Newsletter: January 2015 

Vol 15, Issue 1


Message from the President - AEA Thinks Global in 2015



Happy New Year, friends and colleagues! It is with great passion and honor that I serve as your president during 2015 - the International Year of Evaluation.


I joined AEA in 1987 as a student member, and have been very active in AEA service and a regular presenter at AEA meetings for more than 25 years. I am currently professor and director of the Claremont Evaluation Center and dean of the Schools of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation, and Community & Global Health at Claremont Graduate University. I also continue to develop and lead one of the most extensive graduate programs specializing in evaluation.

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In This Issue
AEA Values
International Policy Update
Award Winner
eLearning Update
New Job Postings
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About Us
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AEA Values - Walking the Talk with Lacy Fabian 
Are you familiar with AEA's values statement? What do these values mean to you in your service to AEA and in your own professional work? In this section, we ask a member of the AEA community to contribute her or his own reflections on the association's values.

AEA's Values Statement

The American Evaluation Association values excellence in evaluation practice, utilization of evaluation findings, and inclusion and diversity in the evaluation community.

i. We value high quality, ethically defensible, culturally responsive evaluation practices that lead to effective and humane organizations and ultimately to the enhancement of the public good.
ii. We value high quality, ethically defensible, culturally responsive evaluation practices that contribute to decision-making processes, program improvement, and policy formulation.
iii. We value a global and international evaluation community and understanding of evaluation practices.
iv. We value the continual development of evaluation professionals and the development of evaluators from under-represented groups.
v. We value inclusiveness and diversity, welcoming members at any point in their career, from any context, and representing a range of thought and approaches.
vi. We value efficient, effective, responsive, transparent, and socially responsible association operations.

See AEA's Mission, Vision, Values 




I am Lacy Fabian, Ph.D., healthcare quality specialist at MITRE and board member of the Eastern Evaluation Research Society, a local AEA affiliate.


Employing a vision and values in daily life is fundamental to an ethical and professional practice. AEA recognizes specific values that are relevant to the fields of evaluation and education, and within my daily activities I combine these with my own personal values to create a broader vision that shapes my professional practice. However, shaping your professional identity begins long before you get settled into your chosen career.


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Diversity - A Conversation with LA RED
From Zachary Grays, AEA Headquarters 

This winter, AEA had the pleasure of introducing two new Topical Interest Groups, Military and Veteran's Issues in Evaluation and Latino/a Responsive Evaluation Discourse (LA RED). While the more than 50 Topical Interest Groups are all unique, wide spanning, and diverse in their own way, when it comes to culturally responsive evaluation, LA RED represents the newest TIG collective with an explicit investment in serving the underrepresented Latino/a population in evaluation. I had the opportunity to interview the inaugural chair and program chair of LA RED, Lisa Aponte-Soto (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) and Sa�l Maldonado (University of California, Santa Cruz) to learn more about this new TIG and their goals now that they are officially established. Both Aponte-Soto and Maldonado are no stranger to AEA as alumni of the AEA Graduate Education Diversity Internship and as active members (and leaders) in other Topical Interest Groups. Read on to learn more about AEA's newest diversity TIG. 

Potent Presentations Initiative - Tell a Friend and Make the World a Better Place
From Stephanie Evergreen, Potent Presentations Initiative Coordinator 

Results from the post-conference survey have been rolling in. I don't know about your data-nerd style, but I calculated some quick means and then dove straight into the open-ended comments. I love reading through those. This year, we asked what could be done to improve the Potent Presentations Initiative.


Many of you said, "Keep up the good work." And, "It is so valuable." And, "Stephanie, will you marry me?" (Just kidding about that last one.) But many of you also wrote about a very important issue.


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International Policy Update - Welcome to the International Year of Evaluation
From Mike Hendricks, AEA Representative to the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), with contributions from Jim Rugh, EvalPartners Co-Coordinator

As you may already know, a growing number of evaluation associations and other important organizations around the world have declared 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear). But what does this mean for those of us in AEA?


First of all, please note that this is the International Year of Evaluation, not the Year of International Evaluation, and this difference is important. Indeed, there are many things happening around the world, but 2015 is also a year for each of us to promote the awareness, appreciation, demand, practice, and use of evaluation in our own work, no matter where we live or work. 
Congratulations to the 2014 AEA Evaluation Advocacy and Use Award Winner

David Fetterman, Ph.D., President & CEO of Fetterman & Associates

2014 AEA Evaluation Advocacy and Use Award 


Fetterman is president and CEO of Fetterman & Associates, an international evaluation consulting firm. Concurrently, he is a professor in the School of Business at the University of Charleston and a professor of anthropology at San Jose State University.


Fetterman received his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He has 25 years of experience at Stanford University. Fetterman was the director of evaluation and the head of the Division of Evaluation in the School of Medicine at Stanford University. Prior to this position, he was the director of evaluation, career development, and alumni relations and a consulting professor of education in the School of Education. For a decade, he was the director of the M.A. policy analysis and evaluation program in the School of Education. Before that, he served in the senior administration at Stanford University. He introduced empowerment evaluation to the field during his tenure as president of the American Evaluation Association. Since then, empowerment evaluations have been conducted in more than 15 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Finland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States.


Fetterman is one of two recipients to have received both the AEA Lazarsfield Award for contributions to evaluation theory and the Myrdal Award for contributions to evaluation practice. He is also a recipient of the American Educational Research Association's Distinguished Scholar Award for Research on Evaluation.


"The American Evaluation Association has been my professional home for a very long time. It has been my privilege to serve as a past-president and an honor to have been a recipient of awards for contributions to both theory and practice. This award is particularly important to me. It symbolizes my commitment to evaluation use and recognizes the efforts of so many of my colleagues to make evaluation as fundamental to the public as reading, writing, and arithmetic (never mind HTML)," said Fetterman. "On behalf of so many of my colleagues and friends, and what others have called an international 'movement,' I graciously and proudly accept this award."


eLearning Update - Discover eStudy Courses

Our eStudy program is made up of in-depth virtual professional development courses. Below are upcoming eStudy offerings: 

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Planning for Programs/Projects
February 17, 19, 24 & 26
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST

This eStudy introduces six key planning steps for a successful monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system: (1) Identify the purpose and scope of the M&E system; (2) Plan for data collection and management; (3) Plan for data analysis; (4) Plan for information reporting and utilization; (5) Plan for M&E human resources and capacity building; (6) Prepare the M&E budget. This six-step approach has been designed to guide programming at the community, regional, and national levels. While informed by international programs/projects, it is also very appropriate for domestic (U.S.) programs and projects - wherever M&E is needed for reliable and useful information and reporting to inform for program management and uphold performance accountability.

Reporting Alternatives for Evaluators 
February 25 & 27
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST


Read more and register 

As an evaluator you are conscientious about conducting the best evaluation possible, but how much thought do you give to communicating your results effectively? Do you consider your job complete after submitting a final report? Reporting is an important skill for evaluators who care about seeing their results disseminated widely and recommendations actually implemented, but there are alternatives to the traditional lengthy report. This interactive webinar will present an overview of four key principles for effective reporting and engage participants in a discussion of its role in effective evaluation. Participants will leave with an expanded repertoire of innovative alternatives to the traditional report, along with selected tips and techniques. 

New Jobs & RFPs from AEA's Career Center  
What's new this month in the AEA Online Career Center? The following positions have been added recently: 
  • M&E Program Management and Response Advisor at American Red Cross (Washington, D.C.)
  • Independent Evaluator at American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (Washington, D.C., with assignment in China)
  • Data Manager, Research & Evaluation Team at The Urban Assembly (New York City)
  • Director of Research and Metrics at Pathfinder International (Watertown, Massachusetts)
  • Technical Assistance and Evaluation Associate at EnCompass LLC (Rockville, Maryland)
  • Research Analyst at Judicial Council of California (San Francisco, California) 
  • Program Officer at Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County (Boynton Beach, Florida)
  • Training Coordinator at University of Wisconsin - Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)
  • Evaluation Program Coordinator at Hogg Foundation for Mental Health (Austin, Texas)
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About Us
AEA is an international professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of evaluation in all its forms.


The association's mission is to:
  • Improve evaluation practices and methods.
  • Increase evaluation use.
  • Promote evaluation as a profession.
  • Support the contribution of evaluation to the generation of theory and knowledge about effective human action.
phone: 1-202-367-1166 or 1-888-232-2275 (U.S. and Canada only) 
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