Alabama PTA
Welcome back PTA officer's and members. Thank you for giving your generous time and energy to provide "every child, one voice." The Alabama State PTA is looking forward to serving you this year. We have many resources to assist with your membership, finances, and programs. Call the state office at (334) 834-2501 for more information.
Please take note of the following dates and deadlines:
Local Unit Officer PTA Form | Now | Webinar on Schools of Excellence: | Sept 16 | Membership Reports Due for State Awards: | Sept 30 | Apply for Schools of Excellence Deadline: | Oct 1 |
Do you have information you would like considered for the next newsletter? Submit it to alptanewsletter@gmail.com. |
School of Excellence
Congratulations to Rainbow Elementary School in Madison, AL
As part of its ongoing efforts to increase family engagement in education, National PTA� recognized 170 schools from across the country as 2014-2016 National PTA Schools of Excellence for their achievements in building strong family-school partnerships.
Rainbow Elementary is the first school in the state of Alabama to receive this distinction from National PTA. Dr. Bice visited the school last week to celebrate with the students, faculty, and PTA.
If your school is interested in achieving this distinction, please apply on the National PTA website by Oct 1st.
New Membership Incentive
Alabama PTA is pleased to announce cash incentive awards for membership increases for Councils and Non-Council PTA Local Units.
These incentives will be awarded to the councils and the non-council local units showing the largest percentage membership increase from March 31, 2014 until December 1, 2014.
Awards vary from $100 to $250 based on council and non-council PTAs. Selections will be made from several different PTA size categories.
Read more and recruit new members today!
State Superintendent Future of Public Education Tour
Last week, Alabama's Superintendent of Education, Dr. Tommy Bice, started a 12 city tour across the state to discuss, among other topics, the Alabama State Board of Education's Plan 2020, Alabama's College and Career Ready Standards, and Alabama's new end-of-school year assessments. At each stop, Dr. Bice will give a brief presentation before answering questions from the audience. Make plans to attend one of Dr. Bice's presentations!
School of Excellence Webinar
September 16: School of Excellence Webinar
If you are a PTA leader interested in the School of Excellence program or want to recruit PTAs to be a School of Excellence, this webinar is for you. Join us Tuesday, September 16 at 7 p.m. EDT as we share how to get started on the path to excellence and break down the Family-School Partnership Scan.
We'll dive deeper into the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships and share all of the tools available to support your efforts from enrollment to excellence. Register for the webinar today and share with your networks!
Welcome to Our New Local Unit
The Anna F. Booth Elementary School has now joined the ranks of PTA. They are in the process of chartering and are located in Mobile. The president's name is Brenna Harris. Welcome Anna F. Booth Elementary School PTA !
NPR Debate on Common Core State Standards
NPR will be hosting a debate about CCSS on September 9th at 6:45-8:30 PM (EST); Mike Petrilli from the Fordham Institute will be one of the speakers. This link will provide more information.
When you click on the link, on the right side there is blue box that says CAST YOUR VOTE. Please cast your vote.
State Rankings based on ACT Scores
Curious how Alabama stacks up against other states in regards to ACT scores? Click here!
The first two pages provide the average scores. Pages 3 & 4 shows the % of graduating students who took the ACT and then breaks down the % who met the benchmarks in each subject matter.
Please Note: A benchmark score indicates a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses.
Connect to Respect - Anti-bullying Program
Research shows that one of the most effective ways to prevent bullying behavior is to create a positive school climate. School climate encompasses everything that contributes to a student's experience with a school-from the physical building to policies, staff and peer culture. Positive school climates exist in schools where students, families and educators all work collaboratively to build a culture of respect.
Good morning, I wanted you to let you know that staff have worked very hard to completely rebuild and rejuvenate Connect for Respect to be more in line with the research that shows how to build a positive school climate full of healthy and supportive peer relationships and prevent bullying. It is now accessible through: www.pta.org/C4R AND/Or www.pta.org/bullying
Quick Notes and Dates to Remember
Now: Local Unit and Council Forms Due to State Office
If you haven't already done so, please fill out the following forms and email them to alabamapta@yahoo.com or mail to the state office.
Sept 30: Membership Information Due to State Office
In order to qualify for the state membership Early Bird and Golden Apple awards, membership information must be submitted to the state office by Sept 30th. Please submit an electronic list of member names and email addresses to alabamapta@yahoo.com. Mail your checks to the state office.