December 13, 2016

Four Possible Paths for the Book of Common Prayer

"The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) will be sending to General Convention 2018 four different paths forward for its consideration in regards to the Book of Common Prayer and liturgical renewal.

The four paths are:

1) Full and comprehensive revision of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer beginning after the 2018 General Convention;

2) Creation of comprehensive Book(s) of Alternative Services and no revision of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with work beginning after the 2018 General Convention;

3) Intensive church-wide conversation between the 2018 and 2021 General Convention about whether a revision of the Book of Common Prayer is needed or desirable; to what extent; and whether, if revision is not desirable, the Episcopal Church should instead develop significant supplemental liturgical resources, such as a Book of Alternative Services;

4) A step back from efforts toward comprehensive liturgical revision or creation of new liturgies, and an accompanying commitment to deepening the collective understanding of - and engagement with - the theology of our current liturgies." 

Read more about these possible paths and the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Message on Standing Rock
This morning, the sun ascended over the Great Plains of our nation and hope truly dawned anew.

Last week, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry released a statement on the recent news that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denial of the Dakota Access Pipeline to pass through the sacred lands and waters of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Here are some of Bishop Curry's thoughts:

I am grateful and humbled by the water protectors of Standing Rock, whose faithful witness serves as an example of moral courage, spiritual integrity, and genuine concern for the entire human family and God's creation. I am equally appreciative of the sacrifice and example of the military veterans, interfaith clergy, and trauma chaplains who accompanied the water protectors during critical moments of the struggle, many of whom have pledged to remain as long as the water protectors are present.

Read his full message here
Advent III, Grow in this season of waiting
Free Advent Course with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby titled "Getting More Out of the Bible." On the first day of this new year, the Advent of Christ's coming and coming again, may Our Lord Jesus fill us with renewed courage, love, and joy, to live lives fully dedicated to his will and work. -Churchnext.tv  This course is made possible by the generous support of the Office of the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Bible in the Life of the Church initiative, and ChurchNext. More information and downloadable content is available here

Episcopal Migration Ministries offers reflections throughout Advent. "We invite you into the journey of Advent with us, as we reflect on this important season and the ministry of resettlement and welcome," noted the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries. Reflection videos available here

Call to join in an Advent & Christmastime Poetry Project: Barbara Campbell, our Diocesan Poet invites you to an Advent & Christmastime devotion of writing poetry. To learn more about her invitiation, to submit poetry, and to participate in an upcoming "Read Around" in January, email Barbara at episcopal.poetry@gmail.com or campbellba@earthlink.net
Follow ECCT's #AdventWord posts on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We have a Facebook photo album* and a Flickr album dedicated to our #AdventWord posts, as well. (*note: you will need a Facebook account to access these photos, no log-in required for the Flickr album.)
Announcements & Reminders

This Wednesday: Webinar about Online Giving hosted by Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary is excited to bring you a webinar about online giving on Wednesday December 14th! This 45-minute session will introduce the stewardship message and give tool recommendations as well! http://bit.ly/E-Giving Can't make it? Still sign up to receive the recorded video!

Online conversation: Preaching with the Bible in one hand and Newspaper in the Other, this evening discussion is part of an ongoing "Deacons Talking on the Road to Emmaus" web-conversation offered by the Episcopal Province of New England. Join the conversation on December 15 at 7:00 p.m. Register here

Embracing Gender Complexity Conference, December 16 - 17 at Barbara T. Harris Conference Center in Greenfield, NH. Transgender and gender-non-binary people have long been and are increasingly part of congregations throughout Province 1. Many of our communities are exploring ways to better equip themselves to support and to embrace the gifts of this wide ranging community. Learn more and register here

Applications now accepted for Saint Hilda's House in New Haven. Saint Hilda's House is a ten-month residential young adult discernment program devoted to spiritual formation and urban ministry, and a member of the Episcopal Service CorpsHildans serve in programs dedicated to addressing poverty, lack of education, lack of affordable housing, food insecurity, and other issues. To learn more about Saint Hilda's House here or contact the Rev. Carlos de la Torre. Apply to Saint Hilda's House here.
Latino Leaders of New England Conference, December 16-17. Lutherans and Episcopalians United in One Mission at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Inspiring, equipping, and empowering Latino Ministry Leaders for the 21st Century Church! Join leaders from all over New England to explore new opportunities for learning, faith formation and service. Questions? Contact Rev. Santiago Rodriguez.

Applications accepted for Climate Change and Creation protection grants: Projects including intergenerational engagement, demonstrating innovation and creativity, and promoting churchwide learning, understanding, and practical application are welcomed. Deadline for Applications: Dec 31. Contact Chris Sikkema with questions. Applications available here.

The Mission Finance & Operations office of the ECCT will be closed the week between Christmas & New Year's, returning on January 2. Contributions and donations need to be received in the office no later than December 14 for credit in 2016Donations for 'Bishop's Fund for Children' should be mailed to  Camp Washington or through the ECCT websiteThe Mission Finance & Operations office seeks recommendations for several volunteers to serve a three year term on the Missionary Society's Revolving Loan Board Committee. The ideal individual would have bank lending and new loan evaluation experience. Please contact the Canon for Finance & Operations,  Louis Fuertes.

Applications now being accepted for the 2017 United Thank Offering Grants. The focus for the 2017 United Thank Offering grants is Evangelism - Reconciliation: Following Jesus' way of creating loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, each other, and all creation. Guidelines, potential projects, and applications can be found here. Please submit all applications to Suzanne DeMerchant by February 1. 

Seminarians of Color Conference slated for February 8-11. Sponsored by the Episcopal Church Ethnic Ministries Offices, the Conference will be held at the Canterbury Retreat and Conference Center, in Oviedo, FL. Participants will hear from clergy of color as they share wisdom & expertise on theology in context, praxis of ministry, intercultural and ecumenical collaborations, best practices, & theological excellence, as well as new and emergent models in ministry and church development. Register by January 13. Contact Angeline Cabanba.

Register today for the Church Leadership Conference, February 17-19 at Kanuga Conference & Retreat Center in Hendersonville, NC. Discussion will include reasons people find their way to our churches, how to make them feel appreciated and effective courses for personal growth. Workshops will be presented by leaders from Episcopal Church Foundation, Episcopal Relief & Development, Forward Movement, Center for Religion and Environment, Bexley Seabury Seminary, and more. Register today!
Positions Open

Job openings may be found here on the website.

NOTE: Applicants will be able to submit their resume and cover letter to the contact person directly from the ECCT website, if that option is chosen by the person submitting the position for posting.  
  • Director of Music, Trinity, Collinsville
  • Director of Faith Formation, Church of the Good Shepherd, Orange
  • Organist/Director of Music, St. Luke's, New Haven
  • Interim Director of Music, St. Mary's, Manchester
To submit a job opening to be included here, please fill out this form. Jobs will be reviewed and then posted in the weekly enews and posted on the website.   
Events coming up soon
Events below are coming up in the next few weeks:
The ECCT calendar is located here. It allows you to filter events by category and includes a subscribe link at the bottom of the page. Specific details including locations, times, etc. will also be found there.
  • December 15, Standing Committee Meeting
  • December 20, Kim Lutsey's Ordination to the Priesthood, St. Paul & St. James, New Haven
  • December 21, Philip Bjornber's Ordination to the Priesthood, Trinity, Portland
  • December 21, Jane Hale's Ordination to the Priesthood, Trinity, Brooklyn
  • January 3, Recently Ordained Clergy meeting
  • January 9, Safe Church Trainers' Meeting
*Please Note: The Commons will close at 3:00 p.m. on December 23, and remain closed through January 1. 
There will be no eNews on December 27. Enjoy your Christmas!*

  • December 18, St. John's Guilford (Douglas)
  • January 8, St. George's, Middlebury (Ahrens); St. George's, Bolton (Douglas) 
  • January 15, Grace, Yantic (Ahrens); Trinity, Southport (Douglas)
  • January 22, St. Paul's Willimantic (Ahrens); Calvary St. George's, Birdgeport (Douglas)
  • January 29, Immanuel St. James', Derby (Ahrens); St. Peter's, Cheshire (Douglas) 
PARISH EVENTS  A complete Parish Events Calendar is available here.
 Having an event? Please submit Parish events here.
Reach out to the specific parish for event updates, specific locations, and further details. Season-specific services will not be listed below--such as Christmas Eve & Christmas Day services, please reference our calendar. 



REGION CLERICUS MEETINGS: Please register beforehand


290 Pratt Street ı Box 52 ı Meriden, CT 06450 ı 203-639-3501