Alabama PTA
Thank you Alabama PTAs for working so hard to build your membership, create meaningful programs, and be advocates for our kids. These activities are important at the local, council or state level. In order to better serve our membership, the Alabama State PTA is focusing on leadership development and expanding/improving our communication channels. Workshops are already being planned for our state convention in April. We are designing a new website and resurrecting our Twitter account. Stay tuned for these and other exciting initiatives.
Please take note of the following dates and deadlines:
Local Unit Officer PTA Form: | Now | Membership Reports Due for State Awards: | Sept 30 | Apply for Schools of Excellence Deadline: | Oct 1
| Legislative Day - Montgomery State Office: | Dec 5 | AL State PTA Convention - Montgomery: | Apr 24 - 25 |
Do you have information you would like considered for the next newsletter? Submit it to alptanewsletter@gmail.com. |
Take Your Family to School Week - Grants!
National PTA's Take Your Family to School Week will be from February 16-20, 2015. Held annually in celebration of PTA's Founder's Day, this year's theme will be Supporting Student Success, focusing on family engagement solutions that are proven to help prevent the risks associated with high school dropout.
The AXA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AXA US, is the proud sponsor of PTA's Take Your Family to School Week.
New this year - National PTA will ship a PTA Take Your Family to School Week Kit to a total of 200 PTAs including:
- The first 150 PTAs that sign up to host an event and
- 50 PTAs that receive a $1,000 grant for hosting at least two events
All kit and grant recipients must be in good-standing with their State PTA and be a 501(c)(3).
Want a kit?
- Complete event sign-up form by Monday, November 3 to be considered for the kit shipment.
Need some help?
- Visit www.PTA.org/tyftsw to see the 2014 toolkit and consider the type(s) of event(s) PTAs can host.
New Membership Incentive
Alabama PTA is pleased to announce cash incentive awards for membership increases for Councils and Non-Council PTA Local Units.
These incentives will be awarded to the councils and the non-council local units showing the largest percentage membership increase from March 31, 2014 until December 1, 2014.
Awards vary from $100 to $250 based on council and non-council PTAs. Selections will be made from several different PTA size categories.
Read more and recruit new members today!
The World Would be a Better Place If...
That is the PTA's Reflections program which encourages students in pre-k through grade 12 to explore and be involved in the arts. Participation was down last year, so let's be sure to get all our students involved, especially if there is not an arts program in your school. Participation in the program may be the only opportunity a student gets to share his or her talents in one of these categories: dance choreography, film production, music composition, literature, photography, and visual arts.
The deadline for submission to Alabama PTA is Friday, January 16, 2015.
The theme for the 2014 - 2015 school year is "The world would be a better place if..." Thousands of students will reflect on the theme and create original works of art.
All forms, flyers, guidelines, and information is available can be found HERE! For further information, please contact Donna Russell, Alabama Reflections chair. Phone: 334.391.1334 or Email: dmrussell24@gmail.com.
School of Excellence - $250 Incentive Program
Earn $250 for Your PTA or Council
Social Media - Get Connected to Alabama PTA
Get Connected to Alabama PTA!
Your Alabama State PTA is working hard to provide new links to your local units and councils. The AL PTA is developing a new website and plan to launch it after the new year! Make sure you "like" our Facebook page and "follow" our Twitter accounts. Our social media presences is growing - it is the best way to receive our most timely news.
1. Encourage your members to join this electronic newsletter! Sign Up Here
Here is a sneak preview of our new website! Our launch is planned for next spring.
Arnie Duncan Visits Birmingham
On September 9th, our Birmingham PTA Council participated in a My Brother's Keeper Roundtable Discussion. The U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro, Birmingham Mayor William Bell, and young men and women from local high schools also participated. Congratulations to Birmingham for being part of an important initiative for our youth!
Pictured L to R: Randall Woodfin (President Birmingham City School Board), Dr. Craig Witherspoon (Superintendent Birmingham City Schools), Donna Thompson (President Elect Birmingham PTA Council), Daagye Hendricks (Birmingham City School Board Member), Arnie Duncan (U.S. Education Secretary), April Williams (Birmingham City School Board Member)
Common Core - Perspective from Teachers & Principals
School Leaders and the Common Core
Here is a short video where teachers, principals, and administrators reflect on the importance of Common Core.
| School Leaders and the Common Core |
Quick Notes and Dates to Remember
Now: Local Unit and Council Forms Due to State Office
If you haven't already done so, please fill out the following forms and email them to alabamapta@yahoo.com or mail to the state office. Membership cards will not be sent to your PTA until the officer form is received in the state office.
Sept 30: Membership Information Due to State Office
In order to qualify for the state membership Early Bird and Golden Apple awards, membership information must be submitted to the state office by Sept 30th. Please submit an electronic list of member names and email addresses to alabamapta@yahoo.com. Mail your checks to the state office.
Oct 1: National PTA School of Excellence program registration deadline.