Alabama PTAFebruary 2015
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Alabama PTA

Spring is right around the corner! 
 Awards, convention, officer elections. teacher appreciation, and so many other important activities are fast approaching.  Celebrate your outstanding year by applying for one of the State PTA Educator or Family-School Partnership Awards.  It is not too late to qualify for membership awards, too!  Sign up now for our state convention and be part of the decision making process to elect your next state officers.  

Please take note of the following dates and deadlines:

Membership Remittance Deadline for Awards:March 1
Educator Awards Deadline:March 1
Family-School Partnership Awards Deadline:March 1
State PTA Legislative Day:
March 18
AL State PTA Convention Registration Deadline:April 3
AL State PTA Convention - Montgomery:Apr 24 - 25


Award Application Information

Awards Applications 

Due March 1, 2015


Outstanding Educator


Each year at the Alabama State PTA Convention, our state recognizes principals, teachers, and support staff for their outstanding involvement with students.  Your PTA must nominate and apply on behalf of these incredible individuals.

Family-School Partnership 


The state also recognizes elementary, middle, and high school PTAs that exemplify the six national Family-School Partnership standards (Welcoming All Families, Communicating Effectively, Supporting Student Success, Speaking Up for Every Child, Sharing Power, Collaborating with the Community).  If your PTA shines in one or more of these areas, apply by March 1 to win one of the state awards.


Awards Details and Application


Membership Awards

PTAs receive awards for meeting membership benchmarks.  Membership lists and dues must be submitted to the state office by March 1, 2015 to qualify.  

Membership Remittance Form

Alabama PTA State Convention


Our Alabama State PTA Convention is fast approaching!  
We don't want you to miss out on any of the 97th Annual Alabama PTA State Convention, April 24 - 26 at the Montgomery Embassy Suites.  


The Embassy Suites is taking room reservations at the special group rate of $83 per night plus tax.  Don't wait.  Make your reservation now while there are still rooms available at this rate.


All registrations for meal functions must be in to the Alabama PTA State Office no later than Friday, April 3rd.  Payment must accompany registration.


This year's convention includes 12 leadership workshops, guest speakers, and Alabama State PTA board elections.  It is a great opportunity to share ideas and network with fellow PTA officers.
Alabama PTA Advocacy Events

Become a PTA Advocate


When:  March 3, 2015

Where:  Local Units, County Councils and State PTA


Focus Day postcards will be mailed to key decision makers (Governor, Senators, Representatives, Superintendent, etc.). Members can complete the personal message portion of the card and send to AL State PTA office to be mailed on February 27, 2015 to be delivered just in time for the opening day of the Alabama Legislative session.  March 3, 2015, PTA members will follow up with a Take Action telephone to their individual legislators.


ALABAMA PTA Legislative DAY 2015

When:  Wednesday, March 18, 2015 
Where: Montgomery

STAND UP, SPEAK UP AND SHOW UP  This year, we are urging members to "Stand up, Speak up, and to Show up" to advance the cause of children and education funding during the Alabama State Legislative Session. Key Advocacy Partners (KAPs), representing local units and councils, have the opportunity to join with state Board members to bring our PTA priorities and messages to key Alabama elected officials. Additionally, it is the catalyst for Virtual Legislative Advocacy Day, immediately following, when thousands of grassroots members mobilize to send prepared letters, electronically, to legislators emphasizing our positions on critical issues.


Bring your family and neighbors to show your support of our legislative platform with a focus on our number one priority: Properly Funding Education in Alabama. Bring banners and signs for the noon rally on the Capitol steps. Hear what state legislative leaders have to say about our issues and how they plan to properly fund education in Alabama. Let's bring our voices together for the children of our state on Wednesday, March 18, 2015.   



When:  March

Where: Online


Led by Legislative Chair Andrea Price, a team of committee members will work to develop a series of facebook, twitter, email and possibly video messages to advance the cause of advocacy from comments and advice given by outside lecturers to our members. These short messages and videos clips will be a bi partisan call to action and asks our members, partners and supporter to join with us to send clear message to our legislators our position on support of family engagement/parent involvement in education, fully funding our education system, support the college and career readiness imitative, and issues regarding the important of providing quality education for our children. We will urge members to take action by sharing these messages with their friends and colleagues. 

Board of Director's Nominations

The Alabama State PTA is delighted to announce the slate of officers for the Alabama Board of Directors 2015 - 2017.  Election of officers will occur at the state convention.  Other interested candidates are encouraged to run from the floor.


President Donna McCurry
VP of Leadership DevelopmentDonna Russell
VP of Legislation and Advocacy  Marvin Lucas
VP of Membership Development  Candice Longnecker
VP of Program Development  Kim Munford
Secretary Denise Hills
Treasurer  Kathie Rooker 


ACCRS - Alabama College and Career Ready Standards

Many in Alabama continue to question the need for standards in our state.  Below is a presentation that your PTA can share with its members that helps outline why ACCRS are important for our students.




Download Presentation

Smart Snacks
A Nutrition Policy Fellow from National PTA is presenting information on Smart Snacks in Montgomery.  All PTA leaders are encouraged to attend!

Date: March 6, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Carver Elementary School in Montgomery, AL



National Standards for Family-School Partnerships

Do you know the six National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships?  In looking towards planning for next year, this is a great time to learn more about the standards.  Using these standards as a template for selecting your PTA's focus and activities will serve to strengthen your PTA within your school and community.


National PTA Information on the Family-School Partnership Standards 

National Reading Month - March!
National Reading Month Starts Next Week!


Get your books and green eggs and ham ready!  Dr. Seuss' birthday kicks off National Reading Month on Monday.  Participate in a variety of reading and literary activities with  PTA Family Reading Experience, Powered by Kindle for Digital Learning Day  on March 13.


See different activities that your local PTA can do and visit National PTA's Pinterest board
 for additional tools and tips!
Quick Notes and Dates to Remember

Now: Local Unit and Council Forms
If you haven't already done so, please fill out the following forms and email them to or mail to the state office. Membership cards will not be sent to your PTA until the officer form is received in the state office.

Becky Vansant
Alabama PTA President