October 18, 2016

The Feast Day of St. Luke the Evangelist
Today the Church honors St. Luke the Evangelist. 

In Luke's account of the Gospel, we find an emphasis on the human love of Christ, on His compassion for sinners and for suffering and unhappy persons, for outcasts such as the Samaritans, tax collectors, lepers, shepherds (not a respected profession), and for the poor. The role of women in Christ's ministry is more emphasized in Luke than in the other Gospel writings.

In the book of Acts, we find the early Christian community poised from the start to carry out its commission, confident and aware of Divine guidance. We see how the early Christians at first preached only to Jews, then to Samaritans (a borderline case), then to outright Gentiles like Cornelius, and finally explicitly recognized that Gentiles and Jews are called on equal terms to the service and fellowship of Christ. Source
#EpiscopaliansVote Election Engagement Toolkit

A faithful commitment to political participation aligns with our Baptismal Covenant's promise to "strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being." There are several ways you and your congregation can answer the call to faithfully engage in the electoral process. This page is dedicated to assisting you in navigating some of the important issues in this election season such as addressing poverty, protecting voting rights, and engaging in civil discourse. Episcopalian Vote, Election Engagement

The Episcopal Church's Election Engagement Toolkit has ideas for engagement, information on voting rights, ways to support civil discourse, and more. Please download the free PDF in English or Spanish today!

This election season has been among the most contentious in recent memory. But whatever our politics, as Christians we always have something we can do. We can pray. For the 30 days leading up to the election, Forward Movement is calling Episcopalians and all others to join us in a time of prayer. - Scott Gunn

Forward Movement gathered downloadable bulletins and information for their "A Season of Prayer: For an Election," which can be found here
Prevention & Wellness Training Opportunity 
Earn 6 CEU credits from CT DMHAS

This training will be held on Saturday, October 29 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at Camp Washington Camp and Conference Center

CAP provides free 5 hr. training with professionals for individuals, community leaders, coaches, foster parents and faith based groups who would like more education on how to recognize, provide support and give assistance to those struggling with addictions such as alcohol, drugs, gambling, inhalant abuse, as well as many mental health issues facing us today including suicide.
CAP is a program of the State of CT Dept. of Mental Health & Addiction Services
RSVP to [email protected]Questions? Contact: Kapriel Mouradjian, CAP Advisor

Complimentary light breakfast & lunch will be provided.
Convention Corner:
The Episcopal Church in Connecticut's 232nd Annual Convention will be Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20, 2016 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT.
Saturday, Legislative Session
All Convention delegates and guests are required to register online using Eventbrite . Parish offices can register a group and make a single payment or individuals may register and pay on their own.
    • $85 Regular Registration - ends November 15
    • $100 Walk-in Registration - during Convention
When you register, you will be presented with a choice for lunch on Saturday (included in the cost of registration). Your choices will be: a) Pork Prime Rib b) North Atlantic Salmon c) Food Allergy Option*. All meal choices are gluten free. Interested in going to the Saturday evening Banquet? Buy tickets here

Room Block Deadline October 21
If you would like to get a room as a part of the Episcopal Church Room Block for this year's annual convention, please be advised that the block expires on October 21. For information on how to reserve a room, either online or over the phone, can be found here: https://www.episcopalct.org/news-and-events/annual-convention/2016/

Meet the Nominees for Election
Learn about your sisters and brothers who are standing for election at this year's annual convention. The deadline for nominations has passed and now you can read the nominee bios on the Convention webpage: https://www.episcopalct.org/events/annual-convention/2016/elections/

Celebration of the Spirit: Sunday of Convention*
ECCT is doing something wonderful and different on the Sunday of Convention this year - a massive worship service in the Convention Center, open to all, with the Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, preaching. Interest in this free event is gathering steam in parishes, so be sure to share the information with your church so that they have a chance to register here before all the seats are filled. 

Want to know more about the Celebration of the Spirit event? Click here to learn how you can get involved and information on the Ministry Network Expo. 

Participating via Social Media 
In preparation for our Convention, we invite you to like ECCT on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and utilize our diocesan hashtag, #ECCT. We will be live on social media platforms throughout the weekend of Convention.

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Yates, Secretary of Convention. 

*If you have already registered for Convention then you do not need to register again for the Celebration of the Spirit.
Ministry Networks Corner 

This Sunday, Community Gardens Ministry Network Meeting, October 23
With the leadership of the Rev. Virginia Army, the group will meet from 4 - 6 p.m. at St. Mark's Church, New Canaan. The purpose of the meeting is to see the garden space, and to share stories and experiences regarding the season's gardens, the drought conditions, working with community partners, gaining support from the parishes, harvesting, future planning, etc. Please register for the Community Gardens here

Spanish Lanugage Ministry Network Meeting, October 27
The next meeting of the Spanish Language Ministry Network will be held on Thursday, October 27 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at The Commons.  

Social Justice Ministry Network Meeting, November 1
The Social Justice Ministry Network will meet on Tuesday, November 1 at 3:00 p.m. at The Commons. 

Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Network Meeting November 15
 The Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Network invites you to attend a meeting of Hospital Healthcare Chaplains on Tuesday, November 15, at 10:30 a.m. The meeting will be held at Norwalk Hospital and will be hosted by the Rev. Debra Slade, the Rev. Judy Holding, and Bishop Laura Ahrens. This gathering is expected to last 2 hours. We welcome you to attend this informative and rewarding event.  Please RSVP via Eventbrite

Save the Date: Next Northwest Environment Ministry Network Meeting January 21 
The Northwest Environmental Ministry Network will gather again on January 21 from 3 - 6 p.m. at the Litchfield's White Memorial Conservation Center. A hearty potluck supper and a winter walk are to be expected. 

To announce your Ministry Network gathering, sponsored event, or resource, email Alli Huggins at [email protected].
Announcements & Reminders

Celebration of New Ministry: Stephen Holton, October 27 at Christ Church, New Haven from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All are invited to attend this joyous celebration. 

Women's Clergy Breakfast, October 28 from 8 - 10 am at St. Andrew's Church in Meriden
Discussion on the next two chapters of the Anglican Theological Review (ATR) focusing on Practicing Theology. Specifically,  "The Divine Call to Be Myself: Anglican Transgender Women and Prayer" and "We Pray for the Death of 'God': Southern African Women in Prayer." Join even if you do not read the ATR. It is a time for community gathering and fellowship is a gift to all of us in our faithful journey. This time with your female colleagues can be a gift to you and to your prayer. Study guide here. Please RSVP via Eventbrite here

The South Central Region Fall 2016 Convocation will be Sunday, October 23 from 3 - 5 p.m. at the Whitney Cultural Commons in Hamden. Registration & mingling will begin at 2:30. The theme for the event is "What do you bring to the table?" Small group discussions will take place around a table with a focus on discussion the ministries people are passionate about. With this as a context, the group will discuss the efforts to hire a regional missionary and the resolutions to be considered at Convention. Please register hereLike the South Central Region's Facebook page

Retired Clergy, Spouses & Partners Gathering, October 25 at St. James's Church, West Hartford from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Presentation and discussion on the topic "Leaving Well" by Ronald N. Casey, Ph.D., Glergy and Family Assistance Program. Please RSVP here. Contact Bonni McKenney with questions. 

Fall Clergy Retreat, November 1-3 at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West
Hartford. Please RSVP here by October 30. Bring with you a Bible and a Prayer Book. The retreat leader is the Rev. Matthew Wright, prist-in-charge at St. Gregory's Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY and teacher at Northeast Wisdom. 

The CT Episcopal Church Women invite all to the Fall Ingathering of the United Thank Offering. Thursday, November 3, 2016 at St. James's Episcopal Church, West Hartford beginning at 11:30 a.m. (please note the change in time). A Luncheon will begin at 12:00 noon, followed by a conversation. A celebration of the Holy Eucharist will follow at 1:30 p.m. Bishop Laura will be the celebrant and preacher. For more information contact Valzie Peterkin

Please Register: Preaching Symposium, Saturday November 5 at Christ Church
Cathedral in Hartford. The Rev. David Bartlett, professor emeritus at Yale Divinity School, will be the plenary speaker and workshops will be offered in the afternoon. The event is being hosted by the Bishops and the Commission on Ministry and is open to lay and ordained leaders in ECCT. Lay leaders must be nominated by their clergy person in order to attend.The cost to attend is $20 and scholarship funds are available. Please register via Eventbrite here. If you have any questions about the day, please contact the Dean of Formation, Molly James

US Disaster Program, Saturday November 5 The Episcopal Church in Connecticut Disaster Preparedness Team and Episcopal Relief and Development will be hosting a training opportunity on November 5, 2016 at St. John's Episcopal Church in West Hartford from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The program will cover: disaster 101, ECCT's Disaster Preparedness Team, identifying gifts, understanding hazard assessment, learning how to help when disaster strikes, and the available resources for your parish. Learn more and register here

TheoEco Event: Piles of Bricks: After the Nepal Earthquake, November 9
The TheoEco Institute invites all to a premier of the feature length documentary Piles of Bricks: After the Nepal Earthquake. Nepalese Hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, and conversations with special guests the Rev. & Mrs. Rinzi Lama, Rector & Mother of the Nazarene Church and Children's Home, Kathmandu, Nepal. This free event will be 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 9 at St. Paul & St. James, New Haven. RSVP here.
Positions Open

Job openings may be found here on the website.

NOTE: Applicants will be able to submit their resume and cover letter to the contact person directly from the ECCT website, if that option is chosen by the person submitting the position for posting.  
  • Director of Music, Trinity, Collinsville
  • Parish Administrative Assistant, St. John's, East Windsor
  • Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth, Church of the Good Shepherd, Orange
  • Part-time Facilities Maintenance Manager, Camp Washington, resume and cover letter to: [email protected]
To submit a job opening to be included here, please fill out this form. Jobs will be reviewed and then posted in the weekly enews and posted on the website.   
Confirmations Corner
Southwest Region Confirmation

The Southwest Region Confirmation will be November 6 at 10:00 a.m. at St. James, Danbury. Contact Joseph Krasinski for details. 

Save the Date: Bishops and Confirmands' Dinner

In preparation for the upcoming Confirmation programs of 2016-2017, Bishop Laura and Bishop Ian encourage individuals preparing for confirmation to join the bishops for a dinner and conversation at The Commons on what it means to be disciples and apostles participating in God's mission. 
These conversations are open to teenagers and adults preparing for confirmation in the Episcopal Church in 2016 and 2017, as well as for ongoing confirmation classes and interested inquirers. Confirmation class leaders and/or clergy are encouraged to join for this conversation about one's participation in God's mission.  

Contact Alison Hollo or Bishop Laura with any questions. 
The dates for the dinners are: February 8 and April 27 at 5:30 pm. 
Coming up soon

The ECCT calendar is located here. It allows you to filter events by category and includes a subscribe link at the bottom of the page. Specific details including locations, times, etc. will also be found there.
  • October 18-19, Visions Training, Camp Washington 
  • October 18, Transition Consultants Meeting
  • October 19, Missional Priests Meeting
  • October 20, Fresh Start Meeting
  • October 20, Standing Committee Meeting
  • October 20, Property Committee Meeting
  • October 21-22, Nominee Retreat with Bishops and COM
  • October 24, Archives Committee Meeting
  • October 25, Retired Clergy, Spouses & Partners Luncheon
  • October 25 Donations & Bequests Board of Trustees Meeting
  • October 25, Convention Planning
  • October 26, Commission on Ministry
  • October 27, Clericus Meeting, Southwest Region
  • October 27, Clericus Meeting, Southeast Region
  • October 27, Celebration of New Ministry: Stephen Holton, Christ Church, New Haven
  • October 28, Women's Clergy Breakfast
  • October 28, Nominee Follow-up Meeting
  • October 28, Title IV Training
  • November 1-3, Clergy Retreat
  • November 1, Camp Washington Board Meeting
See Ministry Network Corner, above, for known MN meetings and sponsored events  

  • October 23: Good Shepherd, Orange (Bishop Ahrens); St. Stephen's , East Haddam (Bishop Douglas)
  • October 30: Trinity, Branford (Bishop Ahrens); Christ Church, Norwalk (Bishop Douglas) 
  • November 13: St. John's, Bristol (Bishop Ahrens); St. Gabriel's East Berlin (Bishop Douglas)
PARISH EVENTS (Parish Events Calendar
Events below are coming up in the next couple of weeks, and this is not an exhausted list. For a full updated list of parish events, which includes season-appropriate services (such as Blessing of the Animals), see this online calendar. Please submit all Parish events here.

Please reach out to the specific parish for event updates, specific locations, and further details. 

These events provide an opportunity for attendees to review the proposed 2017 budget in advance of the November Convention.

A light dinner will be served. In order for us to plan appropriately, please RSVP to the appropriate EventBrite event in a timely fashion. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. For questions regarding this event, please contact Gigi Leackfeldt. A bishop will be present for each meeting as well, except on October 4. 

Please RSVP to the EventBrite page via the hyperlink attached to 
each Region.

These recertifications are mandatory for clergyThe final recertification is October 20.  


Upcoming Safe Church training sessions for laity are now listed on our website. Link here for basic information about Safe Church training for laity, including the introduction of the hybrid training. 

Full day: 
  • October 29, 9 - 4 p.m. Trinity, Trumbull
  • November 12, 9 - 4 p.m. St. Mary's, Manchester and St. Peter's/Trinity, Thomaston
Hybrid half day:
  • October 22, 9 - 11:30 a.m., St. Mark's, Mystic
  • October 25, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Trinity, Lakeville
  • October 27, 6:30 - 9 p.m., St. Paul's, Windham
  • November 5, 9 - 11:30 a.m., Trinity, Portland
  • November 8, 6:30 - 9 p.m., St. John's, New Milford
  • November 10, 6:30 - 9 p.m., Emmanuel, Weston
  • November 15, 6:30 - 9 p.m., St. Mark's, New Britain 
  • Tonight: October 18, 6:30 - 9 p.m., St. John's, Pine Meadow
  • October 22, 9 - 11:30 a.m., St. James', Danbury


290 Pratt Street ı Box 52 ı Meriden, CT 06450 ı 203-639-3501