggle.
  • Dissipate Conflict.
  • Improve Relationships.
  • Relieve Stress.
  • Develop Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie in your team.


Check out  Kim's 3-pronged approach.


Who's Kim worked for?


Give Kim a call (877) 245-8251 toll free (314) 963-1112 in St. Louis 


"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time.


Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver

(877) 245-8250

HDClarity Archive Library, December 2008 - Last Month

140+Articles to help you get clear.